9 research outputs found
Analyse und Bewertung der Uferstabilität im Bereich der Tideelbe anhand rheologischer Untersuchungen
Anhand rheologischer Untersuchungen soll die Uferstabilität an der Tideelbe quantifiziert werden. Die durchgeführten Amplitudentests (AST) zeigen eine Zunahme der mikrostrukturellen Stabilität mit abnehmendem Matrixpotential durch Meniskenkräfte. Dieser stabilisierende Effekt durch Menisken ist in feinkörnigeren/tonigeren Substraten größer als in sandigem Material. Im Gegensatz dazu steigt die Erodierbarkeit bei Wassersättigung mit zunehmendem Tongehalt. Die Bodenmikrostruktur wird neben dem Wassergehalt zusätzlich von Textur und Gehalt an organischer Substanz beeinflusst
Система управления охраной труда
Рассмотрено понятие "система управления охраной труда", её главные цели и функции, процесс осуществления управления данной системой, требования к сотрудникам, занятым в СУОТ
Neue Untersuchungen zur holozänen Genese des Unterlaufs der Inde : chronostratigraphische Differenzierung der Auelehme unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Montangeschichte der Voreifel
Historic developments and changes in the use of resources are not only reflected in the archeological record, but are also recorded in sediments. This project aims to complement an (geo)archeological investigation, by studying the effect of historic activities on the sedimentary record. The investigations focused on the finely clastic alluvium of the Inde River in the western part of North Rhine-Westphalia. Using the lower reaches, the Holocene development of the alluvium has been reconstructed. The landscape morphologic evolution for the Modern Era has been reconstructed on fluvial sediments using an interdisciplinary approach. Against the background of historic lead and zinc mining in the catchment area, the heavy metal concentrations within the fluvial sediments were determined, using a mobile X-Ray Analyzer. In order to validate the results, the field measurements were repeated in the laboratory. The current chronostratigraphy could be expended and improved. Six Holocene phases of sedimentation can be distinguished. The first two are just erosional remnants, overlaid by younger overbank sediments. Since the Bronze Age, four extensive overbank sedimentairy intervals (Auelehme) developed. The historical mining affected the lead and zinc contents of the overbank sediments from the High to Late Middle Ages on. These increasing concentrations can be correlated with the local mining and industrial history. As a result, the variations in heavy metal concentrations in the sediments over time can be used for indirect dating. In addition, the zinc contents of the sediments give insights into slope processes, as the interfingering of alluvial, colluvial and loess sediments at the edge of the floodplain give different geochemical signals