67,586 research outputs found

    Voltage-Controlled Spin Selection in a Magnetic Resonant Tunnelling Diode

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    We have fabricated all II-VI semiconductor resonant tunneling diodes based on the (Zn,Mn,Be)Se material system, containing dilute magnetic material in the quantum well, and studied their current-voltage characteristics. When subjected to an external magnetic field the resulting spin splitting of the levels in the quantum well leads to a splitting of the transmission resonance into two separate peaks. This is interpreted as evidence of tunneling transport through spin polarized levels, and could be the first step towards a voltage controlled spin filter.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Simulation and theory of fluid demixing and interfacial tension of mixtures of colloids and non-ideal polymers

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    An extension of the Asakura-Oosawa-Vrij model of hard sphere colloids and non-adsorbing polymers, that takes polymer non-ideality into account through a repulsive stepfunction pair potential between polymers, is studied with grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations and density functional theory. Simulation results validate previous theoretical findings for the shift of the bulk fluid demixing binodal upon increasing strength of polymer-polymer repulsion, promoting the tendency to mix. For increasing strength of the polymer-polymer repulsion, simulation and theory consistently predict the interfacial tension of the free colloidal liquid-gas interface to decrease significantly for fixed colloid density difference in the coexisting phases, and to increase for fixed polymer reservoir packing fraction.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Bound hole states in a ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As environment

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    A numerical technique is developed to solve the Luttinger-Kohn equation for impurity states directly in k-space and is applied to calculate bound hole wave functions in a ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As host. The rich properties of the band structure of an arbitrarily strained, ferromagnetic zinc-blende semiconductor yields various features which have direct impact on the detailed shape of a valence band hole bound to an active impurity. The role of strain is discussed on the basis of explicit calculations of bound hole states.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Full counting statistics of spin transfer through the Kondo dot

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    We calculate the spin current distribution function for a Kondo dot in two different regimes. In the exactly solvable Toulouse limit the linear response, zero temperature statistics of the spin transfer is trinomial, such that all the odd moments vanish and the even moments follow a binomial distribution. On the contrary, the corresponding spin-resolved distribution turns out to be binomial. The combined spin and charge statistics is also determined. In particular, we find that in the case of a finite magnetic field or an asymmetric junction the spin and charge measurements become statistically dependent. Furthermore, we analyzed the spin counting statistics of a generic Kondo dot at and around the strong-coupling fixed point (the unitary limit). Comparing these results with the Toulouse limit calculation we determine which features of the latter are generic and which ones are artifacts of the spin symmetry breaking.Comment: 9 pages, 3 eps figure

    Vanishing conductivity of quantum solitons in polyacetylene

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    Quantum solitons or polarons are supposed to play a crucial role in the electric conductivity of polyacetylene, in the intermediate doping regime. We present an exact fully quantized calculation of the quantum soliton conductivity in polyacetylene and show that it vanishes exactly. This is obtained by applying a general method of soliton quantization, based on order-disorder duality, to a Z(2)-symmetric complex extension of the TLM dimerization effective field theory. We show that, in this theory, polyacetylene solitons are sine-Gordon solitons in the phase of the complex field.Comment: To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 15 page

    Excitation spectra and rf-response near the polaron-to-molecule transition from the functional renormalization group

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    A light impurity in a Fermi sea undergoes a transition from a polaron to a molecule for increasing interaction. We develop a new method to compute the spectral functions of the polaron and molecule in a unified framework based on the functional renormalization group with full self-energy feedback. We discuss the energy spectra and decay widths of the attractive and repulsive polaron branches as well as the molecular bound state and confirm the scaling of the excited state decay rate near the transition. The quasi-particle weight of the polaron shifts from the attractive to the repulsive branch across the transition, while the molecular bound state has a very small residue characteristic for a composite particle. We propose an experimental procedure to measure the repulsive branch in a Li6 Fermi gas using rf-spectroscopy and calculate the corresponding spectra.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures; v2: version published in Phys. Rev.

    Hanbury-Brown-Twiss correlations and noise in the charge transfer statistics through a multiterminal Kondo dot

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    We analyze the full counting statistics of charge transfer through a quantum dot in the Kondo regime, when coupled to an arbitrary number of terminals N. At the unitary Kondo fixed point and for N>2 we recover distinct anticorrelations of currents in concurring transport channels, which are related to the fermionic Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) antibunching. This effect weakens as one moves away from the fixed point. Furthermore, we identify a special class of current correlations that are due entirely to the virtual polarization of the Kondo singlet. These can be used for extracting information on the parameters of the underlying Fermi-liquid model.Comment: 5 page

    An efficient method to compute the residual phase on a Lefschetz thimble

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    We propose an efficient method to compute the so-called residual phase that appears when performing Monte Carlo calculations on a Lefschetz thimble. The method is stochastic and its cost scales linearly with the physical volume, linearly with the number of stochastic estimators and quadratically with the length of the extra dimension along the gradient flow. This is a drastic improvement over previous estimates of the cost of computing the residual phase. We also report on basic tests of correctness and scaling of the code.Comment: New simulations, new plot, new appendix added. To appear in PRD. 9 pages, 3 figure

    Correctness of an STM Haskell implementation

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    A concurrent implementation of software transactional memory in Concurrent Haskell using a call-by-need functional language with processes and futures is given. The description of the small-step operational semantics is precise and explicit, and employs an early abort of conflicting transactions. A proof of correctness of the implementation is given for a contextual semantics with may- and should-convergence. This implies that our implementation is a correct evaluator for an abstract specification equipped with a big-step semantics

    Cosmological Simulations of Normal-Branch Braneworld Gravity

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    We introduce a cosmological model based on the normal branch of DGP braneworld gravity with a smooth dark energy component on the brane. The expansion history in this model is identical to LambdaCDM, thus evading all geometric constraints on the DGP cross-over scale r_c. This model can serve as a first approximation to more general braneworld models whose cosmological solutions have not been obtained yet. We study the formation of large scale structure in this model in the linear and non-linear regime using N-body simulations for different values of r_c. The simulations use the code presented in (F.S., arXiv:0905.0858) and solve the full non-linear equation for the brane-bending mode in conjunction with the usual gravitational dynamics. The brane-bending mode is attractive rather than repulsive in the DGP normal branch, hence the sign of the modified gravity effects is reversed compared to those presented in arXiv:0905.0858. We compare the simulation results with those of ordinary LambdaCDM simulations run using the same code and initial conditions. We find that the matter power spectrum in this model shows a characteristic enhancement peaking at k ~ 0.7 h/Mpc. We also find that the abundance of massive halos is significantly enhanced. Other results presented here include the density profiles of dark matter halos, and signatures of the brane-bending mode self-interactions (Vainshtein mechanism) in the simulations. Independently of the expansion history, these results can be used to place constraints on the DGP model and future generalizations through their effects on the growth of cosmological structure.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures; v2: minor changes; v3: references added; v4: added appendix on comparison with previous results; matches published version; v5: corrected Eqs. (2.4-2.5) and Fig. 1 following Ref. [28]; all following results unchange
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