2,562 research outputs found

    Complexity Classifications for logic-based Argumentation

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    We consider logic-based argumentation in which an argument is a pair (Fi,al), where the support Fi is a minimal consistent set of formulae taken from a given knowledge base (usually denoted by De) that entails the claim al (a formula). We study the complexity of three central problems in argumentation: the existence of a support Fi ss De, the validity of a support and the relevance problem (given psi is there a support Fi such that psi ss Fi?). When arguments are given in the full language of propositional logic these problems are computationally costly tasks, the validity problem is DP-complete, the others are SigP2-complete. We study these problems in Schaefer's famous framework where the considered propositional formulae are in generalized conjunctive normal form. This means that formulae are conjunctions of constraints build upon a fixed finite set of Boolean relations Ga (the constraint language). We show that according to the properties of this language Ga, deciding whether there exists a support for a claim in a given knowledge base is either polynomial, NP-complete, coNP-complete or SigP2-complete. We present a dichotomous classification, P or DP-complete, for the verification problem and a trichotomous classification for the relevance problem into either polynomial, NP-complete, or SigP2-complete. These last two classifications are obtained by means of algebraic tools

    Diagnosis, management and long term cardiovascular outcomes of phenotypic profiles in pulmonary hypertension associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia

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    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a developmental defect of the diaphragm resulting in herniation of viscera into the chest. This condition is characterized by pulmonary hypoplasia, pulmonary hypertension (PH) and cardiac ventricular dysfunction. PH is a key component of the pathophysiology of CDH in neonates and contributes to morbidity and mortality. Traditionally, PH associated with CDH (CDH-PH) is thought to be secondary to increased pulmonary arterial resistance and vasoreactivity resulting from pulmonary hypoplasia. Additionally, there is increasing recognition of associated left ventricular hypoplasia, dysfunction and elevated end diastolic pressure resulting in pulmonary venous hypertension in infants with CDH. Thus, hemodynamic management of these infants is complex and cautious use of pulmonary vasodilators such as inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) is warranted. We aim to provide an overview of different phenotypic profiles of CDH associated PH and potential management options based on current evidence and pathophysiology

    Construction competencies and building quality : Case study results

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    Zugleich gedruckt erschienen im UniversitÀtsverlag der Technischen UniversitÀt Berlin, 2013. - ISBN 978-3-7983-2506-7, ISSN 2193-6099This volume of the Young Cities Research Paper series examines the interdependency between the energy efficiency of buildings, the quality of construction, and the level of workmanship. The results are based on multiple case studies at construction sites in the Tehran-Karaj region, the work of experts, interviews with Hashtgerd residents, and analyses of Iranian earthquake studies. The research activities took place from 2009 to 2012. The main part of this book consists of a classification of damage cases in concrete work, energy efficient construction, welding, site arrangement and installation work. These fields were identified as the most important ones. The book has been conceived as a combination academic study and manual to evaluate the quality of workmanship and results at construction sites. It is not intended to substitute technical books, but rather to identify problematic situations, clarify possible subsequent damages and reconstruction options, and to concisely describe proper execution

    Vergleich der Mikrozensen 1995 und 1996

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    Der Mikrozensus ist eine Ein-Prozent-Haushaltsstichprobe der Bevölkerung und umfasst seit 1991 etwa 800.000 Personen in ĂŒber 350.000 Haushalten im gesamten Bundesgebiet, fĂŒr die Auskunftspflicht besteht. Der Mikrozensus ist z.B. fĂŒr die Messung von StrukturverĂ€nderungen fĂŒr die Sozial- und Wirtschaftsforschung von großer Bedeutung, wobei die Vergleichbarkeit der Variablen verschiedener Erhebungszeitpunkte eine notwendige Bedingung ist. Aus diesem Grunde werden im vorliegenden Bericht die Unterschiede zwischen den Merkmalen der faktisch-anonymisierten Daten der Mikrozensen 1995 und 1996 dargestellt, die bei vergleichenden Auswertungen zu berĂŒcksichtigen sind. Bei den Daten handelt es sich um eine faktisch-anonymisierte 70 % Substichprobe (Scientific Use File), die von der Abteilung Mikrodaten des ZUMA-Instituts aufbereitet und dokumentiert wurde. Unterschiede zwischen den Variablen verschiedener Erhebungszeitpunkte entstehen durch VerĂ€nderungen und Erweiterungen des Erhebungsprogramms und dadurch, dass nicht alle Merkmale jĂ€hrlich erhoben werden. Im vorliegenden Bericht werden Merkmale verglichen, die in beiden Erhebungen vorhanden sind. Im ersten Teil werden die Merkmale aufgelistet, bei denen sich VerĂ€nderungen zwischen den beiden Erhebungszeitpunkten ergeben haben. Als mögliche VerĂ€nderungen können z.B. genannt werden: Aufspaltung eines Merkmals in zwei oder mehr Variablen, zusĂ€tzliche Filterfrage, Unterschiede in den Kategorien oder Codes sowie VerĂ€nderung von Konzepten. Bei der detaillierten Beschreibung der VerĂ€nderungen im zweiten Teil werden in der Regel nur die betroffenen Kategorien dargestellt, d.h. ĂŒbereinstimmende Kategorien werden nicht aufgefĂŒhrt. (ICI2

    Type II Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: V. Imaging host galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    Type II quasars are luminous Active Galactic Nuclei whose centers are obscured by large amounts of gas and dust. In this paper we present 3-band HST images of nine type II quasars with redshifts 0.2 < z < 0.4 selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey based on their emission line properties. The intrinsic luminosities of these AGN are estimated to be -24 > M_B > -26, but optical obscuration allows their host galaxies to be studied unencumbered by bright nuclei. Each object has been imaged in three continuum filters (`UV', `blue' and `yellow') placed between the strong emission lines. The spectacular, high quality images reveal a wealth of details about the structure of the host galaxies and their environments. Six of the nine galaxies in the sample are ellipticals with de Vaucouleurs light profiles, one object has a well-defined disk component and the remaining two have marginal disks. Stellar populations of type II quasar hosts are more luminous (by a median of 0.3-0.7 mag, depending on the wavelength) and bluer (by about 0.4 mag) than are M* galaxies at the same redshift. When smooth fits to stellar light are subtracted from the images, we find both positive and negative residuals that become more prominent toward shorter wavelengths. We argue that the negative residuals are due to kpc-scale dust obscuration, while most positive residuals are due to the light from the nucleus scattered off interstellar material in the host galaxy. Scattered light makes a significant contribution to the broad band continuum emission and can be the dominant component of the extended emission in the UV in extreme cases.Comment: 51 pages, including 12 grey scale figures, 4 color figures, 5 tables. In press in AJ. Version with higher-resolution images available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~nadia/qso2.html. (Minor changes in response to the referee report

    A crisis like no other? Unmet needs in healthcare during the first wave of the COVID-19 crisis in Austria

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    Background: Many patients experienced restricted access to healthcare during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This study is among the first to provide systematic evidence on the existence of subjective unmet needs (SUN) in different population groups during the pandemic. Methods: Using data on individuals aged 20–64 and living in Austria from the AKCOVID survey (June 2020) and the ‘European Social Survey’ (2015), SUN were compared between 2015 and 2020, either related to the pandemic (fear of infection, provider closed or treatment postponed) or not (barriers related to knowledge, affordability, time and reachability). Multinomial logistic regression models identified determinants of SUN during the pandemic, adjusting for socio-demographics, socio-economic status and self-reported health. Results: Shares of the population with SUN in 2020 substantially exceeded SUN in 2015. Excess unmet needs were mostly attributable to the pandemic. Postponed treatments and closed providers were the most important reasons for SUN in June 2020. Older age groups (50–64 years), inactive and retired people were most likely to report pandemic-related SUN. We did not find socio-economic differences in pandemic-related SUN. Conclusions: The pandemic resulted in a supply-side shock to healthcare, with vulner- abilities emerging especially among older people, people with poor health and/or people no longer active on the labour market. Further research could focus on health system resilience and the possibilities to improve manage- ment of healthcare services during pandemics without widening inequalities while maintaining population health

    How Ceramides Orchestrate Cardiometabolic Health-An Ode to Physically Active Living

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    Cardiometabolic diseases (CMD) represent a growing socioeconomic burden and concern for healthcare systems worldwide. Improving patients' metabolic phenotyping in clinical practice will enable clinicians to better tailor prevention and treatment strategy to individual needs. Recently, elevated levels of specific lipid species, known as ceramides, were shown to predict cardiometabolic outcomes beyond traditional biomarkers such as cholesterol. Preliminary data showed that physical activity, a potent, low-cost, and patient-empowering means to reduce CMD-related burden, influences ceramide levels. While a single bout of physical exercise increases circulating and muscular ceramide levels, regular exercise reduces ceramide content. Additionally, several ceramide species have been reported to be negatively associated with cardiorespiratory fitness, which is a potent health marker reflecting training level. Thus, regular exercise could optimize cardiometabolic health, partly by reversing altered ceramide profiles. This short review provides an overview of ceramide metabolism and its role in cardiometabolic health and diseases, before presenting the effects of exercise on ceramides in humans
