182 research outputs found

    Towards autonomous process control: digital twin for CHO cell-based antibody manufacturing using a dynamic metabolic model

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    The development of new biologics is becoming more challenging due to global competition and increased requirements for process understanding and assured quality in regulatory approval. As a result, there is a need for predictive, mechanistic process models. These reduce the resources and time required in process development, generating understanding, expanding the possible operating space, and providing the basis for a digital twin for automated process control. Monoclonal antibodies are an important representative of industrially produced biologics that can be used for a wide range of applications. In this work, the validation of a mechanistic process model with respect to sensitivity, as well as accuracy and precision, is presented. For the investigated process conditions, the concentration of glycine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and glutamine have been identified as significant influencing factors for product formation via statistical evaluation. Cell growth is, under the investigated process conditions, significantly dependent on the concentration of glucose within the investigated design space. Other significant amino acids were identified. A Monte Carlo simulation was used to simulate the cultivation run with an optimized medium resulting from the sensitivity analysis. The precision of the model was shown to have a 95% confidence interval. The model shown here includes the implementation of cell death in addition to models described in the literature

    Digital twins for continuous mRNA production

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    The global coronavirus pandemic continues to restrict public life worldwide. An effective means of limiting the pandemic is vaccination. Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines currently available on the market have proven to be a well-tolerated and effective class of vaccine against coronavirus type 2 (CoV2). Accordingly, demand is presently outstripping mRNA vaccine production. One way to increase productivity is to switch from the currently performed batch to continuous in vitro transcription, which has proven to be a crucial material-consuming step. In this article, a physico-chemical model of in vitro mRNA transcription in a tubular reactor is presented and compared to classical batch and continuous in vitro transcription in a stirred tank. The three models are validated based on a distinct and quantitative validation workflow. Statistically significant parameters are identified as part of the parameter determination concept. Monte Carlo simulations showed that the model is precise, with a deviation of less than 1%. The advantages of continuous production are pointed out compared to batchwise in vitro transcription by optimization of the space–time yield. Improvements of a factor of 56 (0.011 μM/min) in the case of the continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and 68 (0.013 μM/min) in the case of the plug flow reactor (PFR) were found

    Fast and flexible mRNA vaccine manufacturing as a solution to pandemic situations by adopting chemical engineering good practice: continuous autonomous operation in stainless steel equipment concepts

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    SARS-COVID-19 vaccine supply for the total worldwide population has a bottleneck in manufacturing capacity. Assessment of existing messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine processing shows a need for digital twins enabled by process analytical technology approaches in order to improve process transfer for manufacturing capacity multiplication, a reduction in out-of-specification batch failures, qualified personal training for faster validation and efficient operation, optimal utilization of scarce buffers and chemicals and speed-up of product release by continuous manufacturing. In this work, three manufacturing concepts for mRNA-based vaccines are evaluated: Batch, full-continuous and semi-continuous. Technical transfer from batch single-use to semi-continuous stainless-steel, i.e., plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid (pDNA) in batch and mRNA in continuous operation mode, is recommended, in order to gain: faster plant commissioning and start-up times of about 8–12 months and a rise in dose number by a factor of about 30 per year, with almost identical efforts in capital expenditures (CAPEX) and personnel resources, which are the dominant bottlenecks at the moment, at about 25% lower operating expenses (OPEX). Consumables are also reduceable by a factor of 6 as outcome of this study. Further optimization potential is seen at consequent digital twin and PAT (Process Analytical Technology) concept integration as key-enabling technologies towards autonomous operation including real-time release-testing

    Digital twin of mRNA-based SARS-COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing towards autonomous operation for improvements in speed, scale, robustness, flexibility and real-time release testing

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    Supplying SARS-COVID-19 vaccines in quantities to meet global demand has a bottleneck in manufacturing capacity. Assessment of existing mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) vaccine processing shows the need for digital twins enabled by process analytical technology approaches to improve process transfers for manufacturing capacity multiplication, reduction of out-of-specification batch failures, qualified personnel training for faster validation and efficient operation, optimal utilization of scarce buffers and chemicals, and faster product release. A digital twin of the total pDNA (plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid) to mRNA process is proposed. In addition, a first feasibility of multisensory process analytical technology (PAT) is shown. Process performance characteristics are derived as results and evaluated regarding manufacturing technology bottlenecks. Potential improvements could be pointed out such as dilution reduction in lysis, and potential reduction of necessary chromatography steps. 1 g pDNA may lead to about 30 g mRNA. This shifts the bottleneck towards the mRNA processing step, which points out co-transcriptional capping as a preferred option to reduce the number of purification steps. Purity demands are fulfilled by a combination of mixed-mode and reversed-phase chromatography as established unit operations on a higher industrial readiness level than e.g., precipitation and ethanol-chloroform extraction. As a final step, lyophilization was chosen for stability, storage and transportation logistics. Alternative process units like UF/DF (ultra-/diafiltration) integration would allow the adjustment of final concentration and buffer composition before lipid-nano particle (LNP) formulation. The complete digital twin is proposed for further validation in manufacturing scale and utilization in process optimization and manufacturing operations. The first PAT results should be followed by detailed investigation of different batches and processing steps in order to implement this strategy for process control and reliable, efficient operation

    Scalable mRNA machine for regulatory approval of variable scale between 1000 clinical doses to 10 million manufacturing scale doses

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    The production of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and other biologics is performed primarily in batch mode. This results in larger equipment, leaning/sterilization volumes, and dead times compared to any continuous approach. Consequently, production throughput is lower and capital costs are relatively high. Switching to continuous production thus reduces the production footprint and also lowers the cost of goods (COG). During process development, from the provision of clinical trial samples to the production plant, different plant sizes are usually required, operating at different operating parameters. To speed up this step, it would be optimal if only one plant with the same equipment and piping could be used for all sizes. In this study, an efficient solution to this old challenge in biologics manufacturing is demonstrated, namely the qualification and validation of a plant setup for clinical trial doses of about 1000 doses and a production scale-up of about 10 million doses. Using the current example of the Comirnaty BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine, the cost-intensive in vitro transcription was first optimized in batch so that a yield of 12 g/L mRNA was achieved, and then successfully transferred to continuous production in the segmented plug flow reactor with subsequent purification using ultra- and diafiltration, which enables the recycling of costly reactants. To realize automated process control as well as real-time product release, the use of appropriate process analytical technology is essential. This will also be used to efficiently capture the product slug so that no product loss occurs and contamination from the fill-up phase is <1%. Further work will focus on real-time release testing during a continuous operating campaign under autonomous operational control. Such efforts will enable direct industrialization in collaboration with appropriate industry partners, their regulatory affairs, and quality assurance. A production scale-operation could be directly supported and managed by data-driven decisions

    Process design and optimization towards digital twins for HIV-gag VLP production in HEK293 cells, including purification

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    Despite great efforts to develop a vaccine against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS if untreated, no approved HIV vaccine is available to date. A promising class of vaccines are virus-like particles (VLPs), which were shown to be very effective for the prevention of other diseases. In this study, production of HI-VLPs using different 293F cell lines, followed by a three-step purification of HI-VLPs, was conducted. The quality-by-design-based process development was supported by process analytical technology (PAT). The HI-VLP concentration increased 12.5-fold while >80% purity was achieved. This article reports on the first general process development and optimization up to purification. Further research will focus on process development for polishing and formulation up to lyophilization. In addition, process analytical technology and process modeling for process automation and optimization by digital twins in the context of quality-by-design framework will be developed

    Digital twins for scFv production in Escherichia coli

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    Quality-by-Design (QbD) is demanded by regulatory authorities in biopharmaceutical production. Within the QbD frame advanced process control (APC), facilitated through process analytical technology (PAT) and digital twins (DT), plays an increasingly important role as it can help to assure to stay within the predefined proven acceptable range (PAR).This ensures high product quality, minimizes failure and is an important step towards a real-time-release testing (RTRT) that could help to accelerate time-to-market of drug substances, which is becoming even more important in light of dynamical pandemic situations. The approach is exemplified on scFv manufacturing in Escherichia coli. Simulation results from digital twins are compared to experimental data and found to be accurate and precise. Harvest is achieved by tangential flow filtration followed by product release through high pressure homogenization and subsequent clarification by tangential flow filtration. Digital twins of the membrane processes show that shear rate and transmembrane pressure are significant process parameters, which is in line with experimental data. Optimized settings were applied to 0.3 bar and a shear rate of 11,000 s−1. Productivity of chromatography steps were 5.3 g/L/d (Protein L) and 2167 g/L/d (CEX) and the final product concentration was 8 g/L. Based on digital twin results, an optimized process schedule was developed that decreased purification time to one working day, which is a factor-two reduction compared to the conventional process schedule. This work presents the basis for future studies on advanced process control and automation for biologics production in microbials in regulated industries

    Process automation and control strategy by Quality-by-Design in total continuous mRNA manufacturing platforms

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    Vaccine supply has a bottleneck in manufacturing capacity due to operation personnel and chemicals needed. Assessment of existing mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) vaccine processing show needs for continuous manufacturing processes. This is enabled by strict application of the regulatory demanded quality by design process based on digital twins, process analytical technology, and control automation strategies in order to improve process transfer for manufacturing capacity, reduction out-of-specification batch failures, qualified personnel training and number, optimal utilization of buffers and chemicals as well as speed-up of product release. In this work, process control concepts, which are necessary for achieving autonomous, continuous manufacturing, for mRNA manufacturing are explained and proven to be ready for industrialization. The application of the process control strategies developed in this work enable the previously pointed out benefits. By switching from batch-wise to continuous mRNA production as was shown in previous work, which was the base for this study, a potential cost reduction by a factor 5 (i.e., from EUR 0.380 per dose to EUR 0.085 per dose) is achievable. Mainly, based on reduction of personnel (factor 30) and consumable (factor 7.5) per campaign due to the significant share of raw materials in the manufacturing costs (74–97). Future research focus following this work may be on model-based predictive control to gain further optimization potential of potential batch failure and out of specification (OOS) number reduction
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