40 research outputs found

    Learning to diagnose collaboratively – Effects of adaptive collaboration scripts in agent-based medical simulations

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    We investigated how medical students' collaborative diagnostic reasoning, particularly evidence elicitation and sharing, can be facilitated effectively using agent-based simulations. Providing adaptive collaboration scripts has been suggested to increase effectiveness, but existing evidence is diverse and could be affected by unsystematic group constellations. Collaboration scripts have been criticized for undermining learners' agency. We investigate the effect of adaptive and static scripts on collaborative diagnostic reasoning and basic psychological needs. We randomly allocated 160 medical students to one of three groups: adaptive, static, or no collaboration script. We found that learning with adaptive collaboration scripts enhanced evidence sharing performance and transfer performance. Scripting did not affect learners’ perceived autonomy and social relatedness. Yet, compared to static scripts, adaptive scripts had positive effects on perceived competence. We conclude that for complex skills complementing agent-based simulations with adaptive scripts seems beneficial to help learners internalize collaboration scripts without negatively affecting basic psychological needs

    Knowledge is not enough to solve the problems - The role of diagnostic knowledge in clinical reasoning activities

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical reasoning is a key competence in medicine. There is a lack of knowledge, how non-experts like medical students solve clinical problems. It is known that they have difficulties applying conceptual knowledge to clinical cases, that they lack metacognitive awareness and that higher level cognitive actions correlate with diagnostic accuracy. However, the role of conceptual, strategic, conditional, and metacognitive knowledge for clinical reasoning is unknown. METHODS: Medical students (n = 21) were exposed to three different clinical cases and instructed to use the think-aloud method. The recorded sessions were transcribed and coded with regards to the four different categories of diagnostic knowledge (see above). The transcripts were coded using the frequencies and time-coding of the categories of knowledge. The relationship between the coded data and accuracy of diagnosis was investigated with inferential statistical methods. RESULTS: The use of metacognitive knowledge is correlated with application of conceptual, but not with conditional and strategic knowledge. Furthermore, conceptual and strategic knowledge application is associated with longer time on task. However, in contrast to cognitive action levels the use of different categories of diagnostic knowledge was not associated with better diagnostic accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: The longer case work and the more intense application of conceptual knowledge in individuals with high metacognitive activity may hint towards reduced premature closure as one of the major cognitive causes of errors in medicine. Additionally, for correct case solution the cognitive actions seem to be more important than the diagnostic knowledge categories

    Learning the facts in medical school is not enough: which factors predict successful application of procedural knowledge in a laboratory setting?

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    BACKGROUND: Medical knowledge encompasses both conceptual (facts or “what” information) and procedural knowledge (“how” and “why” information). Conceptual knowledge is known to be an essential prerequisite for clinical problem solving. Primarily, medical students learn from textbooks and often struggle with the process of applying their conceptual knowledge to clinical problems. Recent studies address the question of how to foster the acquisition of procedural knowledge and its application in medical education. However, little is known about the factors which predict performance in procedural knowledge tasks. Which additional factors of the learner predict performance in procedural knowledge? METHODS: Domain specific conceptual knowledge (facts) in clinical nephrology was provided to 80 medical students (3(rd) to 5(th) year) using electronic flashcards in a laboratory setting. Learner characteristics were obtained by questionnaires. Procedural knowledge in clinical nephrology was assessed by key feature problems (KFP) and problem solving tasks (PST) reflecting strategic and conditional knowledge, respectively. RESULTS: Results in procedural knowledge tests (KFP and PST) correlated significantly with each other. In univariate analysis, performance in procedural knowledge (sum of KFP+PST) was significantly correlated with the results in (1) the conceptual knowledge test (CKT), (2) the intended future career as hospital based doctor, (3) the duration of clinical clerkships, and (4) the results in the written German National Medical Examination Part I on preclinical subjects (NME-I). After multiple regression analysis only clinical clerkship experience and NME-I performance remained independent influencing factors. CONCLUSIONS: Performance in procedural knowledge tests seems independent from the degree of domain specific conceptual knowledge above a certain level. Procedural knowledge may be fostered by clinical experience. More attention should be paid to the interplay of individual clinical clerkship experiences and structured teaching of procedural knowledge and its assessment in medical education curricula

    Diagnostic errors by medical students: results of a prospective qualitative study

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    Background: Diagnostic errors occur frequently in daily clinical practice and put patients' safety at risk. There is an urgent need to improve education on clinical reasoning to reduce diagnostic errors. However, little is known about diagnostic errors of medical students. In this study, the nature of the causes of diagnostic errors made by medical students was analyzed. Methods: In June 2016, 88 medical students worked on eight cases with the chief complaint dyspnea in a laboratory setting using an electronic learning platform, in summary 704 processed cases. The diagnostic steps of the students were tracked and analyzed. Furthermore, after each case the participants stated their presumed diagnosis and explained why they came to their diagnostic conclusion. The content of these explanations was analyzed qualitatively. Results: Based on the diagnostic data gathering process and the students' explanations, eight different causes could be identified of which the lack of diagnostic skills (24%) and inadequate knowledge base (16%) were the most common. Other causes that often contributed to a diagnostic error were faulty context generation (15%) and premature closure (10%). The causes of misdiagnosis varied per case. Conclusions: Inadequate skills/knowledge and faulty context generation are the major problems in students' clinical reasoning process. These findings are valuable for improving medical education and thus reducing the frequency of diagnostic errors in students' later everyday clinical practice

    Activity of mevalonate pathway inhibitors against breast and ovarian cancers in the ATP-based tumour chemosensitivity assay

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    Previous data suggest that lipophilic statins such as fluvastatin and N-bisphosphonates such as zoledronic acid, both inhibitors of the mevalonate metabolic pathway, have anti-cancer effects in vitro and in patients. We have examined the effect of fluvastatin alone and in combination with zoledronic acid in the ATP-based tumour chemosensitivity assay (ATP-TCA) for effects on breast and ovarian cancer tumour-derived cells. Both zoledronic acid and fluvastatin showed activity in the ATP-TCA against breast and ovarian cancer, though fluvastatin alone was less active, particularly against breast cancer. The combination of zoledronic acid and fluvastatin was more active than either single agent in the ATP-TCA with some synergy against breast and ovarian cancer tumour-derived cells. Sequential drug experiments showed that pre-treatment of ovarian tumour cells with fluvastatin resulted in decreased sensitivity to zoledronic acid. Addition of mevalonate pathway components with zoledronic acid with or without fluvastatin showed little effect, while mevalonate did reduced inhibition due to fluvastatin. These data suggest that the combination of zoledronic acid and fluvastatin may have activity against breast and ovarian cancer based on direct anti-cancer cell effects. A clinical trial to test this is in preparation

    Alexithymia and interleukin variations in somatoform disorder

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate if somatoform disorders (SFD) are associated with changes in the normal serum levels of important interleukins, and further, to establish if these changes are related to the presence and severity of alexithymia in patients with SFD. Methods: Twenty-four unmedicated patients who met the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) diagnostic criteria for SFD completed the psychological questionnaire to assess alexithymia (Toronto Alexithymia Scale), symptom reporting (SCL-90-R) and diagnostic criteria for SFD (Screening for Somatoform Symptoms scale). Serum concentrations of soluble interleukin 2 receptor α (sIL-2 Rα), IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12 were determined in patients with SFD and in 9 healthy subjects. Results: In patients with SFD, serum levels of IL-6 (p < 0.001), IL-10 (p = 0.047) and immunoglobulin E (p = 0.045) were significantly increased in comparison with healthy controls. Additionally, a negative correlation was observed between the level of alexithymia ('total' Toronto Alexithymia Scale score) and the serum levels of sIL-2 Rα (r = -0.538) in SFD. Conclusions: Taken together, these results suggest that SFD, with clinically significant alexithymia, are associated with a reduction in Th1-mediated immune function and an increase in the activation of the Th2 immune function, indicated by the augmented serum levels of IL-6 and IL-10 and elevated immunoglobulin E. Copyright © 2007 S. Karger AG

    Medical ward round competence in internal medicine - an interview study towards an interprofessional development of an Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA)

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    Background: The medical ward round is a central but complex activity that is of relevance from the first day of work. However, difficulties for young doctors have been reported. Instruction of ward round competence in medical curricula is hampered by the lack of a standardized description of the procedure. This paper aims to identify and describe physicians' tasks and relevant competences for conducting a medical ward round on the first day of professional work. Methods: A review of recent literature revealed known important aspects of medical ward rounds. These were used for the development of a semi-structured interview schedule. Medical ward round experts working at different hospitals were interviewed. The sample consisted of 14 ward physicians (M = 8.82 years of work experience) and 12 nurses (M = 14.55 years of work experience) working in different specializations of internal medicine. All interviews were audiotaped, fully transcribed, and analyzed using an inductive-deductive coding scheme. Results: Nine fields of competences with 18 related sub-competences and 62 observable tasks were identified as relevant for conducting a medical ward round. Over 70 % of the experts named communication, collaborative clinical reasoning and organization as essential competences. Deeper analysis further unveiled the importance of self-management, management of difficult situations, error management and teamwork. Conclusion: The study is the first to picture ward round competences and related tasks in detail and to define an EPA "Conducting an internal medicine ward round" based on systematic interprofessional expert interviews. It thus provides a basis for integration of ward round competences in the medical curricula in an evidence based manner and gives a framework for the development of instructional intervention studies and comparative studies in other medical fields

    Insights into diagnostic errors in endocrinology:a prospective, case-based, international study

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    Background: Diagnostic errors in internal medicine are common. While cognitive errors have previously been identified to be the most common contributor to errors, very little is known about errors in specific fields of internal medicine such as endocrinology. This prospective, multicenter study focused on better understanding the causes of diagnostic errors made by general practitioners and internal specialists in the area of endocrinology. Methods: From August 2019 until January 2020, 24 physicians completed five endocrine cases on an online platform that simulated the diagnostic process. After each case, the participants had to state and explain why they chose their assumed diagnosis. The data gathering process as well as the participants’ explanations were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed to determine the causes of the errors. The diagnostic processes in correctly and incorrectly solved cases were compared. Results: Seven different causes of diagnostic error were identified, the most frequent being misidentification (mistaking one diagnosis with a related one or with more frequent and similar diseases) in 23% of the cases. Other causes were faulty context generation (21%) and premature closure (17%). The diagnostic confidence did not differ between correctly and incorrectly solved cases (median 8 out of 10, p = 0.24). However, in incorrectly solved cases, physicians spent less time on the technical findings (such as lab results, imaging) (median 250 s versus 199 s, p &lt; 0.049). Conclusions: The causes for errors in endocrine case scenarios are similar to the causes in other fields of internal medicine. Spending more time on technical findings might prevent misdiagnoses in everyday clinical practice.</p