355 research outputs found


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    This project focuses on nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Cambodia that deal, either directly or indirectly, with sex work and sex workers. The NGOs outlined in this study have goals ranging from preventing Cambodian women from entering the commercial sex industry to empowering Cambodian sex workers through the formation of sex worker unions. Through the textual analysis of documents and web materials disseminated by these NGOs and from interviews with representatives from the NGOs, I seek to analyze how underlying assumptions about development and about the commercial sex industry shape the ways in which the personnel leading these NGOs think and act. Examining seven Phnom Penh-based organizations, I seek to answer the following research questions: What are the self-stated aims of NGOs in Cambodia that either directly or indirectly deal with the commercial sex industry in the country? What assumptions about development are embedded in the various programs being carried out by these NGOs? What assumptions about the nature of sex work are embedded in the various programs being carried out by NGOs working in Cambodia? What effect does the work of these organizations have on the lived realities of sex workers in Cambodia

    TĂ€tigkeitserfassung der frei praktizierenden Hebammen der Schweiz : Bericht zur Erhebung 2015

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    Bericht im Auftrag des Schweizerischen Hebammenverbandes SHVIm Jahr 2015 wurden in der Schweiz 86 916 Kinder geboren. Eine wichtige Rolle in der Betreuung der werdenden Eltern und jungen Familien kommt hierzulande den frei praktizierenden Hebammen zu. Ihr TĂ€tigkeitsspektrum umfasst die Betreuung der Frauen und Familien wĂ€hrend der Schwangerschaft, bei Geburten sowie im Wochenbett und wĂ€hrend der Stillzeit. Der Schweizerische Hebammenverband (SHV) erfasst seit 2005 die TĂ€tigkeiten der frei praktizierenden Hebammen in der Schweiz. Die Erfassung dient in erster Linie der QualitĂ€tssicherung, aber auch der Information interessierter Kreise sowie der Öffentlichkeit. Die Ergebnisse der Erfassung 2005 wurden in Form eines Newsletters, diejenigen der Erfassungen seit 2006 in Form eines jĂ€hrlichen Berichts publiziert und sind auf der Homepage des SHV frei zugĂ€nglich. Seit der Erfassung 2009 fĂŒhrt das Institut fĂŒr Hebammen der ZHAW ZĂŒrcher Hochschule fĂŒr Angewandte Wissenschaften im Auftrag des SHV die Bereinigung und Auswertung der Daten durch und erstellt den jĂ€hrlichen Bericht. Im vorliegenden Bericht werden die Resultate der TĂ€tigkeitserfassung der frei praktizierenden Hebammen 2015 dargestellt. Die Resultate basieren auf sĂ€mtlichen FĂ€llen, welche von den frei praktizierenden Hebammen der Schweiz sowie des FĂŒrstentums Liechtenstein vollstĂ€ndig erfasst und termingerecht eingereicht worden sind. In der Erfassung werden Angaben zu den erbrachten Leistungen der frei praktizierenden Hebammen wĂ€hrend der Schwangerschaft, der Geburt, im Wochenbett und wĂ€hrend der Stillzeit sowie Angaben zu soziodemografischen und geburtshilflichen Merkmalen der betreuten Frauen erhoben. Der vorliegende Bericht beinhaltet eine Auswahl an deskriptiven Auswertungen zu all diesen Themenbereichen

    TĂ€tigkeitserfassung der frei praktizierenden Hebammen der Schweiz : Bericht zur Erhebung 2016

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    Bericht im Auftrag des Schweizerischen Hebammenverbandes SH

    Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity by approximation

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    The Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of a module gives a rough measure of its complexity. We bound the regularity of a module given a system of approximating modules whose regularities are known. Such approximations can arise naturally for modules constructed by inductive combinatorial means. We apply these methods to bound the regularity of ideals constructed as combinations of linear ideals and the module of derivations of a hyperplane arrangement as well as to give degree bounds for invariants of finite groups.Comment: Sections 2 and 3 revised to incorporate changes in definitions and terminology.Typos corrected and references updated. 20 pages, AMS LaTe

    Highlights from PIRLS 2016: Australia\u27s perspective

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    The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) is an international study of reading literacy directed by the IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement). In Australia, PIRLS is implemented by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), which is Australia’s representative to the IEA. In Australia, PIRLS is part of the National Assessment Program. PIRLS has been conducted internationally at Year 4 on a five-year cycle since 2001, however, Australia participated for the first time in 2011. The main goal of PIRLS is to assist countries to monitor and evaluate their teaching of reading across time. Year 4 students are the focus of the PIRLS assessment because they are usually at a key transition point in their schooling, during which they move from learning how to read, to reading in order to learn. PIRLS aims to inform policies and practice while there still is an opportunity to improve students’ performance in reading. Reading literacy is one of the most important abilities students acquire as they progress through their early school years. PIRLS defines reading literacy as ‘the ability to understand and use those written language forms required by society and/or valued by the individual’. PIRLS focuses on three aspects of students’ reading literacy: purposes for reading, processes of comprehension, and reading behaviours and attitudes. This highlights report presents selected findings from the full report \u27Reporting Australia\u27s results PIRLS 2016\u27

    Autenticitet som karaktĂ€rsdrag – Den lilla destinationens kamp för överlevnad

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    Sammanfattning Titel: Autenticitet som karaktĂ€rsdrag – Den lilla destinationens kamp för överlevnad NivĂ„: Kandidatuppsats Institution: Institutionen för Service Management, Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg Författare: Rebecka Arbman, Jessica Schmid & Sofie Skotte Handledare: Fredrik Nilsson Bakgrund och problem: Dagens stora utbud av destinationer sĂ€tter stor press pĂ„ marknadsföringens kvalitet, dĂ„ destinationer mĂ„ste tĂ€vla om turisternas uppmĂ€rksamhet. För destinationer Ă€r det dĂ€rför viktigt att, genom att utnyttja sina tillgĂ„ngar, skapa en positiv image, ett starkt varumĂ€rke och en konkurrenskraftig position pĂ„ marknaden. Begreppet autenticitet har under den senaste tiden fĂ„tt stor uppmĂ€rksamhet och kan ses som det senaste modeordet i samband med resor, upplevelser och innovation. Tidigare forskning efterfrĂ„gar fler studier kring turism och autenticitet i form av fallstudier. Det finns en vetenskaplig problematik i att generalisera begreppet autenticitet, vilket vi Ă€mnar undersöka med vĂ„r studie. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka hur en liten destination kan anvĂ€nda sig av autenticitet för att locka fler turister och öka sin konkurrenskraft. För att undersöka och exemplifiera detta genomförs en fallstudie med Finse i Norge som fallstudieobjekt. Med studien vill vi se hur marknadsföraren arbetar med autenticitet men Ă€ven hur turisten uppfattar det autentiska. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Uppsatsen bygger pĂ„ tre frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: 1. Hur kan begreppet autenticitet definieras? 2. Vilka förestĂ€llningar om autenticitet finns hos turister? 3. Hur kan autenticitet anvĂ€ndas som verktyg i destinationsmarknadsföring av mindre platser för att förbĂ€ttra destinationens image och öka platsens konkurrenskraft? Metod: En kvalitativ forskningsmetod anvĂ€nds i denna uppsats för att undersöka hur mindre platser kan arbeta med destinationsmarknadsföring och autenticitet. Genom en fallstudie baserad bland annat pĂ„ intervjuer av olika slag, observationer och filmanalys genomförs detta Slutsatser: Det har kunnat konstateras att det finns skilda Ă„sikter kring begreppet autenticitet. FrĂ€msta anledningen till att begreppet kan ha olika innebörd Ă€r för att alla individer upplever autenticitet olika i olika situationer och miljöer. Det autentiska kan sammanfattningsvis tolkas som unikt, rent, orört och Ă€kta, nĂ„got som skiljer sig frĂ„n den vardagliga miljön. Det autentiska ses Ă€ven som en trend, bestĂ„ende i att turister söker efter det autentiska i upplevelser. Det Ă€kta, unika och oförstörda ses som ett sĂ€tt att differentiera sig och skapa konkurrensfördelar

    Morphology of graphene thin film growth on SiC(0001)

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    Epitaxial films of graphene on SiC(0001) are interesting from a basic physics as well as applications-oriented point of view. Here we study the emerging morphology of in-vacuo prepared graphene films using low energy electron microscopy (LEEM) and angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES). We obtain an identification of single and bilayer of graphene film by comparing the characteristic features in electron reflectivity spectra in LEEM to the PI-band structure as revealed by ARPES. We demonstrate that LEEM serves as a tool to accurately determine the local extent of graphene layers as well as the layer thickness
