470 research outputs found

    Coherent Charge Transport in Metallic Proximity Structures

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    We develop a detailed microscopic analysis of electron transport in normal diffusive conductors in the presence of proximity induced superconducting correlation. We calculated the linear conductance of the system, the profile of the electric field and the densities of states. In the case of transparent metallic boundaries the temperature dependent conductance has a non-monotoneous ``reentrant'' structure. We argue that this behavior is due to nonequilibrium effects occuring in the normal metal in the presence of both superconducting correlations and the electric field there. Low transparent tunnel barriers suppress the nonequilibrium effects and destroy the reentrant behavior of the conductance. If the wire contains a loop, the conductance shows Aharonov-Bohm oscillations with the period Φ0=h/2e\Phi_0=h/2e as a function of the magnetic flux Φ\Phi inside the loop. The amplitude of these oscillations also demonstrates the reentrant behavior vanishing at T=0T=0 and decaying as 1/T1/T at relatively large temperatures. The latter behavior is due to low energy correlated electrons which penetrate deep into the normal metal and ``feel'' the effect of the magnetic flux Φ\Phi. We point out that the density of states and thus the ``strengh'' of the proximity effect can be tuned by the value of the flux inside the loop. Our results are fully consistent with recent experimental findings.Comment: 16 pages RevTeX, 23 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Stochastic ϕ4−\phi^4-Theory in the Strong Coupling Limit

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    The stochastic ϕ4\phi^4-theory in d−d-dimensions dynamically develops domain wall structures within which the order parameter is not continuous. We develop a statistical theory for the ϕ4\phi^4-theory driven with a random forcing which is white in time and Gaussian-correlated in space. A master equation is derived for the probability density function (PDF) of the order parameter, when the forcing correlation length is much smaller than the system size, but much larger than the typical width of the domain walls. Moreover, exact expressions for the one-point PDF and all the moments are given. We then investigate the intermittency issue in the strong coupling limit, and derive the tail of the PDF of the increments ϕ(x2)−ϕ(x1)\phi(x_2) - \phi(x_1). The scaling laws for the structure functions of the increments are obtained through numerical simulations. It is shown that the moments of field increments defined by, Cb=C_b=, behave as ∣x1−x2∣ξb|x_1-x_2|^{\xi_b}, where ξb=b\xi_b=b for b≤1b\leq 1, and ξb=1\xi_b=1 for b≥1b\geq1Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. to appear in Nuclear. Phys.

    Critical fluctuation conductivity in layered superconductors in strong electric field

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    The paraconductivity, originating from critical superconducting order-parameter fluctuations in the vicinity of the critical temperature in a layered superconductor is calculated in the frame of the self-consistent Hartree approximation, for an arbitrarily strong electric field and zero magnetic field. The paraconductivity diverges less steep towards the critical temperature in the Hartree approximation than in the Gaussian one and it shows a distinctly enhanced variation with the electric field. Our results indicate that high electric fields can be effectively used to suppress order-parameter fluctuations in high-temperature superconductors.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Three-dimensional stability of Burgers vortices

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    Burgers vortices are explicit stationary solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations which are often used to describe the vortex tubes observed in numerical simulations of three-dimensional turbulence. In this model, the velocity field is a two-dimensional perturbation of a linear straining flow with axial symmetry. The only free parameter is the Reynolds number Re=Γ/νRe = \Gamma/\nu, where Γ\Gamma is the total circulation of the vortex and ν\nu is the kinematic viscosity. The purpose of this paper is to show that Burgers vortex is asymptotically stable with respect to general three-dimensional perturbations, for all values of the Reynolds number. This definitive result subsumes earlier studies by various authors, which were either restricted to small Reynolds numbers or to two-dimensional perturbations. Our proof relies on the crucial observation that the linearized operator at Burgers vortex has a simple and very specific dependence upon the axial variable. This allows to reduce the full linearized equations to a vectorial two-dimensional problem, which can be treated using an extension of the techniques developped in earlier works. Although Burgers vortices are found to be stable for all Reynolds numbers, the proof indicates that perturbations may undergo an important transient amplification if ReRe is large, a phenomenon that was indeed observed in numerical simulations.Comment: 31 pages, no figur

    The Impact of the Physical Activity Policy Research Network

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    Introduction Lack of physical activity is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The Physical Activity Policy Research Network (PAPRN) is a thematic network established in 2004 to identify determinants, implementation, and outcomes of policies that are effective in increasing physical activity. The purpose of this study is to describe the products of PAPRN and make recommendations for future research and best practices. Methods A mixed methods approach was used to obtain both quantitative and qualitative data on the network. First, in 2014, PAPRN's dissemination products from 2004 to 2014 were extracted and reviewed, including 57 publications and 56 presentations. Next, semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 25 key network participants from 17 locations around the U.S. The transcripts were transcribed and coded. Results The results of the interviews indicated that the research network addressed several components of its mission, including the identification of physical activity policies, determinants of these policies, and the process of policy implementation. However, research focusing on physical activity policy outcomes was limited. Best practices included collaboration between researchers and practitioners and involvement of practitioners in research design, data collection, and dissemination of results. Conclusions PAPRN is an example of a productive research network and has contributed to both the process and content of physical activity policy research over the past decade. Future research should emphasize physical activity policy outcomes. Additionally, increased partnerships with practitioners for collaborative, cross-sectoral physical activity policy research should be developed

    Exactly solvable model of quantum diffusion

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    We study the transport property of diffusion in a finite translationally invariant quantum subsystem described by a tight-binding Hamiltonian with a single energy band and interacting with its environment by a coupling in terms of correlation functions which are delta-correlated in space and time. For weak coupling, the time evolution of the subsystem density matrix is ruled by a quantum master equation of Lindblad type. Thanks to the invariance under spatial translations, we can apply the Bloch theorem to the subsystem density matrix and exactly diagonalize the time evolution superoperator to obtain the complete spectrum of its eigenvalues, which fully describe the relaxation to equilibrium. Above a critical coupling which is inversely proportional to the size of the subsystem, the spectrum at given wavenumber contains an isolated eigenvalue describing diffusion. The other eigenvalues rule the decay of the populations and quantum coherences with decay rates which are proportional to the intensity of the environmental noise. On the other hand, an analytical expression is obtained for the dispersion relation of diffusion. The diffusion coefficient is proportional to the square of the width of the energy band and inversely proportional to the intensity of the environmental noise because diffusion results from the perturbation of quantum tunneling by the environmental fluctuations in this model. Diffusion disappears below the critical coupling.Comment: Submitted to J. Stat. Phy

    Phase Diagram of a Spin Ladder with Cyclic Four Spin Exchange

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    We present the phase diagram of the S=1/2S=1/2 Heisenberg model on the two leg ladder with cyclic four spin exchange, determined by a combination of Exact Diagonalization and Density Matrix Renormalization Group techniques. We find six different phases and regimes: the rung singlet phase, a ferromagnetic phase, two symmetry broken phases with staggered dimers and staggered scalar chiralities, and a gapped region with dominant vector chirality or collinear spin correlations. We localize the phase transitions and investigate their nature.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, REVTeX 4, published versio

    Evidence of two-electron tunneling interference in Nb/InAs junctions

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    The impact of junction transparency in driving phase-coherent charge transfer across diffusive semiconductor-superconductor junctions is demonstrated. We present conductivity data for a set of Nb-InAs junctions differing only in interface transparency. Our experimental findings are analyzed within the quasi-classical Green-function approach and unambiguously show the physical processes giving rise to the observed excess zero-bias conductivity.Comment: 10 pages (RevTex), 4 figures (PostScript), accepted for pubblication in Physical Review

    Effective action approach and Carlson-Goldman mode in d-wave superconductors

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    We theoretically investigate the Carlson-Goldman (CG) mode in two-dimensional clean d-wave superconductors using the effective ``phase only'' action formalism. In conventional s-wave superconductors, it is known that the CG mode is observed as a peak in the structure factor of the pair susceptibility S(Ω,K)S(\Omega, \mathbf{K}) only just below the transition temperature T_c and only in dirty systems. On the other hand, our analytical results support the statement by Y.Ohashi and S.Takada, Phys.Rev.B {\bf 62}, 5971 (2000) that in d-wave superconductors the CG mode can exist in clean systems down to the much lower temperatures, T≈0.1TcT \approx 0.1 T_c. We also consider the manifestations of the CG mode in the density-density and current-current correlators and discuss the gauge independence of the obtained results.Comment: 23 pages, RevTeX4, 12 EPS figures; final version to appear in PR
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