104 research outputs found

    T2-weighted MRI defines critical compression in the distal carpal tunnel that is relieved after decompressive surgery

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    Introduction: Despite carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) being the most common entrapment neuropathy, its pathophysiology remains debated. Sub-synovial connective tissues (SSCT) within the carpal tunnel are thought to play a role but are poorly characterised. MRI analysis offers potentially novel insights into SSCT characteristics. Methods: A pilot study of T2-weighted MRI was performed in healthy controls (n = 7), and in CTS patients (n = 16) pre- and 6 months post-surgical decompression. Image analysis was performed to quantify SSCT cross-sectional area, SSCT signal intensity ratio, and wrist index (depth/width) at distal, middle, and proximal wrist landmarks. Results: Median SSCT signal intensity was lower in the distal carpal tunnel of CTS patients pre-operatively (0.96) compared to controls (1.13; P = 0.008) and normalised post-operatively (1.13, P = 0.001). Median wrist index was also lower in CTS patients pre-operatively (0.60) than in controls (0.67, P = 0.022), and again normalised post-operatively (0.74, P = 0.001). This was attributed to changes in carpal depth in the anteroposterior axis with decompression surgery. Conclusion: This pilot study successfully demonstrated MRI assessment of SSCT in patients with CTS. The decreased SSCT signal intensities suggest predominant changes at the distal tunnel, potentially indicating reduced SSCT perfusion pre-surgery which normalised post-surgery. Our preliminary findings merit further investigation in a larger cohort

    Neurodynamik: Wissensstand und Missverständnisse

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    Bei neuromuskuloskelettalen Schmerzen gehören neurodynamische Tests zur physiotherapeutischen Standarduntersuchung. Oftmals aber werden sie falsch interpretiert. Tatsächlich eignen sie sich weder für die Diagnostik einer Nervenläsion, noch attestieren sie eine Verkürzung oder verminderte Gleitfähigkeit eines Nervs. Ein Update zum aktuellen Wissensstand zur Neurodynamik rückt diese und andere Missverständnisse ins rechte Licht. Dreh- und Angelpunkt ist die erhöhte neurale Mechanosensitivität

    Individual endogenous pain modulation profiles within a multidimensional context of people with cervicogenic headache – a retrospective exploratory study

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    Background: One in four individuals with cervicogenic headache (CeH) are unresponsive to therapy. Such therapy involves predominantly biomedical interventions targeting the upper-cervical spine. A recurring theme within musculoskeletal practice is the multidimensional nature and substantial heterogeneity of the condition. Such heterogeneity might be a reason for failure of a biomedical approach. Therefore, future studies investigating efficacy of managing CeH should ideally be based on identification, and better understanding of the heterogeneity of this population based on a comprehensive evaluation of clinically relevant contributing factors. Objectives: The objective was to map profiles of individuals with CeH based on pain modulation within a multidimensional context. Design: Pain Modulation Profiles (PMPs) of 18 adults (29–51 years) with CeH were mapped retrospectively. Method: The PMPs consisted of a Pain-Profile (bilateral suboccipital, erector spinae, anterior tibialis pressure pain thresholds), a Psycho-Social-Lifestyle-Profile (Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale, Headache Impact test, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), or a combination of both. Individual results were compared to normative data. Two Pain-Profiles were defined: normal or altered. Psycho-Social-Lifestyle-Profiles were categorized based on the number of altered psycho-social-lifestyle factors (range 0–5). Results: Mapping PMPs in individuals with CeH resulted in 50% presenting with a dominant altered Pain-Profile, 16.7% with a dominant altered Psycho-Social-Lifestyle-Profile, and 5.6% with dominant alterations in both Pain-Profile and Psycho-Social-Lifestyle-Profile. Conclusion: Our results indicate heterogeneity of PMPs within the CeH population. Replication of these results is needed through dynamic assessment of the Pain-Profile before evaluating if these profiles can help patient-stratification

    Reliability of a clinical sensory test battery in patients with spine‐related leg and arm pain

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    Background: The current standard to evaluate the presence of somatosensory dysfunctions is quantitative sensory testing, but its clinical utility remains limited. Low-cost and time-efficient clinical sensory testing (CST) batteries have thus been developed. Recent studies show moderate to substantial reliability in populations with neuropathic pain. This study evaluates the inter- and intra-tester reliability of people with spine-related leg and arm pain, representing mixed pain mechanisms. Methods: Fifty-three patients with spine-related leg (n = 41) and arm pain (n = 12) attended three CST sessions. The CST battery consisted of eleven tests, determining loss and gain of sensory nerve function. CST was performed by the same investigator twice and by an additional investigator to determine inter- and intra-tester reliability. Fleiss' (inter-tester) and Cohen's (intra-tester) kappa were calculated for dichotomized and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for continuous outcomes. Results: Fleiss' kappa varied among modalities from fair to substantial (κ = 0.23–0.66). Cold, warm, and vibration detection thresholds and cold and pressure pain thresholds reached kappa >0.4 (moderate to substantial reliability). Cohen's kappa ranged from moderate to substantial (κ = 0.45–0.66). The reliability of the windup ratio was poor (ICC <0.18). Conclusion: CST modalities with moderate to substantial inter-tester reliability could be of benefit as a screening tool. The moderate to substantial intra-tester reliability for all sensory modalities (except windup ratio) supports their potential use in clinical practice and research to monitor somatosensory changes over time in patients with spine-related limb pain of mixed pain mechanisms. Significance: We already know that most modalities of clinical sensory test (CST) batteries achieve moderate to substantial inter- and intra-tester reliability in populations with neuropathic pain. This study evaluates the reliability of a CST battery in populations with mixed pain mechanisms. We found inter-tester reliability varied from poor to substantial for sensory modalities, questioning the value of some CST modalities. The CST battery showed moderate to substantial intra-tester reliability, suggesting its usefulness to monitor sensory changes over time in this cohort

    Systemic low-grade C-reactive protein is associated with proximal symptom spread in carpal tunnel syndrome

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    Introduction: Neuropathic pain is a highly prevalent condition associated with persistent disability. Some patients with neuropathic pain experience symptom spread outside neuroanatomical boundaries; these patients report more severe sensory symptoms and greater disability. However, the mechanisms behind such symptom spread are not fully understood. Objective: We used pre-surgical carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) as a human model system of neuropathic pain to identify differences in the concentration of serologic inflammatory mediators between patients with CTS with territorial symptoms and those with proximal symptom spread to either the elbow or shoulder/neck. Methods: We performed a post-hoc analysis, comparing levels of serologic inflammatory mediators in a discovery cohort among 3 symptoms spread profiles (n = 55; n = 25 no spread, n = 21 spread to elbow, n = 9 spread to shoulder/neck). We then de-novo analysed the significantly dysregulated mediators in an independent validation cohort (n = 72; n = 34 no spread, n = 16 spread to elbow, n = 22 spread to shoulder/neck). Results: The discovery cohort revealed higher serum concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 in patients with any symptom spread proximal to the wrist; interferon-γ was higher in patients with symptom spread to the elbow compared with those without proximal spread. The validation study replicated the association of higher CRP concentrations in patients with proximal spread to the elbow (no spread: median [interquartile range] 2.5 [5.4]; spread to elbow 6.2 [4.6]; spread to shoulder/neck 2.6 [3.7], P = 0.006). No other markers replicated in the validation cohort. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that proximal symptom spread in the context of neuropathic symptoms is associated with low-grade inflammation

    Effect of types and anatomical arrangement of painful stimuli on conditioned pain modulation

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    Reduced pain perception during painful stimulation to another body region (ie, conditioned pain modulation [CPM]) is considered important for pain modulation and development of pain disorders. The various methods used to study CPM limit comparison of findings. We investigated the influence of key methodologic variations on CPM and the properties of CPM when the back is used for the test stimulus or the conditioning stimulus (CS). Two different test stimuli (pressure pain threshold and pain response to suprathreshold heat [Pain-45, ie, pain rated at 45 on a 0–100 numeric rating scale]) were assessed before and during application of a noxious or non-noxious (sham) CS. Eight blocks of trials varied the anatomic location (back and forearms) and arrangement (body side) of the stimuli. Pressure pain threshold (as the test stimulus) increased during application of noxious, but not non-noxious, CS when stimuli were applied to opposite body sides or heterotopic sites on one body side. Inconsistent with pain-induced CPM, Pain-45 decreased during both noxious and non-noxious CS. These findings indicate that 1) pressure pain threshold can be more confidently interpreted with respect to CPM evoked by a painful stimulus than Pain-45, 2) the back and forearm are equally effective as sites for stimuli, and 3) stimuli arrangement does not influence CPM, except for identical anatomic regions on the same body side

    Mechanisms of neurodynamic treatments (MONET): a protocol for a mechanistic, randomised, single-blind controlled trial in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome

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    Background: Physiotherapeutic management is the first-line intervention for patients with entrapment neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). As part of physiotherapy, neurodynamic interventions are often used to treat people with peripheral nerve involvement, but their mechanisms of action are yet to be fully understood. The MONET (mechanisms of neurodynamic treatment) study aims to investigate the mechanisms of action of neurodynamic exercise intervention on nerve structure, and function. Methods: This mechanistic, randomised, single-blind, controlled trial will include 78 people with electrodiagnostically confirmed mild or moderate CTS and 30 healthy participants (N = 108). Patients will be randomly assigned into (1) a 6-week progressive home-based neurodynamic exercise intervention (n = 26), (2) a steroid injection (= 26), or (3) advice (n = 26) group. The primary outcome measure is fractional anisotropy of the median nerve at the wrist using advanced magnetic resonance neuroimaging. Secondary outcome measures include neuroimaging markers at the wrist, quantitative sensory testing, electrodiagnostics, and patient reported outcome measures. Exploratory outcomes include neuroimaging markers at the cervical spine, inflammatory and axonal integrity markers in serial blood samples and biopsies of median nerve innervated skin. We will evaluate outcome measures at baseline and at the end of the 6-week intervention period. We will repeat questionnaires at 6-months. Two-way repeated measures ANCOVAs, followed by posthoc testing will be performed to identify differences in outcome measures among groups and over time. Discussion: This study will advance our understanding of the mechanisms of action underpinning neurodynamic exercises, which will ultimately help clinicians to better target these treatments to those patients who may benefit from them. The inclusion of a positive control group (steroid injection) and a negative control group (advice) will strengthen the interpretation of our results. Trial registration: NCT05859412, 20/4/2023

    Cutaneous expression of growth-associated protein 43 is not a compelling marker for human nerve regeneration in carpal tunnel syndrome.

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    Growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) has long been used as a marker for nerve regeneration following nerve injury, with numerous in vitro and animal studies showing its upregulation in regenerating neurons. In humans, expression of GAP-43 has predominantly been examined in skin biopsies from patients with peripheral neuropathies; with several studies showing a reduction in GAP-43 immunoreactive cutaneous nerve fibres. However, it remains elusive whether cutaneous GAP-43 is a valid marker for human nerve regeneration. Here, we present a cohort of 22 patients with electrodiagnostically confirmed carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), used as a model system for focal nerve injury and neural regeneration after decompression surgery. We evaluate GAP-43 immunoreactivity and RNA expression levels in finger skin biopsies taken before and 6 months after surgery, relative to healthy controls. We further classify patients as 'regenerators' or 'non-regenerators' based on post-surgical epidermal re-innervation. We demonstrate that patients with CTS have lower GAP-43 positive intra-epidermal nerve fibre density (IENFD) before surgery than healthy controls. However, this difference disappears when normalising for total IENFD. Of note, we found surgery did not change GAP-43 expression in IENF, with no differences both in patients who were classified as regenerators and non-regenerators. We also did not identify pre-post surgical differences in cutaneous GAP-43 gene expression or associations with regeneration. These findings suggest cutaneous GAP-43 may not be a compelling marker for nerve regeneration in humans

    Effect of Physiotherapeutic Interventions on Biomarkers of Neuropathic Pain: A Systematic Review of Preclinical Literature.

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    The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the effects of physiotherapeutic interventions on biomarkers of neuropathic pain in preclinical models of peripheral neuropathic pain (PNP). The search was performed in Pubmed, Web of Science, EMBASE, Cochrane, Cinhal, Psycinfo, Scopus, Medline, and Science Direct. Studies evaluating any type of physiotherapy intervention for PNP (systemic or traumatic) were included. Eighty-one articles were included in this review. The most common PNP model was chronic constriction injury, and the most frequently studied biomarkers were related to neuro-immune processes. Exercise therapy and Electro-acupuncture were the 2 most frequently studied physiotherapy interventions while acupuncture and joint mobilization were less frequently examined. Most physiotherapeutic interventions modulated the expression of biomarkers related to neuropathic pain. Whereas the results seem promising; they have to be considered with caution due to the high risk of bias of included studies and high heterogeneity of the type and anatomical localization of biomarkers reported. The review protocol is registered on PROSPERO (CRD42019142878). Perspective This article presents the current evidence about physiotherapeutic interventions on biomarkers of neuropathic pain in preclinical models of peripheral neuropathic pain. Existing findings are reviewed, and relevant data are provided on the effectiveness of each physiotherapeutic modality, as well as its certainty of evidence and clinical applicability.post-print761 K

    Genetic components of human pain sensitivity: a protocol for a genome-wide association study of experimental pain in healthy volunteers

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    Introduction Pain constitutes a major component of the global burden of diseases. Recent studies suggest a strong genetic contribution to pain susceptibility and severity. Whereas most of the available evidence relies on candidate gene association or linkage studies, research on the genetic basis of pain sensitivity using genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is still in its infancy. This protocol describes a proposed GWAS on genetic contributions to baseline pain sensitivity and nociceptive sensitisation in a sample of unrelated healthy individuals of mixed Latin American ancestry. Methods and analysis A GWAS on genetic contributions to pain sensitivity in the naïve state and following nociceptive sensitisation will be conducted in unrelated healthy individuals of mixed ancestry. Mechanical and thermal pain sensitivity will be evaluated with a battery of quantitative sensory tests evaluating pain thresholds. In addition, variation in mechanical and thermal sensitisation following topical application of mustard oil to the skin will be evaluated. Ethics and dissemination This study received ethical approval from the University College London research ethics committee (3352/001) and from the bioethics committee of the Odontology Faculty at the University of Antioquia (CONCEPTO 01–2013). Findings will be disseminated to commissioners, clinicians and service users via papers and presentations at international conferences