187 research outputs found

    Introduction: Teacher Leaders - Transforming Schools From the Inside

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    Describes the issue\u27s purpose, which is a modest attempt to restore the issue of teacher leadership to the prominence it deserves and requires -- author

    Silver Linings

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    Looking for rays of sunshine amidst an educational landscape that has taken a particularly horrific beating in the last decade or two is a difficult – maybe quixotic – undertaking

    Factors Which Influence Recidivism Rates for Individuals at a Regional Treatment Center (RTC) Who Have Been Dually Diagnosed with Mental Illness/Chemical Dependency (MI/CD)

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    This exploratory study was conducted to examine factors associated with the recidivism rate of hospitalization admissions for individuals who have been admitted to a mentally ill and chemically dependent unit at a local Regional Treatment Center (RTC). The subject population consists of 23 men and 7 women between the ages of 19-49 years of age who have been court-mandated to the state treatment facility due to severe psychological disorders. For the purpose of this study, the term recidivism is defined as readmission to the facility within one year of discharge. The data were drawn from existing records, such as psychosocial reports, social work assessments, court commitment reports, and history & physical examination reports. To ensure confidentiality of the patients, all identifying factors have been excluded from the discussion. The findings indicate that six factors such as diagnosis, family support, community involvement, social networks, medication compliance and discharge planning all reduce the occurrence of recidivism. Data gathered in this study indicate that a recidivism rate of approximately 10% currently exists on the ward. This percentage is similar to data which was gathered during the 1994 hospital wide recidivism study

    Welche Zukunft hat die kommunale Wohnungswirtschaft? – Ein Tagungsbericht

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    Das Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) befasst sich alle zwei Jahre im Rahmen einer Tagung mit ausgewählten Aspekten der kommunalen Wirtschaft. Am 5. und 6. November 2009 fand das „Hallesche Kolloquium zur kommunalen Wirtschaft“ zum dritten Mal statt, und zwar zum Thema „Zur Zukunft der kommunalen Wohnungspolitik“. Über dieses Thema, speziell über die Bedeutung der kommunalen Wohnungswirtschaft für die Stadtentwicklung, wird nicht erst seit dem spektakulären Verkauf der Dresdner WOBA an ein privates Unternehmen kontrovers diskutiert. Ungeachtet solcher Veränderungen ist im Osten Deutschlands als Folge der Systemtransformation der Anteil kommunaler Anbieter am Wohnungsmarkt im Vergleich zum Westen sehr hoch, was in der wissenschaftlichen wie politischen Debatte unterschiedlich bewertet wird.

    Predicting electronic structures at any length scale with machine learning

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    The properties of electrons in matter are of fundamental importance. They give rise to virtually all molecular and material properties and determine the physics at play in objects ranging from semiconductor devices to the interior of giant gas planets. Modeling and simulation of such diverse applications rely primarily on density functional theory (DFT), which has become the principal method for predicting the electronic structure of matter. While DFT calculations have proven to be very useful to the point of being recognized with a Nobel prize in 1998, their computational scaling limits them to small systems. We have developed a machine learning framework for predicting the electronic structure on any length scale. It shows up to three orders of magnitude speedup on systems where DFT is tractable and, more importantly, enables predictions on scales where DFT calculations are infeasible. Our work demonstrates how machine learning circumvents a long-standing computational bottleneck and advances science to frontiers intractable with any current solutions. This unprecedented modeling capability opens up an inexhaustible range of applications in astrophysics, novel materials discovery, and energy solutions for a sustainable future

    The information for catching fly balls: judging and intercepting virtual balls in a CAVE

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    Visually guided action implies the existence of information as well as a control law relating that information to movement. For ball catching, the Chapman Strategy - keeping constant the rate of change of the tangent of the elevation angle (d(tan(α))/dt) - leads a catcher to the right location at the right time to intercept a fly ball. Previous studies showed the ability to detect the information and the consistency of running patterns with the use of the strategy. However, only direct manipulation of information can show its use. Participants were asked to intercept virtual balls in a Cave Automated Virtual Environment (CAVE) or to judge whether balls would pass behind or in front of them. Catchers in the CAVE successfully intercepted virtual balls with their forehead. Furthermore, the timing of judgments was related to the patterns of changing d(tan(α))/dt. The advantages and disadvantages of a CAVE as a tool for studying interceptive action are discussed

    Metabonomics and Intensive Care

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    This article is one of ten reviews selected from the Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency medicine 2016. Other selected articles can be found online at http://www.biomedcentral.com/collections/annualupdate2016. Further information about the Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine is available from http://www.springer.com/series/8901

    CAAP48, a New Sepsis Biomarker, Induces Hepatic Dysfunction in an in vitro Liver-on-Chip Model

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    Sepsis is a leading cause of mortality in the critically ill, characterized by life-threatening organ dysfunctions due to dysregulation of the host response to infection. Using mass spectrometry, we identified a C-terminal fragment of alpha-1-antitrypsin, designated CAAP48, as a new sepsis biomarker that actively participates in the pathophysiology of sepsis. It is well-known that liver dysfunction is an early event in sepsis-associated multi-organ failure, thus we analyzed the pathophysiological function of CAAP48 in a microfluidic-supported in vitro liver-on-chip model. Hepatocytes were stimulated with synthetic CAAP48 and several control peptides. CAAP48-treatment resulted in an accumulation of the hepatocyte-specific intracellular enzymes aspartate- and alanine-transaminase and impaired the activity of the hepatic multidrug resistant-associated protein 2 and cytochrome P450 3A4. Moreover, CAAP48 reduced hepatic expression of the multidrug resistant-associated protein 2 and disrupted the endothelial structural integrity as demonstrated by reduced expression of VE-cadherin, F-actin and alteration of the tight junction protein zonula occludens-1, which resulted in a loss of the endothelial barrier function. Furthermore, CAAP48 induced the release of adhesion molecules and pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Our results show that CAAP48 triggers inflammation-related endothelial barrier disruption as well as hepatocellular dysfunction in a liver-on-chip model emulating the pathophysiological conditions of inflammation. Besides its function as new sepsis biomarker, CAAP48 thus might play an important role in the development of liver dysfunction as a consequence of the dysregulated host immune-inflammatory response in sepsis

    Regional and large-scale patterns in Amazon forest structure and function are mediated by variations in soil physical and chemical properties

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    Forest structure and dynamics have been noted to vary across the Amazon Basin in an east-west gradient in a pattern which coincides with variations in soil fertility and geology. This has resulted in the hypothesis that soil fertility may play an important role in explaining Basin-wide variations in forest biomass, growth and stem turnover rates. To test this hypothesis and assess the importance of edaphic properties in affect forest structure and dynamics, soil and plant samples were collected in a total of 59 different forest plots across the Amazon Basin. Samples were analysed for exchangeable cations, C, N, pH with various Pfractions also determined. Physical properties were also examined and an index of soil physical quality developed. Overall, forest structure and dynamics were found to be strongly and quantitatively related to edaphic conditions. Tree turnover rates emerged to be mostly influenced by soil physical properties whereas forest growth rates were mainly related to a measure of available soil phosphorus, although also dependent on rainfall amount and distribution. On the other hand, large scale variations in forest biomass could not be explained by any of the edaphic properties measured, nor by variation in climate. A new hypothesis of self-maintaining forest dynamic feedback mechanisms initiated by edaphic conditions is proposed. It is further suggested that this is a major factor determining forest disturbance levels, species composition and forest productivity on a Basin wide scale
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