729 research outputs found

    Einfluss der Retention auf die Weisheitszahnmineralisation

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    Zusammenfassung: In der zahnärztlichen Altersdiagnostik ist die radiologische Beurteilung der Weisheitszähne das wichtigste Kriterium bei der Frage nach der Vollendung des 18.Altersjahres. Als alleiniges Kriterium geben die Weisheitszähne auch bei abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum diesbezüglich keine rechtsgenügende Sicherheit. In der vorgestellten Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob bei retinierten Weisheitszähnen im Unterkiefer das Wurzelwachstum verzögert wird und damit die Wahrscheinlichkeit für ein vollendetes 18.Lebensjahr steigt. Es konnte mithilfe der logistischen Regression gezeigt werden, dass, verglichen mit den Fällen durchgebrochener dritter Molaren, bei retinierten Weisheitszähnen mit abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum eine Verzögerung von 0,6Jahren bei männlichen und 0,7Jahren bei weiblichen Untersuchten auftritt. Es konnte kein einziger Proband mit retinierten unteren Weisheitszähnen und abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum beidseits identifiziert werden, der jünger als 18Jahre war. Bei Vorliegen eines retinierten dritten Molaren mit abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum nur auf einer Seite konnte ein einzelner Explorand von unter 18Jahren festgestellt werden (17Jahre, 11 Monate!). Fazit: Können bei der zahnärztlichen Altersdiagnostik 2 retinierte Weisheitszähne mit abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum im Unterkiefer festgestellt werden, darf bei Mitteleuropäern ein Mindestalter von 18Jahren mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit angenommen werden. Ist ein retinierter Unterkieferweisheitszahn mit abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum vorhanden, ist das 18.Lebensjahr mit sehr großer Wahrscheinlichkeit vollende

    Einfluss der Retention auf die Weisheitszahnmineralisation

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    In dental age diagnostics radiological evaluation of third molars is the most important criterion to establish whether an individual has attained 18 years of age. However, completed root development of third molars as the only criterion is insufficient for an establishment of legal certainty. In the present paper it was investigated whether root development is slowed down in impacted lower third molars and thereby increases the probability that 18 years of age has been attained. By means of logistic regression a delay of 0.6 years in male subjects and 0.7 years in female subjects was shown in impacted third molars with completed root development compared to cases with erupted third molars. There was no case in which an individual with impacted lower third molars with completed root development on both sides was under the age of 18. In the presence of impacted third molars with completed root development on one side only one subject was under 18 years of age (17 years and 11 months!). Conclusion: If two impacted third molars with completed root development in the lower jaw are determined in dental age diagnostics, a minimum age of 18 years in central Europeans can be suspected beyond any reasonable doubt. If one impacted mandibular third molar with completed root development is present it is very likely that 18 years of age have been attained

    Variables affecting the probability of complete fusion of the medial clavicular epiphysis

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    In this study, we have combined data on clavicle fusion from different studies and applied a binomial logistic regression analysis. As such, we aimed to assess whether or not variables such as sex, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity influence the probability of having mature, i.e., completely fused clavicles at a given age. We further explored whether the method of clavicle examination, i.e., diagnosis from either a dry bone specimen, an examination of X-rays, or an examination of computed tomography scans, affects the probability of being diagnosed with mature clavicles. It appeared that only ethnicity did not significantly affect this probability. Finally, we illustrated how the logit model may be used to predict the probability of being diagnosed with mature clavicles

    From Deutsche Zeitschrift to International Journal of Legal Medicine-100 years of legal medicine through the lens of journal articles : Part 3: Zeitschrift für Rechtsmedizin-Journal of Legal Medicine from 1970 to 1990.

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    From volume 67 (1970) onwards, the journal appeared under the new bilingual title Zeitschrift für Rechtsmedizin-Journal of Legal Medicine. The editorial board was expanded and internationalised. From 1970 to 1990, 1416 articles were published in 36 volumes. 1036 articles were in German and 380 in English. The authors of 411 articles came from non-German-speaking countries. Compared to the periods under review in the first two parts of our article series, the proportion of papers on forensic genetics increased significantly between 1970 and 1990, with a small increase in publications on the identification of unknown dead bodies. An opposite trend was observed in the articles on forensic psychiatry and psychology, sexual medicine and social medicine. This development reflects a further sharpening of the discipline's profile

    From Deutsche Zeitschrift to International Journal of Legal Medicine-100 years of legal medicine through the lens of journal articles : Part 2: Deutsche Zeitschrift für die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin from 1948 to 1969.

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    The interruption of the publication of the Deutsche Zeitschrift für die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin due to the war ended with volume 39 for the years 1948/1949. Until volume 66/1969, the journal appeared unchanged under the historical title. The 912 publications contained in the 28 volumes of these two decades cover topics from the main fields of forensic medicine, but also from related and unrelated disciplines. The topic-specific analysis of the publications shows a shift of the research focus in the German institutes since the post-war period. This is most evident in the decline in the number of publications from the fields of scientific and technical criminalistics as well as forensic psychiatry and psychology. An opposite trend with a significant increase in scientific papers was observed in alcohology, forensic genetics and traffic medicine. While the evaluated publications on most topics contain new findings that are still valid today, the use of blood group characteristics for forensic purposes came to an end as a result of the introduction of DNA analysis

    From Deutsche Zeitschrift to International journal of legal medicine-100 years of legal medicine through the lens of journal articles, Part 4: International journal of legal medicine from 1990 to 2022.

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    This is the fourth and final paper in a series related to the analysis of articles published in this journal during its first 100 years of activity. This article covers the time span from 1990 to 2022. It is important to note that, given the period covered by this analysis, it does not aim to provide a historical overview but rather an examination of the most recent trends in our discipline compared to the past. Between 1990 (Volume 104) and 2022 (Volume 136), 4004 articles were published in the International Journal of Legal Medicine (IJLM) across 33 volumes. This corresponds to 53% of all the articles published since the launch of the journal. When compared to the period from 1970 to 1990, some categories no longer appear to be as relevant (e.g., sexual medicine, 1 article; social medicine, 0 articles; biography, 3 articles; history, 4 articles). Conversely, the most recent period has shown an increasing importance in forensic genetics (1388 articles) and the emergence of new significant topics that merit their own classification, such as age estimation (286 articles), forensic anthropology (189 articles), forensic imaging (150 articles), and forensic entomology (90 articles)