16 research outputs found

    Intersektionale Disability History: Genese und Methoden zwischen normativer Kritik und innovativem Potential

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    Mit dem vorliegenden Essay möchte ich in erster Linie vorstellen, was eine intersektionale Disability History leisten kann, welche neuen Fragen sie generiert und welche (inter-)disziplinĂ€ren Anschlussmöglichkeiten sie bietet. Dazu ist es zunĂ€chst notwendig, einen Blick auf die Genese der Forschungslandschaft zur Geschichte und Gegenwart von Behinderung zu werfen, da bereits seit einigen Jahrzehnten insbesondere das VerhĂ€ltnis der Ungleichheitskategorien Behinderung und Gender beschrieben und untersucht wird. Anschließend wird der Einfluss der IntersektionalitĂ€tsforschung auf die Disability History vorgestellt, um zu diskutieren, welchen analytischen und theoretischen Mehrwert eine dezidiert intersektionale Herangehensweise an die (Zeit-)Geschichte von Behinderung bieten kann. Am Ende des Beitrags wird eine Auseinandersetzung mit den normativen Implikationen stehen, die sowohl die IntersektionalitĂ€tsforschung als auch die Disability History kontinuierlich begleiten. Eine intersektional angelegte Erforschung von Behinderung kann - so mein Argument - erstens zur Reflexion normativer Zwischentöne beitragen und zweitens das methodische Instrumentarium der historischen Ungleichheitsforschung insgesamt bereichern

    Quantifizierung nicht-kovalenter Wechselwirkung - Rationales in silico Design von Guanidinium-basierten Carboxylat-Rezeptoren

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    Die natĂŒrlichen Vorbilder effektiver Anionenrezeptoren sind Enzyme, welche oftmals Arginin als entscheidende AminosĂ€ure in der Bindungstasche tragen. Die positiv geladenene Guanidiniumgruppe, wie sie in der Seitenkette von Arginin vorkommt, ist daher das zentrale Strukturmerkmal fĂŒr viele kĂŒnstliche Anionenrezeptoren. Im Jahre 1999 gelang es Schmuck und Mitarbeitern eine neue Klasse von Guanidinium-basierten Oxoanionenrezeptoren zu entwickeln, die Carboxylate sogar in wĂ€ssrigen Medien binden können. Die Bindungsmodi der 2-(Guanidiniocarbonyl)-1H-pyrrole basieren auf einer Kombination von einzeln betrachtet schwachen nicht-kovalenten Wechselwirkungen wie Ionenpaarbildung und multiplen WasserstoffbrĂŒckenbindungen zwischen kĂŒnstlichem Rezeptor und Substrat. Durch Substitution einer Carboxylatgruppe in Position 5 des Pyrrolringes erhĂ€lt man ein zwitterionisches Derivat welches sich in Wasser mit einer Assoziationskonstante von schĂ€tzungsweise 170 M-1 zu einzelnen Dimeren zusammenlagert (Dimer 1). Um das Strukturmotiv hinsichtlich einer noch effektiveren Anionenbindung weiter verbessern zu können, ist es daher von großem Interesse, die verschiedenartigen intermolekularen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den beiden monomeren Einheiten von Dimer 1 zu quantifizieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden verschiedene theoretische ab initio Studien durchgefĂŒhrt, um die EinflĂŒsse von intrinsischen Eigenschaften sowie von Solvenseffekten auf die StabilitĂ€t sich selbst zusammenlagernden Dimeren aufzuklĂ€ren. In Kapitel 4.1 wurden die molekularen Wechselwirkungen im Dimer 1 durch Vergleich mit verschiedenen „Knock-out“ Analoga untersucht. In diesen Analoga wurden einzelne WasserstoffbrĂŒckenbindungen durch Substitution von Wasserstoffdonoren mit Methylengruppen oder EtherbrĂŒcken ausgeschaltet. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Anwendung eines vereinfachten Kontinuum-Solvensmodells nicht ausreicht, die absoluten Energien der „Knock-out“ Analoga in stark polaren Lösungsmitteln vorherzusagen, jedoch können die berechneten Trends Auskunft ĂŒber die relativen StabilitĂ€ten geben. In Kapitel 4.2 wurde die strukturelle Ähnlichkeit von Arginin mit Struktur 1 ausgenutzt, um die AbhĂ€ngigkeit der StĂ€rke der Dimerisierung von der FlexibilitĂ€t der molekularen Struktur eingehender zu untersuchen. In Kapitel 4.2.1 wurden neue globale Minimumsstrukturen des kanonischen und zwitterionischen Arginins in der Gasphase bestimmt. Dies geschah mit Hilfe von umfangreichen kraftfeldbasierten Konformationssuchen in Verbindung mit ab initio Strukturoptimierungen der energetisch niedrigsten Konformere. Die meisten der neu identifizierten Minimumskonformere sowohl des zwitterionischen als auch des kanonischen Tautomers zeigten geometrische Anordnungen mit bis dahin unbekannten gestapelten Orientierungen der endstĂ€ndigen Gruppen. Es wurde letztendlich eine neuartige globale Minimumsstruktur (N1) gefunden, welche eine um mehr als 8 kJ mol-1 niedrigere Energie besitzt als die bislang veröffentlichten Konformere. Die gleiche Strategie fĂŒr das Auffinden von energetischen Minimumskonformeren, wie sie bereits fĂŒr das Arginin Monomer benutzt wurde, wurde auch im Falle der Dimere von Arginin verwendet. Im Gegensatz zu vorhergehenden theoretischen Untersuchungen ist die neue globale Minimumsstruktur ungefĂ€hr 60 kJ mol-1 stabiler und weist ebenfalls eine gestapelte Orientierung der Guanidinium- und Carboxylatgruppen auf. Der Einfluss der RigiditĂ€t auf die DimerstabilitĂ€t wurde durch Berechnungen eines kĂŒnstlich versteiften Arginin Dimersystems bewiesen. Die hohe BindungsaffinitĂ€t des Dimers 1 ergibt sich daher zu etwa 50% aus der RigiditĂ€t der Monomere, welche jegliche intramolekulare Stabilisierung verhindert. Um VorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr ein verbessertes Carboxylatbindungsmotiv machen zu können, wurden in Kapitel 4.3 neuartige Strukturmotive mit verĂ€nderten Ringsystemen auf DFT Niveau untersucht. Die direkte AbhĂ€ngigkeit der Dimerisierungsenergie von einem zunehmenden Dipolmoment wurde durch verschiedene anellierte Ringstrukturen bewiesen. Der Einfluss der Delokalisierung in den Monomeren auf die Dimerisierungsenergie wurde durch VerĂ€nderung der Elektronenstruktur von elektronisch entkoppelten Biphenylenen untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Carbonylfunktion hauptsĂ€chlich fĂŒr eine gute PrĂ€organisation verantwortlich ist, wohingegen der Effekt auf die AziditĂ€t eine geringere Bedeutung besitzt. Im letzten Kapitel wurden KooperativitĂ€tseffekte in supramolekularen Systemen untersucht. Als Modellsysteme dienten hierbei Adenosin-CarbonsĂ€ure-Komplexe, deren berechnete NMR Verschiebungen mit experimentellen Niedrigtemperatur-NMR-Studien verglichen wurden. Wir konnten zeigen, dass nur durch die Verwendung von schwingungsgemittelten NMR Verschiebungen die experimentelle Protonenverschiebung reproduziert werden kann, welche unter Tieftemperaturbedingungen im Austauschregime von WasserstoffbrĂŒckenbindungen erhalten wurde.The effective binding of anions like carboxylates and phosphates in aqueous solutions is of particular interest for various reasons. The natural archetypes of effective anion receptors are enzymes that contain often arginine as relevant amino acid in the binding pocket. For this reason, one class of artificial anion receptors that emerged more than two decades ago mimics the anion binding with the guanidinium group present in the amino acid side chain. In 1999, Schmuck and coworkers developed a new class of guanidinium-based oxo anion receptor that binds carboxylates even in aqueous media. The binding modes of the 2-(guanidiniocarbonyl)-1H-pyrroles are based on individually weak non-covalent interaction between artificial host and substrate like ion pairing and multiple hydrogen bonds. The zwitterionic derivative with substitution of a carboxylate group in position 5 of the pyrrole ring system shows a strong self-assembly to discrete dimers (dimer 1) with an estimated association constant of 170 M-1 even in water. In order to further improve the structure motif for an effective oxo anion binding it is therefore of great interest to quantify the different intermolecular interactions between two monomeric units of 1. Against this background several theoretical ab initio studies were conducted in order to elucidate the influences of intrinsic properties as well as solvent effects on the stability of self-assembled dimers. In chapter 4.1 the molecular interactions in dimer 1 were investigated by comparison to various “knock-out” analogues. In these analogues single hydrogen bonds were switched off by substitution of hydrogen donor atoms with either methylene groups or ether bridges. The calculations were done for vacuum and solvation, as represented by a conductor-like polarizable continuum. It could be shown that the application of a simple continuum solvent model fails to predict the absolute energies of the knock-out analogues in strongly polar solvents. However, the calculated trends can explain the relative stabilities. In chapter 4.2 the structural similarity of arginine with structure 1 was used in order to examine the dependence of self-assembly from the flexibility of the molecular structure. In chapter 4.2.1 new global minimum structures of the canonical and zwitterionic arginine in gas phase were found by means of exhaustive force field based conformational searches in conjunction with ab initio structure optimizations of the lowest energy conformers. Most of the newly identified minimum conformers of both the zwitterionic and canonical tautomer revealed geometrical arrangements with hitherto unreported stacked orientations of the terminal groups. Finally a novel global minimum structure was detected that is more than 8 kJ mol-1 lower in energy than the previously published conformers. The same strategy for finding minimum energy conformers of the arginine monomer has also been employed for the arginine dimer structures. While previous theoretical studies favoured directed hydrogen bonds the new global minimum structure MMFF1 is about 60 kJ mol-1 more stable and exhibits a stacked orientation of the guanidinium and carboxylate groups. The importance of rigidity on the dimer stability was proven by calculations of an artificially stiffened arginine dimer system. The high binding affinity dimer 1 results by about 50% from the rigidity of the monomers which prevents any intramolecular stabilization. In chapter 4.3 novel structure motifs with varying ring systems have been examined on a DFT level of theory in order to make proposals for an improved carboxylate binding motif. The direct dependency of the dimerization energy on an increasing dipole moment was demonstrated by various anellated ring structures. The influence of the delocalization in the monomer on the dimerization energy was examined by variation of the electronic structure of electronically decoupled biphenylenes. With the aid of various substituted 7-guanidinioindole-2-carboxylate derivatives we could show that the carbonyl function is mainly responsible for the advantageous preorganisation, whereas the effect on the acidity seems to be only of minor importance. In the last chapter cooperativity effects in supramolecular assemblies have been investigated. This was achieved by NMR shift calculations of adenosine-carboxylic acid complexes as model systems and comparison to experimental low-temperature NMR studies. We could demonstrate that only by applying vibrational averaged NMR shifts the experimental proton shifts obtained at very low temperatures in the hydrogen bond exchange regime could be reproduced

    Pride and Privilege?:New Approaches to War Disability in the Twentieth Century

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    War disability occupies a prominent space within the small but rapidly blossoming field of disability history. The experience of maiming in war can contribute to a specific form of identity construction amongst disabled veterans, who have often been viewed separately from other disability groups. For wounded men returning home from war, it was often psychologically of the utmost importance to be proud of their service to their homeland, or in the case of civil wars, of fighting for a political conviction. Lifelong physical impairment could even intensify this feeling, as the act of self-sacrifice, perceived as heroic, was inscribed on one's body as a permanent mark, a ‘badge of honour’. Often, a sense of pride amongst disabled veterans has corresponded with the privilege of having a powerful political lobby, sometimes resulting in welfare measures tailored to the needs of disabled veterans. The contributions to this issue seek to explore the complex social positioning of those who – often coming to terms with their own private struggles with rehabilitation and feelings of emasculation – may not have felt privileged, while simultaneously occupying a clearly favourable position in comparison to other disability groups. Thus, through the framing of ‘pride’ and ‘privilege’, the contributions to this ‘History in Focus’ feature will aim to re-evaluate the marginalising or stigmatising nature of war disability, and to explore the complex and multifaceted positioning of disabled veterans in a world where no individual is limited to the rigid confines of a single identity and social space

    Made in Austria 2019 – survey results of the first industry panel on production work in Austria

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    In order to assess the challenges and needs of Austrian companies with respect to current business and technological developments, a regular well-researched compilation of empirical data of the Austrian manufacturing industry is necessary. Hence, a panel of 104 decisionmakers (owners, CEOs, managing directors and plant managers) from leading Austrian industrial companies was assembled in form of an “industry panel” to investigate current issues of production work in Austria by means of a survey. In order to allow for a longitudinal study, it is planned to survey the same group of people every year; hence the instrument of an annual panel-survey was chosen. To date the panel consists of 104 leaders from different Austrian or international companies with at least one factory location in Austria. The panel was assembled first in 2018/2019 and the administered survey contained 23 questions. The actual questions comprise topics that concern the current economic situation and future expectations, operational issues with respect to delivery time, product variability and demand fluctuations, as well as questions relating to innovation, automation and the application of current technological developments (i.e. assistance systems, machine learning, etc.) in manufacturing. This paper presents the survey results and conclusions of the 2019 panel on production work in Austria

    Möglichkeiten der Gestaltung individualisierbarer MontagearbeitsplÀtze vor dem Hintergrund aktueller technologischer Entwicklungen

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    Die Verbesserung der Ergonomie ist ein zentrales Ziel der Arbeitswissenschaft im Spannungsfeld von Rationalisierung und Humanisierung. WĂ€hrend die konventionelle Gestaltung von MontagearbeitsplĂ€tzen heute bereits in vielen Punkten als ausgereizt gilt, eröffnen aktuelle technologische Entwicklungen neue Möglichkeiten fĂŒr die Gestaltung individualisierbarer ArbeitsplĂ€tze. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird bestehendes Wissen zu Gestaltungsdimensionen von MontagearbeitsplĂ€tzen dargestellt und fĂŒr die Nutzung bei der Gestaltung individualisierbarer Montageassistenzsysteme entsprechend geordnet. Dabei werden die Dimensionen Arbeitsplatz, Arbeitsumgebung sowie weitere Aspekte, wie die Nutzung von Assistenzsystemen, betrachtet. Die Zusammenstellung der Möglichkeiten in Form einer Synopsis stellt den ersten Schritt einer systematischen Entwicklung individualisierbarer MontagearbeitsplĂ€tze dar. Auf dieser Grundlage sollen unterschiedliche Individualisierbarkeitskonstellationen experimentell gestaltet und die Auswirkungen auf ProduktivitĂ€t, Ergonomie und Nutzerakzeptanz bewertet werden. Im Ergebnis werden allgemeingĂŒltig anwendbare Gestaltungsregeln und Merkmalskombinationen fĂŒr individualisierbare Montagesysteme gesucht.Praktische Relevanz: Die Systematik einsetzbarer Individualisierungsdimensionen wird ĂŒber einen Pilotarbeitsplatz fĂŒr die Baustellenmontage bzw. variantenreiche Einzel- und Kleinserienmontage untersucht und konzipiert, um die industrielle Anwendung vorzubereiten.The improvement of ergonomics is a central goal of industrial engineering in the rival fields of rationalisation and humanisation. Although conventional design of assembly work stations seems exhausted, current technological developments open new possibilities for the design of individualisable work stations. The presented paper is a collection of current knowledge with respect to the design dimensions of individualisable assembly work stations that has been rendered with respect to utilization for individualisable assembly assistance systems. This encompasses dimensions of the work station (working height, reaching area of the hands), work environment (lighting, ventilation and climate, acoustic situation) as well as other aspects as the utilization of assistance systems. The synoptic disposition of options is a first step in the systematic development of individualisable assembly work stations. Based on the presented depiction, it is intended to experimentally configure different individualisation-constellations and to evaluate them with respect to their effects on productivity, ergonomics and user acceptance. As a result, universally valid and applicable design rules and combinations of attributes for individualisable assembly systems are developed.Practical Relevance: The system of deployable individualization dimensions is investigated by means of a pilot workplace in the field of the variant rich single spot or small series assembly, in order to prepare an industrial application

    Hardware start-ups and manufacturing innovation

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    ABSTRACTThis paper provides firstly an overview of the literature on hardware start-ups, which are also related to manufacturing innovation. It continues with a framework, based on an interview series with hardware start-ups and their respective stakeholders. It includes a discussion about the relevant challenges and success factors, along with a potential set of metrics that can be of help for the evaluation of start-ups

    Digitalization of industrial value chains: A review and evaluation of existing use cases of industry 4.0 in Germany

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    Background: The paper presents recent results of the ongoing collaborative research project “MyCPS” (Human-centered development and application of Cyber-Physical Systems). Methods: Within the scope of the project, 14 partners, amongst seven industrial partners, develop methods and tools to set-up applications of intelligent digitalization and automation of industrial processes. Results: Within the paper they are over 385 use cases evaluated according to comparative criteria. Furthermore, use cases were classified due to their development stage of industry 4.0 goals and promises. The three levels ‘information’, ‘interaction’ and ‘intelligence’ are used to differentiate applications according to their degree of maturity in industry 4.0 terms. Conclusion: In MyCPS, special emphasis is the role of the workforce and the interactions of the technology-led use cases with employees. Thereby, the analysis helps enterprises and researchers to self-assess key-aspects of the development of industry 4.0 use cases

    Transforming to a hyper-connected society and economy - towards an "Industry 4.0"

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    Volatile markets and global and inter-industrial networks are creating a radically more dynamic market environment which calls for considerably greater on-demand flexibility in resource deployment. Today’s businesses have to respond to evolving trends. As well as increasing flexibility, this also means taking action in two further areas, namely increasing transformability and responding to demographic change. Furthermore the global change towards a fully networked society is in progress, in Germany, in Europe, and of course in the United States – actually more or less all over the world. In this context one significant topic is the “Internet of things and services”. The digital transformation changes business and private life likewise – in a radically and sustainable way. The economic potential is enormous. Topics related to the networking of the internet by far have the most economical potential worldwide. The world becomes more and more digital. This is the Big Business of the future. Digitally networked and data-intensive are the main attributes of a smarter production, the so called industry 4.0. But not only in technology many things are changing, humans and the society transforms, too. To achieve a positive influence on key performance indicators, organizational approaches to enterprise architecture should not be restricted to purely technical aspects but should instead put the focus firmly on employees. The study examines initial design approaches in the areas of qualifications, leadership and demography-resistant work architectures

    Reasons and Strategies for Privacy Features in Tracking and Tracing Systems—A Systematic Literature Review

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    In the course of the digitization of production facilities, tracking and tracing of assets in the supply chain is becoming increasingly relevant for the manufacturing industry. The collection and use of real-time position data of logistics, tools and load carriers are already standard procedure in entire branches of the industry today. In addition to asset tracking, the technologies used also offer new possibilities for collecting and evaluating position and biometric data of employees. Thus, these technologies can be used for monitoring performance or for tracking worker behaviour, which can lead to additional burdens and stress for employees. In this context, the collection and evaluation of employee data can influence the workplace of the affected employee in the company to his or her disadvantage. The approach of Privacy by Design can help to benefit from all the advantages of these systems, while ensuring that the impact on employee privacy is kept to a minimum. Currently, there is no survey available that reviews tracking and tracing systems supporting this important and emerging field. This work provides a systematic overview from the perspective of the impact on employee privacy. Additionally, this paper identifies and evaluates the techniques used with regard to employee privacy in industrial tracking and tracing systems. This helps to reveal new privacy preserving techniques that are currently underrepresented, therefore enabling new research opportunities in the industrial community