240 research outputs found

    Zero-temperature Phase Diagram For Strongly-Correlated Nanochains

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    Recently there has been a resurgence of intense experimental and theoretical interest on the Kondo physics of nanoscopic and mesoscopic systems due to the possibility of making experiments in extremely small samples. We have carried out exact diagonalization calculations to study the effect of the energy spacing Δ\Delta of the conduction band on the ground-state properties of a dense Anderson model nanochain. The calculations reveal for the first time that the energy spacing tunes the interplay between the Kondo and RKKY interactions, giving rise to a zero-temperature Δ\Delta versus hybridization phase diagram with regions of prevailing Kondo or RKKY correlations, separated by a {\it free spins} regime. This interplay may be relevant to experimental realizations of small rings or quantum dots with tunable magnetic properties.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. J. Appl. Phys. (in press

    Scalar potential effect in an integrable Kondo model

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    To study the impurity potential effect to the Kondo problem in a Luttinger liquid, we propose an integrable model of two interacting half-chains coupled with a single magnetic impurity ferromagnetically. It is shown that the scalar potential effectively reconciles the spin dynamics at low temperatures. Generally, there is a competition between the Kondo coupling JJ and the impurity potential VV. When the ferromagnetic Kondo coupling dominates over the impurity potential (V<SJV<|SJ|), the Furusaki-Nagaosa many-body singlet can be perfectly realized. However, when the impurity potential dominates over the Kondo coupling (VSJV\geq |SJ|), the fixed point predicted by Furusaki and Nagaosa is unstable and the system must flow to a weak coupling fixed point. It is also found that the effective moment of the impurity measured from the susceptibility is considerably enlarged by the impurity potential. In addition, some quantum phase transitions driven by the impurity potential are found and the anomaly residual entropy is discussed.Comment: volume enlarged, some new references are adde

    Magnetoresistance in the s-d Model with Arbitrary Impurity Spin

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    The magnetoresistance, the number of the localized electrons, and the s-wave scattering phase shift at the Fermi level for the s-d model with arbitrary impurity spin are obtained in the ground state. To obtain above results some known exact results of the Bethe ansatz method are used. As the impurity spin S = 1/2, our results coincide with those obtained by Ishii \textit{et al%}. The compairsion between the theoretical and experimental magneticresistence for impurity S = 1/2 is re-examined.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Intersite coupling effects in a Kondo lattice

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    The La dilution of the Kondo lattice CeCoIn_5 is studied. The scaling laws found for the magnetic susceptibility and the specific heat reveal two well-separated energy scales, corresponding to the single impurity Kondo temperature T_K and an intersite spin-liquid temperature T^*. The Ce-dilute alloy has the expected Fermi liquid ground state, while the specific heat and resistivity in the dense Kondo regime exhibit non-Fermi-liquid behavior, which scales with T^*. These observations indicate that the screening of the magnetic moments in the lattice involves antiferromagnetic intersite correlations with a larger energy scale in comparison with the Kondo impurity case.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Exactly solvable toy models of unconventional magnetic alloys: Bethe Ansatz versus Renormalization Group method

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    We propose toy models of unconventional magnetic alloys, in which the density of band states, ρ(ϵ)\rho(\epsilon), and hybridization, t(ϵ)t(\epsilon), are energy dependent; it is assumed, however, that t2(ϵ)ρ1(ϵ)t^2(\epsilon)\propto\rho^{-1}(\epsilon), and hence an effective electron-impurity coupling Γ(ϵ)=ρ(ϵ)t2(ϵ)\Gamma(\epsilon)=\rho(\epsilon)t^2(\epsilon) is energy independent. In the renormalization group approach, the physics of the system is assumed to be governed by Γ(ϵ)\Gamma(\epsilon) only rather than by separate forms of ρ(ϵ)\rho(\epsilon) and t(ϵ)t(\epsilon). However, an exact Bethe Ansatz solution of the toy Anderson model demonstrates a crucial role of a form of inverse band dispersion k(ϵ)k(\epsilon).Comment: A final version. A previous one has been sent to Archive because of my technical mistake. Sorr

    Ghost spins and novel quantum critical behavior in a spin chain with local bond-deformation

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    We study the boundary impurity-induced critical behavior in an integrable SU(2)-invariant model consisting of an open Heisenberg chain of arbitrary spin-SS (Takhatajian-Babujian model) interacting with an impurity of spin S\vec{S'} located at one of the boundaries. For S=1/2S=1/2 or S=1/2S'=1/2, the impurity interaction has a very simple form JS1SJ\vec{S}_1\cdot\vec{S'} which describes the deformed boundary bond between the impurity S\vec{S'} and the first bulk spin S1\vec{S}_1 with an arbitrary strength JJ. With a weak coupling 0<J<J0/[(S+S)21/4]0<J<J_0/[(S+S')^2-1/4], the impurity is completely compensated, undercompensated, and overcompensated for S=SS=S', S>SS>S' and S<SS<S' as in the usual Kondo problem. While for strong coupling JJ0/[(S+S)21/4]J\geq J_0/[(S+S')^2-1/4], the impurity spin is split into two ghost spins. Their cooperative effect leads to a variety of new critical behaviors with different values of SS|S'-S|.Comment: 16 pages revtex, no figur

    Exact Thermodynamics of Disordered Impurities in Quantum Spin Chains

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    Exact results for the thermodynamic properties of ensembles of magnetic impurities with randomly distributed host-impurity couplings in the quantum antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model are presented. Exact calculations are done for arbitrary values of temperature and external magnetic field. We have shown that for strong disorder the quenching of the impurity moments is absent. For weak disorder the screening persists, but with the critical non-Fermi-liquid behaviors of the magnetic susceptibility and specific heat. A comparison with the disordered Kondo effect experiments in dirty metallic alloys is performed.Comment: 4 pages Late

    Open su(4)-invariant spin ladder with boundary defects

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    The integrable su(4)-invariant spin-ladder model with boundary defect is studied using the Bethe ansatz method. The exact phase diagram for the ground state is given and the boundary quantum critical behavior is discussed. It consists of a gapped phase in which the rungs of the ladder form singlet states and a gapless Luttinger liquid phase. It is found that in the gapped phase the boundary bound state corresponds to an unscreened local moment, while in the Luttinger liquid phase the local moment is screened at low temperatures in analogy to the Kondo effect.Comment: Revtex 9 pages, published in PR

    Integrable model of interacting XX and Fateev-Zamolodchikov chains

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    We consider the exact solution of a model of correlated particles, which is presented as a system of interacting XX and Fateev-Zamolodchikov chains. This model can also be considered as a generalization of the multiband anisotropic tJt-J model in the case we restrict the site occupations to at most two electrons. The exact solution is obtained for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors using the Bethe-ansatz method.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Fermi Surface of Alpha-Uranium at Ambient Pressure

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    We have performed de Haas-van Alphen measurements of the Fermi surface of alpha-uranium single crystals at ambient pressure within the alpha-3 charge density wave (CDW) state from 0.020 K - 10 K and magnetic fields to 35 T using torque magnetometry. The angular dependence of the resulting frequencies is described. Effective masses were measured and the Dingle temperature was determined to be 0.74 K +/- 0.04 K. The observation of quantum oscillations within the alpha-3 CDW state gives new insight into the effect of the charge density waves on the Fermi surface. In addition we observed no signature of superconductivity in either transport or magnetization down to 0.020 K indicating the possibility of a pressure-induced quantum critical point that separates the superconducting dome from the normal CDW phase.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 3 table