769 research outputs found

    Design of the 7 MeV/u, 217 MHz Injector Linac for the Proposed Ion Beam Facility for Cancer Therapy at the Clinic in Heidelberg

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    A dedicated clinical synchrotron facility for cancer therapy using energetic proton and ion beams (C, He and O) has been designed at GSI for the Radiologische Universitaetsklinik at Heidelberg, Germany. The design of the injector linac is presented. Suitable ion sources are discussed and results of ion source test measurements are reported. The LEBT allows for switching between two ion sources. A short RFQ accelerates the ions from 8 keV/u to 400 keV/u. It is followed by a very compact beam matching section and a 3.8 m long IH-type drift tube linac for the acceleration to 7 MeV/u. Both rf structures are designed for a resonance frequency of 216.816 MHz and for ion mass-to-charge ratios up to A/q = 3 (12C4+, (H_3)+, 3He+, 16O6+).Comment: Contribution to the LINAC2000 Proceedings, Paper ID: MOD1

    Tailored graph ensembles as proxies or null models for real networks II: results on directed graphs

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    We generate new mathematical tools with which to quantify the macroscopic topological structure of large directed networks. This is achieved via a statistical mechanical analysis of constrained maximum entropy ensembles of directed random graphs with prescribed joint distributions for in- and outdegrees and prescribed degree-degree correlation functions. We calculate exact and explicit formulae for the leading orders in the system size of the Shannon entropies and complexities of these ensembles, and for information-theoretic distances. The results are applied to data on gene regulation networks.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, submitted to J. Phys.

    Optimization of an ih-cavity based high energy heavy-ion LINAC at GSI

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    A new high energy heavy-ion injector (HE-Linac) for the FAIR project was proposedas replacement for the existing post-stripper linac at the GSI UNILAC. Six 108 MHz IH-type drift-tube linac cavities within a total length of about 24m accelerate the ions (up to U28+) from1.4 MeV/u up to 11.4 MeV/u. Fast pulsed quadrupole triplet lenses are used for transverse focusing in between the IH cavities. The optimization of the HE linac with respect to the emittance growth reductionis investigated

    Liver surgery in cirrhosis and portal hypertension

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    The prevalence of hepatic cirrhosis in Europe and the United States, currently 250 patients per 100000 inhabitants, is steadily increasing. Thus, we observe a significant increase in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension needing liver resections for primary or metastatic lesions. However, extended liver resections in patients with underlying hepatic cirrhosis and portal hypertension still represent a medical challenge in regard to perioperative morbidity, surgical management and postoperative outcome. The Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer classification recommends to restrict curative liver resections for hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients to early tumor stages in patients with Child A cirrhosis not showing portal hypertension. However, during the last two decades, relevant improvements in preoperative diagnostic, perioperative hepatologic and intensive care management as well as in surgical techniques during hepatic resections have rendered even extended liver resections in higher-degree cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension possible. However, there are few standard indications for hepatic resections in cirrhotic patients and risk stratifications have to be performed in an interdisciplinary setting for each individual patient. We here review the indications, the preoperative risk-stratifications, the morbidity and the mortality of extended resections for primary and metastatic lesions in cirrhotic livers. Furthermore, we provide a review of literature on perioperative management in cirrhotic patients needing extrahepatic abdominal surgery and an overview of surgical options in the treatment of hepatic cirrhosis

    Optimization of the KONUS beam dynamics for the HE-Linac

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    The effects of environmental enrichment on nicotine sensitization in a rodent model of schizophrenia

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    Environmental enrichment, for more than fifty years, has shown to increase learning in behaviors and to alter some brain structures (Renner and Rosenzweig). Some brain changes that occur when environmental enrichment is implemented include the following: increases in cortical thickness, especially the occipital cortex, increases in size of neuronal cell bodies, number of dendrites and dendritic spines, increases in astrocyte branching, increases in the number of brain blood capillaries, and increases in mitochondria (an indication of higher metabolic activity) (Stairs and Bard). It has been shown in research studies that rats in the environmental enrichment group are less sensitive to nicotine effects, both repeated and acute, than rats in isolated situations (Green et al). This is so because enrichment changes the intensity of the acute administration of drugs of abuse. Rats are stimulated by the environment, rather than a particular stimulant

    Linear polarization sensitivity of SeGA detectors

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    Parity is a key observable in nuclear spectroscopy. Linear polarization measurements of γ\gamma-rays are a probe to access the parities of energy levels. Utilizing the segmentation of detectors in the Segmented Germanium Array (SeGA) at the NSCL and analyzing the positions of interaction therein allows the detectors to be used as Compton polarimeters. Unlike other segmented detectors, SeGA detectors are irradiated from the side to utilize the transversal segmentation for better Doppler corrections. Sensitivity in such an orientation has previously been untested. A linear polarization sensitivity Q0.14Q \approx 0.14 has been measured in the 350-keV energy range for SeGA detectors using α\alpha-γ\gamma correlations from a \nuc{249}{Cf} source.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Adeno-associated virus-mediated heme oxygenase-1 gene transfer suppresses the progression of micronodular cirrhosis in rats

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    Aim: To test the hypothesis that enhancement of the activity of heme oxygenase can interfere with processes of fibrogenesis associated with recurrent liver injury, we investigated the therapeutic potential of over-expression of heme oxygense-1 in a CCI 4-induced micronodular cirrhosis model. Methods: Recombinant adeno-associated viruses carrying rat HO-1 or GFP gene were generated. 1×10 12 vg of adeno-associated viruses were administered through portal injection at the time of the induction of liver fibrosis. Results: Conditioning the rat liver with over-expression of HO-1 by rAAV/HO-1 significantly increased the HO enzymatic activities in a stable manner. The development of micronodular cirrhosis was significantly inhibited in rAAV/HO-1-transduced animals as compared to controls. Portal hypertension was markedly diminished in rAAV/ HO-1-transduced animals as compared to controls, whereas there are no significant changes in systolic blood pressure. This finding was accompanied with improved liver biochemistry, less infiltrating macrophages and less activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) in rAAV/ HO-1-transduced livers. Conclusions: Enhancement of HO activity in the livers suppresses the development of cirrhosis. © 2006 The WJG Press. All rights reserved.published_or_final_versio

    Modernisation of the 108 MHz RF systems of the UNILAC post stripper section

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    Extremophiles in an Antarctic Marine Ecosystem

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    Recent attempts to explore marine microbial diversity and the global marine microbiome have indicated a large proportion of previously unknown diversity. However, sequencing alone does not tell the whole story, as it relies heavily upon information that is already contained within sequence databases. In addition, microorganisms have been shown to present small-to-large scale biogeographical patterns worldwide, potentially making regional combinations of selection pressures unique. Here, we focus on the extremophile community in the boundary region located between the Polar Front and the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Southern Ocean, to explore the potential of metagenomic approaches as a tool for bioprospecting in the search for novel functional activity based on targeted sampling efforts. We assessed the microbial composition and diversity from a region north of the current limit for winter sea ice, north of the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Front (SACCF) but south of the Polar Front. Although, most of the more frequently encountered sequences were derived from common marine microorganisms, within these dominant groups, we found a proportion of genes related to secondary metabolism of potential interest in bioprospecting. Extremophiles were rare by comparison but belonged to a range of genera. Hence, they represented interesting targets from which to identify rare or novel functions. Ultimately, future shifts in environmental conditions favoring more cosmopolitan groups could have an unpredictable effect on microbial diversity and function in the Southern Ocean, perhaps excluding the rarer extremophiles