289 research outputs found

    Wer hat Angst vor dem Dalai Lama? Victor und Victoria Trimondis "Der Schatten des Dalai Lama" (1999) als spiritualistische Verschwörungstheorie

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    Jens Schlieter: Wer hat Angst vor dem Dalai Lama? Victor und Victoria Trimondis Der Schatten des Dalai Lama (1999) als spiritualistische Verschwörungstheorie Im Jahre 1999 erschien das Werk Der Schatten des Dalai Lama, in welchem die These aufgestellt wurde, dass der Dalai Lama und die tibetische Mönchsaristokratie eine dunkle, bislang nicht wahrgenommene Rückseite zeige, die von Gewalt, Unterdrückung, Ausbeutung und Scheinheiligkeit geprägt sei. Nach den Autoren dieses Werkes strebten exilierte tibetische Buddhisten gemäss ihrer verborgenen Agenda danach, über eine in tantrischen Sexualkulten vollzogene Ausbeutung der weiblichen „Gynergie“ das System sich reinkarnierender Yogis in Gang zu halten. Über die instrumentalisierten westlichen Adepten würden sowohl andere Religionen zurückgedrängt, als auch, über magische Praktiken, Einfluss auf die Weltpolitik genommen. Ziel des Aufsatzes ist erstens, zu zeigen, dass diese Theorie der Trimondis zentrale Merkmale einer Verschwörungstheorie aufweist – ein resakralisiertes und monokausales Geschichtsszenario, eine literale Auslegung religiöser Quellentexte, die unmittelbar auf Intentionen zeitgenössischer Akteure angewendet wird, usw. Da sich diese Theorie aber nicht nur in Religionskritik erschöpft, sondern auch positiv an das spirituelle Vorbild tantrisch-buddhistischer, sexueller ‚Hierogamie‘-Praktiken anknüpft, wird zweitens die religionsproduktive Seite der Trimondischen Arbeit unter dem Begriff der „Verschwörungsmythotheorie“ gefasst und analysiert. In dem Rekurs auf eigene spirituelle Erfahrungen – im Kontrast zu einer säkular gedeuteten Lebenswelt, in der Machtgewinn die letzte Motivation der buddhistischen Akteure darstellt – sind, so die These, auch die zentralen Motive und Funktionen zu finden, die die Autoren dazu bewogen haben, ihre Verschwörungsmythotheorie auszuarbeiten

    MATH 117.01: Probability and Linear Mathematics

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    M 115.30: Probability and Linear Mathematics

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    Understanding Patient Pathways in the Context of Integrated Health Care Services - Implications from a Scoping Review

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    Healthcare systems in western countries are continuously working to achieve efficient resource allocation and to improve access to quality medical care. The implementation of standardised care processes promises better integration and coordination of care across several healthcare providers. In this context, an increasing use of the term patient pathway is recognised within official documents provided by health authorities and within scientific publications in recent years. However, a common understanding, distinguishing the term from other pathway approaches such as care- or clinical pathways, is missing. By means of a scoping review we analysed 132 publications in order to clarify key concepts and the understanding of patient pathways. Six common themes in the literature were identified and results show that individualisatio nand care continuity are essential descriptive characteristics. Using this motivation, we discuss the main implications for research and practice by the example of comprehensive cancer care in the European Union

    “Look Closer” Anthropomorphic Design and Perception of Anthropomorphism in Conversational Agent Research

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    Conversation agents have been attracting increased attention in IS research and increased adoption in practice. They provide an AI-driven conversation-like interface and tap into the anthropomorphism bias of its users. There has been extensive research on improving this effect for over a decade since increased anthropomorphism leads to increased service satisfaction, trust, and other effects on the user. This work examines the current state of research regarding anthropomorphism and anthropomorphic design to guide future research. It utilizes a modified structured literature analysis to extract and classify the examined constructs and their relationships in the hypotheses of current literature. We provide an overview of current research, highlighting focus areas. Based on our results, we formulate several open research questions and provide the IS community with directions for future research

    Patient Pathways for Comprehensive Care Networks - A Development Method and Lessons from its Application in Oncology Care

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    Patient pathways are recognized as a valuable tool to support standardization, comparability, quality, and transparency of care processes in comprehensive care networks. Still, existing development approaches lack real practical guidance as well as an integration of the network and patient perspectives. Therefore, a user-centered and requirements-based approach was chosen to design a patient pathway development method. It defines a role model and procedural steps. The method’s innovative character lies in the development of generic patient pathway templates to be adapted to national, regional, and local conditions of specific comprehensive care networks. The method was positively assessed in terms of demonstrating its applicability and the fulfilment of user requirements with a use case from oncology care – the development of a colorectal cancer patient pathway template. This work drives the standardization of patient pathway development and their large-scale implementation in comprehensive care networks, supporting the analysis, design, and optimization of healthcare processes

    Towards Model-based Integration of Management Systems

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    With the shift towards sustainable business development, many companies implement function-specific management systems, which can be certified against the corresponding management system standards. The management of the different systems, in particular the management of their documentation, is a very time consuming and costly process. In this context, the paper addresses the issue of the integration of management systems. Based on a exemplary comparison of the common management system standards in the areas of quality management (ISO 9001), environmental management (ISO 14001), energy management (ISO 50001), and work safety management (OHSAS 18001), characteristic requirement patterns (hereafter referred to as integration types) are identified. With the help of these characteristics, design proposals for method fragments for the construction of a method for model- based integration of MS are presented. The patterns are demonstrated by extending an existing method for model-based energy management