366 research outputs found

    Aspectos sociais do sistema produtivo de propriedades da pecuária de corte familiar na metade Sul do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e apreender a realidade de pecuaristas familiares, em três localidades situadas na metade sul do RS: Cerro da Jaguatirica, no município de Manoel Viana; Santa Barbinha em Caçapava do Sul, e Palmas em Bagé. O diagnóstico envolveu entrevistas utilizando um questionário semi-estruturado em 30 unidades produtivas, abrangendo um total de 110 pessoas, e reuniões participativas dos técnicos da Embrapa Pecuária Sul, Emater/RS e os produtores. Esse diagnóstico teve foco em características sociais e do sistema produtivo, abrangendo um conjunto de informações essenciais para o entendimento das lógicas de produção e sobrevivência dessas famílias.bitstream/item/33159/1/BP-35.pd

    Melhoramento genético participativo de bovinos de corte: estratégias para pecuaristas familiares.

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    Algumas considerações sobre a pecuária familiar; O papel do melhoramento genético; Definição de objetivos de criação e critérios de seleção; Estratégias para identificação, seleção e acasalamento de animais superiores; Como racionalizar o investimento em genética.bitstream/item/55807/1/CT36.pd

    Pasture Dynamics after Sodseeding Cool Season Species with or without Glyphosate in Subtropical Natural Grasslands

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    This trial was conducted to evaluate vegetation dynamics of natural grasslands fertilized and sodseeded with the cool season species Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), white clover (Trifolium repens) and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) with or without glyphosate. Treatments that included herbicide spraying on natural vegetation caused a substitution of perennial grasses by undesirable species, and did not show a significant contribution of introduced species. Andropogon lateralis, Paspalum notatum, Paspalum dilatatum and Paspalum plicatulum almost disappeared, and were replaced by Chaptalia nutans and Apium spp, among others

    Local Simulation Algorithms for Coulomb Interaction

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    Long ranged electrostatic interactions are time consuming to calculate in molecular dynamics and Monte-Carlo simulations. We introduce an algorithmic framework for simulating charged particles which modifies the dynamics so as to allow equilibration using a local Hamiltonian. The method introduces an auxiliary field with constrained dynamics so that the equilibrium distribution is determined by the Coulomb interaction. We demonstrate the efficiency of the method by simulating a simple, charged lattice gas.Comment: Last figure changed to improve demonstration of numerical efficienc

    Context Preserving Focal Probes for Exploration of Volumetric Medical Datasets

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    During real-time medical data exploration using volume rendering, it is often difficult to enhance a particular region of interest without losing context information. In this paper, we present a new illustrative technique for focusing on a user-driven region of interest while preserving context information. Our focal probes define a region of interest using a distance function which controls the opacity of the voxels within the probe, exploit silhouette enhancement and use non-photorealistic shading techniques to improve shape depiction.187-19

    Фізико-хімічна геотехнологія

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    Розглянуто принципові засади геотехнологічного видобування різнома- нітних корисних копалин. Викладено питання розкриття та підготовки родовищ за допомогою свердловинної розробки, проаналізовано способи буріння і кріп- лення геотехнологічних свердловин, а такж застосоване обладнання. Розкрито сутність технологічних процесів, які виконуються при диспергуванні гірських порід, розчиненні солей, вилуговуванні металів, підземній виплавці сірки і га- зифікації вугілля, видобуванні в’язкої нафти та сланцьового газу. Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів, які навчаються за спе- ціальністю «Розробка родовищ та видобування корисних копалин», а також для студентів інших спеціальностей гірничих вузів і факультетів та інженерно- технічних працівників підприємств і проектних організацій гірничовидобувних галузей промисловості України

    Ecologização da pecuária familiar na Serra do Sudeste.

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    Histórico; Local de execução e perfil da população; Identificação dos elementos e interações; Modelo sistêmico / Sistemas de produção.bitstream/item/63681/1/DT98.pd

    Influence of a knot on the strength of a polymer strand

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    Many experiments have been done to determine the relative strength of different knots, and these show that the break in a knotted rope almost invariably occurs at a point just outside the `entrance' to the knot. The influence of knots on the properties of polymers has become of great interest, in part because of their effect on mechanical properties. Knot theory applied to the topology of macromolecules indicates that the simple trefoil or `overhand' knot is likely to be present with high probability in any long polymer strand. Fragments of DNA have been observed to contain such knots in experiments and computer simulations. Here we use {\it ab initio} computational methods to investigate the effect of a trefoil knot on the breaking strength of a polymer strand. We find that the knot weakens the strand significantly, and that, like a knotted rope, it breaks under tension at the entrance to the knot.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure