3,115 research outputs found

    Modeling gravitational instabilities in self-gravitating protoplanetary disks with adaptive mesh refinement techniques

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    The astonishing diversity in the observed planetary population requires theoretical efforts and advances in planet formation theories. Numerical approaches provide a method to tackle the weaknesses of current planet formation models and are an important tool to close gaps in poorly constrained areas. We present a global disk setup to model the first stages of giant planet formation via gravitational instabilities (GI) in 3D with the block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) hydrodynamics code ENZO. With this setup, we explore the impact of AMR techniques on the fragmentation and clumping due to large-scale instabilities using different AMR configurations. Additionally, we seek to derive general resolution criteria for global simulations of self-gravitating disks of variable extent. We run a grid of simulations with varying AMR settings, including runs with a static grid for comparison, and study the effects of varying the disk radius. Adopting a marginally stable disk profile (Q_init=1), we validate the numerical robustness of our model for different spatial extensions, from compact to larger, extended disks (R_disk = 10, 100 and 300 AU, M_disk ~ 0.05 M_Sun, M_star = 0.646 M_Sun). By combining our findings from the resolution and parameter studies we find a lower limit of the resolution to be able to resolve GI induced fragmentation features and distinct, turbulence inducing clumps. Irrespective of the physical extension of the disk, topologically disconnected clump features are only resolved if the fragmentation-active zone of the disk is resolved with at least 100 cells, which holds as a minimum requirement for all global disk setups. Our simulations illustrate the capabilities of AMR-based modeling techniques for planet formation simulations and underline the importance of balanced refinement settings to reproduce fragmenting structures.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in A&A; for associated movie files, see http://timlichtenberg.net/publications/gi1

    The far-infrared - radio correlation in dwarf galaxies

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    The far-infrared - radio correlation connects star formation and magnetic fields in galaxies, and has been confirmed over a large range of far-infrared luminosities. Recent investigations indicate that it may even hold in the regime of local dwarf galaxies, and we explore here the expected behavior in the regime of star formation surface densities below 0.1 M_sun kpc^{-2} yr^{-1}. We derive two conditions that can be particularly relevant for inducing a change in the expected correlation: a critical star formation surface density to maintain the correlation between star formation rate and the magnetic field, and a critical star formation surface density below which cosmic ray diffusion losses dominate over their injection via supernova explosions. For rotation periods shorter than 1.5x10^7 (H/kpc)^2 yrs, with H the scale height of the disk, the first correlation will break down before diffusion losses are relevant, as higher star formation rates are required to maintain the correlation between star formation rate and magnetic field strength. For high star formation surface densities Sigma_SFR, we derive a characteristic scaling of the non-thermal radio to the far-infrared / infrared emission with Sigma_SFR^{1/3}, corresponding to a scaling of the non-thermal radio luminosity L_s with the infrared luminosity L_{th} as L_{th}^{4/3}. The latter is expected to change when the above processes are no longer steadily maintained. In the regime of long rotation periods, we expect a transition towards a steeper scaling with Sigma_SFR^{2/3}, implying L_s~L_th^{5/3}, while the regime of fast rotation is expected to show a considerably enhanced scatter. These scaling relations explain the increasing thermal fraction of the radio emission observed within local dwarfs, and can be tested with future observations by the SKA and its precursor radio telescopes.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted at A&

    Planet formation from the ejecta of common envelopes

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    The close binary system NN Serpentis must have gone through a common envelope phase before the formation of its white dwarf. During this phase, a substantial amount of mass was lost from the envelope. The recently detected orbits of circumbinary planets are likely inconsistent with planet formation before the mass loss.We explore whether new planets may have formed from the ejecta of the common envelope and derive the expected planetary mass as a function of radius.We employed the Kashi & Soker model to estimate the amount of mass that is retained during the ejection event and inferred the properties of the resulting disk from the conservation of mass and angular momentum. The resulting planetary masses were estimated from models with and without radiative feedback. We show that the observed planetary masses can be reproduced for appropriate model parameters. Photoheating can stabilize the disks in the interior, potentially explaining the observed planetary orbits on scales of a few AU. We compare the expected mass scale of planets for 11 additional systems with observational results and find hints of two populations, one consistent with planet formation from the ejecta of common envelopes and the other a separate population that may have formed earlier. The formation of the observed planets from the ejecta of common envelopes seems feasible. The model proposed here can be tested through refined observations of additional post-common envelope systems. While it appears observationally challenging to distinguish between the accretion on pre-existing planets and their growth from new fragments, it may be possible to further constrain the properties of the protoplanetary disk through additional observations of current planetary candidates and post-common envelope binary systems.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Accepted at A&

    A new interpretation of the far-infrared - radio correlation and the expected breakdown at high redshift

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    (Abrigded) Observations of galaxies up to z 2 show a tight correlation between far-infrared and radio continuum emission. We explain the far-infrared - radio continuum correlation by relating star formation and magnetic field strength in terms of turbulent magnetic field amplification, where turbulence is injected by supernova explosions from massive stars. We calculate the expected amount of turbulence in galaxies based on their star formation rates, and infer the expected magnetic field strength due to turbulent dynamo amplification. We estimate the timescales for cosmic ray energy losses via synchrotron emission, inverse Compton scattering, ionization and bremsstrahlung emission, probing up to which redshift strong synchrotron emission can be maintained. We find that the correlation between star formation rate and magnetic field strength in the local Universe can be understood as a result of turbulent magnetic field amplification. If the typical gas density in the interstellar medium increases at high z, we expect an increase of the magnetic field strength and the radio emission, as indicated by current observations. Such an increase would imply a modification of the far-infrared - radio correlation. We expect a breakdown when inverse Compton losses start dominating over synchrotron emission. For a given star formation surface density, we calculate the redshift where the breakdown occurs, yielding z (Sigma_SFR/0.0045 M_solar kpc^{-2} yr^{-1})^{1/(6-alpha/2)}. In this relation, the parameter \alpha describes the evolution of the characteristic ISM density in galaxies as (1+z)^\alpha. Both the possible raise of the radio emission at high redshift and the final breakdown of the far-infrared -- radio correlation at a critical redshift will be probed by the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its pathfinders, while the typical ISM density in galaxies will be probed with ALMA.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, accepted at A&A (proof corrections included

    Magnetic fields in primordial accretion disks

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    Magnetic fields are considered as a vital ingredient of contemporary star formation, and may have been important during the formation of the first stars in the presence of an efficient amplification mechanism. Initial seed fields are provided via plasma fluctuations, and are subsequently amplified by the small-scale dynamo, leading to a strong tangled magnetic field. Here we explore how the magnetic field provided by the small-scale dynamo is further amplified via the αΩ\alpha-\Omega dynamo in a protostellar disk and assess its implications. For this purpose, we consider two characteristic cases, a typical Pop.~III star with 1010~M_\odot and an accretion rate of 10310^{-3}~M_\odot~yr1^{-1}, and a supermassive star with 10510^5~M_\odot and an accretion rate of 10110^{-1}~M_\odot~yr1^{-1}. For the 1010~M_\odot Pop.~III star, we find that coherent magnetic fields can be produced on scales of at least 100100~AU, which are sufficient to drive a jet with a luminosity of 100100~L_\odot and a mass outflow rate of 103.710^{-3.7}~M_\odot~yr1^{-1}. For the supermassive star, the dynamical timescales in its environment are even shorter, implying smaller orbital timescales and an efficient magnetization out to at least 10001000~AU. The jet luminosity corresponds to 106.0\sim10^{6.0}~L_\odot, and a mass outflow rate of 102.110^{-2.1}~M_\odot~yr1^{-1}. We expect that the feedback from the supermassive star can have a relevant impact on its host galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, comments are still welcom

    Episodic accretion in binary protostars emerging from self-gravitating solar mass cores

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    Observations show a large spread in the luminosities of young protostars, which are frequently explained in the context of episodic accretion. We here test this scenario using numerical simulations following the collapse of a solar mass molecular cloud using the GRADSPH code, varying the strength of the initial perturbations and the temperature of the cores. A specific emphasis of this paper is to investigate the role of binaries and multiple systems in the context of episodic accretion, and to compare their evolution to the evolution in isolated fragments. Our models form a variety of low mass protostellar objects including single, binary and triple systems with binaries more active in exhibiting episodic accretion than isolated protostars. We also find a general decreasing trend for the average mass accretion rate over time, suggesting that the majority of the protostellar mass is accreted within the first 10^5 years. This result can potentially help to explain the surprisingly low average luminosities in the majority of the protostellar population.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication with A&

    The formation of supermassive black holes in rapidly rotating disks

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    Massive primordial halos exposed to moderate UV backgrounds are the potential birthplaces of supermassive black holes. In such a halo, an initially isothermal collapse will occur, leading to high accretion rates of 0.1\sim0.1~M_\odot~yr1^{-1}. During the collapse, the gas in the interior will turn into a molecular state, and form an accretion disk due to the conservation of angular momentum. We consider here the structure of such an accretion disk and the role of viscous heating in the presence of high accretion rates for a central star of 1010, 100100 and 10410^4~M_\odot. Our results show that the temperature in the disk increases considerably due to viscous heating, leading to a transition from the molecular to the atomic cooling phase. We found that the atomic cooling regime may extend out to several 100100~AU for a 10410^4~M_\odot central star and provides substantial support to stabilize the disk. It therefore favors the formation of a massive central object. The comparison of clump migration and contraction time scales shows that stellar feedback from these clumps may occur during the later stages of the evolution. Overall, viscous heating provides an important pathway to obtain an atomic gas phase within the center of the halo, and helps in the formation of very massive objects. The latter may collapse to form a massive black hole of about 104\geq 10^4~M_\odot.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, comments are still welcom