405 research outputs found

    City & Community, Together for All A Formative Evaluation of Needs, Resources, & Readiness to Serve Immigrants, Refugees, and English-Language-Learners in Albuquerque

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    Formative Analysis of Resources, Needs & Capacity to Improve – Accurate study of trends and needs among foreign-born populations can be as difficult as providing accessible essential services to these individuals in this era of political marginalization of foreign-born US residents (MPI, 2017). Personal interviews of stigmatized groups can compromise their safety and privacy, so our analysis centered-on interviews with public service representatives, instead, from eight internal CABQ Departments and sixteen Community-Based Organization (CBO) workers to determine content for two surveys – one to each group of leaders. Survey responses were gathered over three-weeks from forty-six (46) CABQ mid- to senior-level managers across sixteen (16) departments, and seventy-two (72) CBO workers/volunteers (in English and Spanish) across thirty-eight (38) community-based organizations. The CBO survey was delivered via "snowball sampling" (ie. Respondents were asked to pass it along to their peers in the metro area). Existing local public data was reviewed to better understand the individual needs of our City's foreign-born and LEP residents.Recommendations based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the two surveys follows, along with slidedeck displays of existing and summary data to inform and plan better programs, policies, practices, and partnerships

    Waking Up To Safety: An Examination of Work Hour Guideline Implementation and Education for Registered Nurses

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    The link between health care worker fatigue and adverse events is inseparable. Errors made by registered nurses correlated with work duration, overtime and the number of adverse events (Page 2004). To promote patient safety, nurses must remain vigilant. This study determined if work hour guidelines and education regarding safety risks affected nurse work hours, the use of fatigue countermeasures, and patient outcomes. The researcher explored survey data (n=597), actual work hours, patient safety events, and quality outcomes. Data collected demonstrated nurses work hours exceeded recommendations for a safe environment. The introduction of voluntary work guidelines and education did not result in a statistically significant change in primary work hours, F (2, 556) = 2.005, p \u3e .05, secondary work hours, F (2, 119) = 0.372, p \u3e .05, typical work hours in a day, 2 (4) = 1.086, or in payroll reports of greater than 100 hours worked in two weeks, 2 (2) = .295, p \u3e .05. There was statistical significance noted in the reduction of greater than three 12-hour shifts in a row, 2 (3) = 7.810, p \u3c .05. The survey also demonstrated that nurses did not routinely use countermeasures to combat fatigue; however, there was a statistical difference in total countermeasure use following work hour guidelines and fatigue education, F (2, 592) = 7.758, p \u3c .01. No statistical difference occurred in adverse safety events or quality outcomes following the implementation of work hour guidelines and education; however, the numbers were small

    Resilience in urban socioecological systems: residential water management as a driver of biodiversity

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    Cities are unique ecosystems where human social-economic-cultural activities prominently shape the landscape, influencing the distribution and abundance of other species, and consequent patterns of biodiversity. The long-term sustainability of cities is of increasing concern as they continue to grow, straining infrastructure and pushing against natural resources constraints. A key resource is water, esp. in the more rapidly urbanizing arid regions. Understanding water management is thus critical for a deeper theoretical understanding of urban ecosystems and for effective urban policy. Landscaping and irrigation at any urban residence is a product of local geophysical/ecological conditions, homeowners’ cultural preferences, socioeconomic status, neighborhood dynamics, zoning laws, and city/state/federal regulations. Since landscape structure and water availability are key determinants of habitat for other species, urban biodiversity is strongly driven by the outcome of interactions between these variables. Yet the relative importance of ecological variables vs human socioeconomic variables in driving urban biodiversity remains poorly understood. Here we analyze data from the Fresno Bird Count, a citizen science project in California’s Central Valley, to show that spatial variation in bird diversity is best explained by a multivariate model including significant negative correlations with % building and grass cover, and positive correlations with interactions between irrigation intensity, median family income, and grass height. We discuss implications of our findings for urban water management policies in general, and for Fresno’s planned switch to metering water use in 2013. Ecological theory, conservation, and urban policy all benefit if we recognize cities as coupled socioecological systems


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    Tradução de canções de LP para LSB: identificando e comparando recursos tradutórios empregados por sinalizantes surdos e ouvintes

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, Florianópolis, 2013.Essa pesquisa visa identificar e comparar recursos de tradução empregados por sinalizantes surdos e ouvintes, apontando quais os usados por surdos que podem contribuir para traduções de ouvintes, uma vez entendendo que sinalizantes surdos compartilham de mesma cultura, identidade, língua, experiência visual e musical do público-alvo das traduções realizadas por ouvintes para língua de sinais. Esse trabalho fundamentou-se em considerações de Napier et. al (2006), de Humphrey e Alcorn (2007), de Anderson (2009) entre outros. A metodologia pautou-se num mapeamento constituído por cinco categorias de recursos (linguísticos, extralinguísticos, tradutórios, audiovisuais e cenográficos) identificados e somados criteriosamente em vídeos com gravações de diferentes tipos de canções (religiosas, populares e hinos) traduzidas para a Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras). Os principais resultados encontrados apresentaram maior expressividade de recursos linguísticos, tradutórios, audiovisuais e cenográficos nas traduções de sinalizantes surdos e de recursos extralinguísticos nas de sinalizantes ouvintes, com ressalva em algumas variações nas traduções de canções religiosas. Diante dos resultados encontrados considera-se que inúmeros são os recursos possíveis de serem empregados em traduções de canções para língua de sinais e que há diferenças em traduções realizadas por sinalizantes surdos e ouvintes. Também se entende a partir dos resultados dessa investigação que os recursos empregados nas traduções realizadas por sinalizantes surdos podem contribuir significativamente com traduções de canções, uma vez que são recursos que condizem melhor com as particularidades do público-alvo surdo aos quais as traduções em língua de sinais normalmente são destinadas.Abstract : This study aims at identifying and comparing song translation strategies applied by deaf and hearing signers, focusing on the translations by deaf signers that can contribute to the translations by hearing signers due to the fact that the former are part of the target culture, share deaf (linguistic) identity as well as visual and musical experience with the target audience. Based on Napier et. al (2006), Humphrey & Alcorn (2007), Anderson (2009) among others, this paper is mapping linguistic strategies used by translators (e.g., use of signing space, classifiers, construed action), extra-linguistic features (dance movements, foot taps); translation strategies such as adaptation, explicitation, omission and addition; audiovisual elements (subtitles, camera movements, editing) and use of attire, make-up etc. in recordings of different musical genres (religious, pop songs and anthems) translated into Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) for the deaf. Main findings of this study are a more frequent use and greater expressivity of linguistic features, translation strategies and scenery aspects by deaf signers and more frequent use of extra-linguistic features by hearing signers, with exception of religious songs, where deaf signers were closer to hearing translators. Features more frequently used by deaf signers can contribute significantly to a more target culture oriented translation by hearing signers as they relate better to the target audience experience of songs as cultural expression in different fields

    The translation of wordplay in Alice in Wonderland : a descriptive and corpus-oriented study

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    Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, Florianópolis, 199

    The fantasy content of Alice in wonderland and through the looking glass

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente, Florianópolis, 198

    Residential irrigation as a driver of urban bird communities

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The demand for fresh water has largely outpaced supply both globally and locally with current water management policies unable to meet the needs of urban, agricultural, and industrial activities. Irrigation is one of the many anthropogenic uses of water and is arguably the most important maintenance factor in a landscape. This is particularly true in an arid climate, such as the Central Valley of California. Urban residents' decisions about the design and maintenance of their landscapes affect bird species richness. Published research indicates that these decisions are also affected by the residents' socioeconomic status. However, the driver of this relationship remains unknown. This paper uses data from the Fresno Bird Count, a citizen science organization, to test the hypothesis that neighborhood socioeconomic status influences residential irrigation regimes, which influences plant cover, in turn influencing bird diversity and abundance. A random sampling grid containing 460 points are used as locations for five minute point counts for the Fresno Bird Count ("fresnobirds.org":http://fresnobirds.org/). Socioeconomic data has been obtained from the U.S. Census and irrigation regimes from the city of Fresno. Aerial imagery and ground sampling on point count locations are used for characterizing habitat.

Preliminary analysis of the first year of data (2008) supports this hypothesis and reveals a north/south gradient of bird diversity paralleling the socioeconomic gradient of Fresno. This paper will present results from a more comprehensive analysis of data including the spring 2009 bird census. Policies in the U.S. regarding the distribution and cost of water are changing in response to increased water demands, and the city of Fresno is about to undergo such a change. In 2013 a policy of metered water is scheduled to begin, which is predicted to increase water conservation by residents due to an increase in it overall cost. In addition to examining coupled socio-ecological drivers of urban diversity, this study will be the first part of a Before After Control Impact experiment taking advantage of the planned implementation of metering the cost of water use. The results can help guide the city in improving its management of urban habitat and biodiversity.

    One-Dimensional Moir\'e Physics and Chemistry in Heterostrained Bilayer Graphene

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    Twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) has emerged as a promising platform to explore exotic electronic phases. However, the formation of moir\'e patterns in tBLG has thus far been confined to the introduction of twist angles between the layers. Here, we propose heterostrained bilayer graphene (hBLG), as an alternative avenue to access twist-angle-free moir\'e physics via lattice mismatch. Using atomistic and first-principles calculations, we demonstrate that uniaxial heterostrain can promote isolated flat electronic bands around the Fermi level. Furthermore, the heterostrain-induced out-of-plane lattice relaxation may lead to a spatially modulated reactivity of the surface layer, paving the way for the moir\'e-driven chemistry and magnetism. We anticipate that our findings can be readily generalized to other layered materials