12 research outputs found

    Revisiting Overadjustment Bias

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    To the Editor: In epidemiology, overadjustment bias is defined as adjusting for a variable that increases rather than decrease bias, while unnecessary adjustment is referred to as control for a variable that adversely affects precision without introducing bias. The term of overadjustment bias is used to refer to different scenarios. Here, we propose a unified definition of overadjustment, with four types

    Defining and identifying per-protocol effects in randomized trials

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    In trials with noncompliance to assigned treatment, researchers might be interested in estimating a per-protocol effect - a comparison of two counterfactual outcomes defined by treatment assignment and (often time-varying) compliance with a well-defined treatment protocol. Here, we provide a general counterfactual definition of a per-protocol effect and discuss examples of per-protocol effects that are of either substantive or methodologic interest. In doing so, we seek to make more concrete what per-protocol effects are and highlight that one can estimate per-protocol effects that are more than just a comparison of always taking treatment in two distinct treatment arms. We then discuss one set of identifiability conditions that allow for identification of a causal per-protocol effect, highlighting some potential violations of those conditions that might arise when estimating per-protocol effects

    Multiple Imputation for Incomplete Data in Epidemiologic Studies

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    Epidemiologic studies are frequently susceptible to missing information. Omitting observations with missing variables remains a common strategy in epidemiologic studies, yet this simple approach can often severely bias parameter estimates of interest if the values are not missing completely at random. Even when missingness is completely random, complete-case analysis can reduce the efficiency of estimated parameters, because large amounts of available data are simply tossed out with the incomplete observations. Alternative methods for mitigating the influence of missing information, such as multiple imputation, are becoming an increasing popular strategy in order to retain all available information, reduce potential bias, and improve efficiency in parameter estimation. In this paper, we describe the theoretical underpinnings of multiple imputation, and we illustrate application of this method as part of a collaborative challenge to assess the performance of various techniques for dealing with missing data (Am J Epidemiol. 2018;187(3):568–575). We detail the steps necessary to perform multiple imputation on a subset of data from the Collaborative Perinatal Project (1959–1974), where the goal is to estimate the odds of spontaneous abortion associated with smoking during pregnancy

    Principled Approaches to Missing Data in Epidemiologic Studies

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    Principled methods with which to appropriately analyze missing data have long existed; however, broad implementation of these methods remains challenging. In this and 2 companion papers (Am J Epidemiol. 2018;187(3):576–584 and Am J Epidemiol. 2018;187(3):585–591), we discuss issues pertaining to missing data in the epidemiologic literature. We provide details regarding missing-data mechanisms and nomenclature and encourage the conduct of principled analyses through a detailed comparison of multiple imputation and inverse probability weighting. Data from the Collaborative Perinatal Project, a multisite US study conducted from 1959 to 1974, are used to create a masked data-analytical challenge with missing data induced by known mechanisms. We illustrate the deleterious effects of missing data with naive methods and show how principled methods can sometimes mitigate such effects. For example, when data were missing at random, naive methods showed a spurious protective effect of smoking on the risk of spontaneous abortion (odds ratio (OR) = 0.43, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.19, 0.93), while implementation of principled methods multiple imputation (OR = 1.30, 95% CI: 0.95, 1.77) or augmented inverse probability weighting (OR = 1.40, 95% CI: 1.00, 1.97) provided estimates closer to the “true” full-data effect (OR = 1.31, 95% CI: 1.05, 1.64). We call for greater acknowledgement of and attention to missing data and for the broad use of principled missing-data methods in epidemiologic research

    Inverse-Probability-Weighted Estimation for Monotone and Nonmonotone Missing Data

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    Missing data is a common occurrence in epidemiologic research. In this paper, 3 data sets with induced missing values from the Collaborative Perinatal Project, a multisite US study conducted from 1959 to 1974, are provided as examples of prototypical epidemiologic studies with missing data. Our goal was to estimate the association of maternal smoking behavior with spontaneous abortion while adjusting for numerous confounders. At the same time, we did not necessarily wish to evaluate the joint distribution among potentially unobserved covariates, which is seldom the subject of substantive scientific interest. The inverse probability weighting (IPW) approach preserves the semiparametric structure of the underlying model of substantive interest and clearly separates the model of substantive interest from the model used to account for the missing data. However, IPW often will not result in valid inference if the missing-data pattern is nonmonotone, even if the data are missing at random. We describe a recently proposed approach to modeling nonmonotone missing-data mechanisms under missingness at random to use in constructing the weights in IPW complete-case estimation, and we illustrate the approach using 3 data sets described in a companion article (Am J Epidemiol. 2018;187(3):568–575)

    Generalizing the per-protocol treatment effect: The case of ACTG A5095

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    Background Intention-to-treat comparisons of randomized trials provide asymptotically consistent estimators of the effect of treatment assignment, without regard to compliance. However, decision makers often wish to know the effect of a per-protocol comparison. Moreover, decision makers may also wish to know the effect of treatment assignment or treatment protocol in a user-specified target population other than the sample in which the trial was fielded. Here, we aimed to generalize results from the ACTG A5095 trial to the US recently HIV-diagnosed target population. Methods We first replicated the published conventional intention-to-treat estimate (2-year risk difference and hazard ratio) comparing a four-drug antiretroviral regimen to a three-drug regimen in the A5095 trial. We then estimated the intention-to-treat effect that accounted for informative dropout and the per-protocol effect that additionally accounted for protocol deviations by constructing inverse probability weights. Furthermore, we employed inverse odds of sampling weights to generalize both intention-to-treat and per-protocol effects to a target population comprising US individuals with HIV diagnosed during 2008–2014. Results Of 761 subjects in the analysis, 82 dropouts (36 in the three-drug arm and 46 in the four-drug arm) and 59 protocol deviations (25 in the three-drug arm and 34 in the four-drug arm) occurred during the first 2 years of follow-up. A total of 169 subjects incurred virologic failure or death. The 2-year risks were similar both in the trial and in the US HIV-diagnosed target population for estimates from the conventional intention-to-treat, dropout-weighted intention-to-treat, and per-protocol analyses. In the US target population, the 2-year conventional intention-to-treat risk difference (unit: %) for virologic failure or death comparing the four-drug arm to the three-drug arm was −0.4 (95% confidence interval: −6.2, 5.1), while the hazard ratio was 0.97 (95% confidence interval: 0.70, 1.34); the 2-year risk difference was −0.9 (95% confidence interval: −6.9, 5.3) for the dropout-weighted intention-to-treat comparison (hazard ratio = 0.95, 95% confidence interval: 0.68, 1.32) and −0.7 (95% confidence interval: −6.7, 5.5) for the per-protocol comparison (hazard ratio = 0.96, 95% confidence interval: 0.69, 1.34). Conclusion No benefit of four-drug antiretroviral regimen over three-drug regimen was found from the conventional intention-to-treat, dropout-weighted intention-to-treat or per-protocol estimates in the trial sample or target population

    Perspectives on the future of epidemiology: A framework for training

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    Over the past century, the field of epidemiology has evolved and adapted to changing public health needs. Challenges include newly emerging public health concerns across broad and diverse content areas, new methods, and vast data sources. We recognize the need to engage and educate the next generation of epidemiologists and prepare them to tackle these issues of the 21st century. In this commentary, we suggest a skeleton framework upon which departments of epidemiology should build their curriculum. We propose domains that include applied epidemiology, biological and social determinants of health, communication, creativity and ability to collaborate and lead, statistical methods, and study design. We believe all students should gain skills across these domains to tackle the challenges posed to us. The aim is to train smart thinkers, not technicians, to embrace challenges and move the expanding field of epidemiology forward