1,585 research outputs found

    Climate change research and the search for solutions: rethinking interdisciplinarity

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    Growing political pressure to find solutions to climate change is leading to increasing calls for multiple disciplines, in particular those that are not traditionally part of climate change research, to contribute new knowledge systems that can offer deeper and broader insights to address the problem. Recognition of the complexity of climate change compels researchers to draw on interdisciplinary knowledge that marries natural sciences with social sciences and humanities. Yet most interdisciplinary approaches fail to adequately merge the framings of the disparate disciplines, resulting in reductionist messages that are largely devoid of context, and hence provide incomplete and misleading analysis for decision-making. For different knowledge systems to work better together toward climate solutions, we need to reframe the way questions are asked and research pursued, in order to inform action without slipping into reductionism. We suggest that interdisciplinarity needs to be rethought. This will require accepting a plurality of narratives, embracing multiple disciplinary perspectives, and shifting expectations of public messaging, and above all looking to integrate the appropriate disciplines that can help understand human systems in order to better mediate action

    Time without time: a stochastic clock model

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    We study a classical reparametrization-invariant system, in which ``time'' is not a priori defined. It consists of a nonrelativistic particle moving in five dimensions, two of which are compactified to form a torus. There, assuming a suitable potential, the internal motion is ergodic or more strongly irregular. We consider quasi-local observables which measure the system's ``change'' in a coarse-grained way. Based on this, we construct a statistical timelike parameter, particularly with the help of maximum entropy method and Fisher-Rao information metric. The emergent reparametrization-invariant ``time'' does not run smoothly but is simply related to the proper time on the average. For sufficiently low energy, the external motion is then described by a unitary quantum mechanical evolution in accordance with the Schr\"odinger equation.Comment: 18 pages; LaTeX. 4 (.ps) plus 2 (.gif) figure file

    The Axis-Ratio Distribution of Galaxy Clusters in the SDSS-C4 Catalog as a New Cosmological Probe

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    We analyze the C4 catalog of galaxy clusters from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to investigate the axis-ratio distribution of the projected two dimensional cluster profiles. We consider only those objects in the catalog whose virial mass is close to 10^{14}h^{-1}M_{sun}, with member galaxies within the scale radius 1000 kpc. The total number of such objects turns out to be 336. We also derive a theoretical distribution by incorporating the effect of projection onto the sky into the analytic formalism proposed recently by Lee, Jing, & Suto. The theoretical distribution of the cluster axis-ratios is shown to depend on the amplitude of the linear power spectrum (sigma_8) as well as the density parameter (Omega_{m}). Finally, fitting the observational data to the analytic distribution with Omega_{m} and sigma_{8} as two adjustable free parameters, we find the best-fitting value of sigma_{8}=(1.01 +/- 0.09)(Omega_{m}/0.6)^{(0.07 +/- 0.02) +0.1 Omega_{m}}$. It is a new sigma_{8}-Omega_{m} relation, different from the previous one derived from the local abundance of X-ray clusters. We expect that the axis-ratio distribution of galaxy clusters, if combined with the local abundance of clusters, may put simultaneous constraints on sigma_{8} and Omega_{m}.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ, 17 pages, 3 figures, improved analysis, more discussion on the validity and the caveats of the mode

    Optical coherence tomography guided laser cochleostomy: towards the accuracy on tens of micrometer scale

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    Lasers have been proven to be precise tools for bone ablation. Applying no mechanical stress to the patient, they are potentially very suitable for microsurgery on fragile structures such as the inner ear. However, it remains challenging to control the laser-bone ablation without injuring embedded soft tissue. In this work, we demonstrate a closed-loop control of a short-pulsed CO2 laser to perform laser cochleostomy under the monitoring of an optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. A foresighted detection of the bone-endosteum-perilymph boundary several hundred micrometers before its exposure has been realized. Position and duration of the laser pulses are planned based on the residual bone thickness distribution. OCT itself is also used as a highly accurate tracking system for motion compensation between the target area and the optics. During ex vivo experimental evaluation on fresh porcine cochleae, the ablation process terminated automatically when the thickness of the residual tissue layer uniformly reached a predefined value. The shape of the resulting channel bottom converged to the natural curvature of the endosteal layer without injuring the critical structure. Preliminary measurements in OCT scans indicated that the mean absolute accuracy of the shape approximation was only around 20 μm

    The Role of the Gut Microbiota in the Effects of Early-Life Stress and Dietary Fatty Acids on Later-Life Central and Metabolic Outcomes in Mice

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    Early-life stress (ELS) leads to increased vulnerability for mental and metabolic disorders. We have previously shown that a low dietary ω-6/ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratio protects against ELS-induced cognitive impairments. Due to the importance of the gut microbiota as a determinant of long-term health, we here study the impact of ELS and dietary PUFAs on the gut microbiota and how this relates to the previously described cognitive, metabolic, and fatty acid profiles. Male mice were exposed to ELS via the limited bedding and nesting paradigm (postnatal day (P)2 to P9 and to an early diet (P2 to P42) with an either high (15) or low (1) ω-6 linoleic acid to ω-3 alpha-linolenic acid ratio. 16S rRNA was sequenced and analyzed from fecal samples at P21, P42, and P180. Age impacted α- and β-diversity. ELS and diet together predicted variance in microbiota composition and affected the relative abundance of bacterial groups at several taxonomic levels in the short and long term. For example, age increased the abundance of the phyla Bacteroidetes, while it decreased Actinobacteria and Verrucomicrobia; ELS reduced the genera RC9 gut group and Rikenella, and the low ω-6/ω-3 diet reduced the abundance of the Firmicutes Erysipelotrichia. At P42, species abundance correlated with body fat mass and circulating leptin (e.g., Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria taxa) and fatty acid profiles (e.g., Firmicutes taxa). This study gives novel insights into the impact of age, ELS, and dietary PUFAs on microbiota composition, providing potential targets for noninvasive (nutritional) modulation of ELS-induced deficits. IMPORTANCE Early-life stress (ELS) leads to increased vulnerability to develop mental and metabolic disorders; however, the biological mechanisms leading to such programming are not fully clear. Increased attention has been given to the importance of the gut microbiota as a determinant of long-term health and as a potential target for noninvasive nutritional strategies to protect against the negative impact of ELS. Here, we give novel insights into the complex interaction between ELS, early dietary ω-3 availability, and the gut microbiota across ages and provide new potential targets for (nutritional) modulation of the long-term effects of the early-life environment via the microbiota

    Megacrystals track magma convection between reservoir and surface

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    Active volcanoes are typically fed by magmatic reservoirs situated within the upper crust. The development of thermal and/or compositional gradients in such magma chambers may lead to vigorous convection as inferred from theoretical models and evidence for magma mixing recorded in volcanic rocks. Bi-directional flow is also inferred to prevail in the conduits of numerous persistently-active volcanoes based on observed gas and thermal emissions at the surface, as well as experiments with analogue models. However, more direct evidence for such exchange flows has hitherto been lacking. Here, we analyse the remarkable oscillatory zoning of anorthoclase feldspar megacrystals erupted from the lava lake of Erebus volcano, Antarctica. A comprehensive approach, combining phase equilibria, solubility experiments and melt inclusion and textural analyses shows that the chemical profiles are best explained as a result of multiple episodes of magma transport between a deeper reservoir and the lava lake at the surface. Individual crystals have repeatedly travelled up-and-down the plumbing system, over distances of up to several kilometers, presumably as a consequence of entrainment in the bulk magma flow. Our findings thus corroborate the model of bi-directional flow in magmatic conduits. They also imply contrasting flow regimes in reservoir and conduit, with vigorous convection in the former (regular convective cycles of ∼150 days at a speed of ∼0.5 mm s−1) and more complex cycles of exchange flow and re-entrainment in the latter. We estimate that typical, 1-cm-wide crystals should be at least 14 years old, and can record several (from 1 to 3) complete cycles between the reservoir and the lava lake via the conduit. This persistent recycling of phonolitic magma is likely sustained by CO2 fluxing, suggesting that accumulation of mafic magma in the lower crust is volumetrically more significant than that of evolved magma within the edifice.The work reported here has been partially supported by the National Science Foundation (Division of Polar Programs) under grant ANT1142083. The authors thank the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) for access to the NERC Ion Microprobe Facility (Grant IMF453/1011) and Richard Hinton for invaluable help with SIMS analyses. Y.M. acknowledges support from the Cambridge Philosophical Society, the University of Cambridge Home and EU Scholarship Scheme, and the Philip Lake and William Vaughan Lewis funds from the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge. Y.M. also acknowledges support from ERC grant #279790.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X14007833#

    Energy demand patterns

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    Meeting: Energy Research Priorities Seminar, 8-10 Aug. 1983, Ottawa, ON, C

    AutoSNAP: Automatically Learning Neural Architectures for Instrument Pose Estimation

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    Despite recent successes, the advances in Deep Learning have not yet been fully translated to Computer Assisted Intervention (CAI) problems such as pose estimation of surgical instruments. Currently, neural architectures for classification and segmentation tasks are adopted ignoring significant discrepancies between CAI and these tasks. We propose an automatic framework (AutoSNAP) for instrument pose estimation problems, which discovers and learns the architectures for neural networks. We introduce 1)~an efficient testing environment for pose estimation, 2)~a powerful architecture representation based on novel Symbolic Neural Architecture Patterns (SNAPs), and 3)~an optimization of the architecture using an efficient search scheme. Using AutoSNAP, we discover an improved architecture (SNAPNet) which outperforms both the hand-engineered i3PosNet and the state-of-the-art architecture search method DARTS.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI 2020 Preparing code for release at https://github.com/MECLabTUDA/AutoSNA

    Unconventional Transport Routes of Soluble and Membrane Proteins and Their Role in Developmental Biology

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    Many proteins and cargoes in eukaryotic cells are secreted through the conventional secretory pathway that brings proteins and membranes from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane, passing through various cell compartments, and then the extracellular space. The recent identification of an increasing number of leaderless secreted proteins bypassing the Golgi apparatus unveiled the existence of alternative protein secretion pathways. Moreover, other unconventional routes for secretion of soluble or transmembrane proteins with initial endoplasmic reticulum localization were identified. Furthermore, other proteins normally functioning in conventional membrane traffic or in the biogenesis of unique plant/fungi organelles or in plasmodesmata transport seem to be involved in unconventional secretory pathways. These alternative pathways are functionally related to biotic stress and development, and are becoming more and more important in cell biology studies in yeast, mammalian cells and in plants. The city of Lecce hosted specialists working on mammals, plants and microorganisms for the inaugural meeting on "Unconventional Protein and Membrane Traffic" (UPMT) during 4-7 October 2016. The main aim of the meeting was to include the highest number of topics, summarized in this report, related to the unconventional transport routes of protein and membranes

    Volcanic gas emissions and degassing dynamics at Ubinas and Sabancaya volcanoes; implications for the volatile budget of the central volcanic zone

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    Emission of volcanic gas is thought to be the dominant process by which volatiles transit from the deep earth to the atmosphere. Volcanic gas emissions, remain poorly constrained, and volcanoes of Peru are entirely absent from the current global dataset. In Peru, Sabancaya and Ubinas volcanoes are by far the largest sources of volcanic gas. Here, we report the first measurements of the compositions and fluxes of volcanic gases emitted from these volcanoes. The measurements were acquired in November 2015. We determined an average SO2 flux of 15.3 ± 2.3 kg s− 1 (1325-ton day− 1) at Sabancaya and of 11.4 ± 3.9 kg s− 1 (988-ton day− 1) at Ubinas using scanning ultraviolet spectroscopy and dual UV camera systems. In-situ Multi-GAS analyses yield molar proportions of H2O, CO2, SO2, H2S and H2 gases of 73, 15, 10 1.15 and 0.15 mol% at Sabancaya and of 96, 2.2, 1.2 and 0.05 mol% for H2O, CO2, SO2 and H2S at Ubinas. Together, these data imply cumulative fluxes for both volcanoes of 282, 30, 27, 1.2 and 0.01 kg s− 1 of H2O, CO2, SO2, H2S and H2 respectively. Sabancaya and Ubinas volcanoes together contribute about 60% of the total CO2 emissions from the Central Volcanic zone, and dominate by far the total revised volatile budget of the entire Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes
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