67 research outputs found

    Insight into intramolecular chemical structure modifications by on-surface reaction using photoemission tomography

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    The sensitivity of photoemission tomography (PT) to directly probe single molecule on-surface intramolecular reactions will be shown here. PT application in the study of molecules possessing peripheral ligands and structural flexibility is tested on the temperature-induced dehydrogenation intramolecular reaction on Ag(100), leading from CoOEP to the final product CoTBP. Along with the ring-closure reaction, the electronic occupancy and energy level alignment of the frontier orbitals, as well as the oxidation state of the metal ion, are elucidated for both the CoOEP and CoTBP systems

    Parasitic phases at the origin of magnetic moment in BiFeO3 thin films grown by low deposition rate RF sputtering

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    FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQA series of epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films has been grown under high partial pressure in a pure O-2 atmosphere, which leads to a low deposition rate. The samples grown under these conditions have presented an evolution of the quality of the epitaxy as the deposition temperature increases, however, spurious beta-Bi2O3 and supertetragonal BiFeO3 phases are present in the films grown at higher temperatures. The presence of gamma-Fe2O3 is reported in one growing condition, and has been attributed to the origin of hysteretic ferromagnetic behavior. A second kind of magnetism, with higher magnetic moment and anhysteretic behaviour, is attributed to the presence of mixed phases of BiFeO3.1221215FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ2012/18397-12012/51198-2309354/2015-3This work was supported by FAPESP (Project No. 2012/51198-2). Some of the XRD measurements were performed at the XRD2 beamline of the LNLS/CNPEM under Project Nos. 20150162 and 20160908. The authors thank the LNNano/CNPEM for XRD/XRR, AFM and sputtering facilities, the LIEC/UFSCar for the SQUID measurements, and M. M. Soares for important discussions regarding the structural characterization. P.S. thanks FAPESP for financial support (Project No. 2012/18397-1). J.C.C. acknowledges support from CNPq (Project No. 309354/2015-3)

    Energy and Environmental Performance Comparison of Heat Pump Systems Working with Alternative Refrigerants

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    Featured Application: An energy and environmental performance analysis of air-source and ground-source heat pump systems able to operate with traditional (R-410A) and alternative low-GWP (R-454B) refrigerants is conducted. The case study is composed of an existing residential single-family house, and the coupled HVAC system is modeled by means of the commercial software TRNSYS. The TEWI index is considered to evaluate the environmental impact of the heat pump systems. The results of the numerical simulations show a significant reduction in the overall greenhouse emissions of those systems in which R-454B is employed as a refrigerant. The European Parliament has imposed to reduce by 2030 whole HFC emissions by at least two-thirds with respect to 2014 levels. With the aim of contributing to determine the energy and environmental advantages of refrigerants alternative to R-410A, this paper reports the results of a numerical study focused on an HVAC system coupled to a residential building and based on a reversible electric heat pump. In particular, two heat pump typologies are considered: an air-source and a ground-source heat pump, both operating with the two refrigerants R-410A and R-454B. The environmental performance of the studied system is assessed by means of the TEWI (total equivalent warming impact) index. The adoption of R-454B involves a slight decrease (2–3%) in the overall annual energy performance of the system with respect to the use of R-410A. On the other hand, the working fluid R-454B guarantees a marked decrease in the TEWI indicator. Indeed, considering the current Italian emission factor of electricity taken from the grid, the total emissions over the entire heat pump operating life drop by about 25% and can decrease by up to 89% in perspective, following the current reduction trend of the emission factor

    Reversible redox reactions in metal-supported porphyrin: The role of spin and oxidation state

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    On-surface molecular functionalization paved the way for the stabilization of chelated ions in different oxidation and spin states, allowing for the fine control of catalytic and magnetic properties of metalorganic networks. Considering two model systems, a reduced Co(i) and an open-shell Co(ii) metal-supported 2D molecular array, we investigate the interplay between the low valence oxidation and unpaired spin state in the molecular reactivity. We show that the redox reaction taking place at the cobalt tetraphenylporphyrin/Cu(100) interface, stabilizing the low-spin Co(i) state with no unpaired electrons in its valence shell, plays a pivotal role in changing the reactivity. This goes beyond the sole presence of unpaired electrons in the valence state of the Co(ii) metal-organic species, often designated as being responsible for the reactivity towards small molecules like NO and NO2. The reversible Co-NO2 interaction, established with the Co(i) leads to the stabilization of the Co(iii) oxidation state

    Conservation of Nickel Ion Single-Active Site Character in a Bottom-Up Constructed π-Conjugated Molecular Network

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    On-surface chemistry holds the potential for ultimate miniaturization of functional devices. Porphyrins are promising building-blocks in exploring advanced nanoarchitecture concepts. More stable molecular materials of practical interest with improved charge transfer properties can be achieved by covalently interconnecting molecular units. On-surface synthesis allows to construct extended covalent nanostructures at interfaces not conventionally available. Here, we address the synthesis and properties of covalent molecular network composed of interconnected constituents derived from halogenated nickel tetraphenylporphyrin on Au(111). We report that the π-extended two-dimensional material exhibits dispersive electronic features. Concomitantly, the functional Ni cores retain the same single-active site character of their single-molecule counterparts. This opens new pathways when exploiting the high robustness of transition metal cores provided by bottom-up constructed covalent nanomeshes

    Extended π-conjugation: a key to magnetic anisotropy preservation in highly reactive porphyrins

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    In this study, the magnetic anisotropy of metal complexes is explored for its crucial role in the development of molecular materials for cutting-edge applications in spintronics, memory storage, and quantum computing. The challenge of achieving maximum magnetic anisotropy for paramagnetic single nickel ion sites is addressed and realized through an on-surface thermally induced planarization reaction in tetraphenylporphyrin, which maintains the nickel species in a square planar coordination environment. At the same time, the effective ligand field reduction due to the increased π-conjugation results in a lower reactivity of the molecular species. The results herein reported showcase the synergy between magnetic anisotropy and chemical robustness in single-site magnetic materials, thus opening exciting prospects for the development of stable uniaxial anisotropy in these materials. Such a finding represents a relevant advance in the field and validates a protocol for exploring magnetic anisotropy in metal complexes

    Características de carcaça e do couro de bovinos precoces e superprecoces.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do sistema de produção sobre características produtivas e do couro de bovinos cruzados precoces e superprecoces. Foram utilizados 36 animais, sendo 16 provenientes do sistema superprecoce (10 machos castrados e seis fêmeas), terminados em confinamento e 20 animais do sistema precoce (10 machos castrados e 10 fêmeas), terminados em pastagens, recebendo suplementação protéico energética (1 kg/dia/animal). Após o abate os couros foram processados até a etapa de couro semi-acabado, onde foram retiradas as amostras da região do dorsolombar para os ensaios físico-mecânicos de tração e rasgamento. Houve efeito do sistema de produção para ganho de peso total (GPT), ganho médio diário (GMD), área de olho de lombo (AOL), espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS), marmoreio, peso da pele ao abate (PPe1) e perdas com a padronização, com menores médias para animais precoces. As perdas apresentadas pelas fêmeas foram 14,48 e 6,88 kg, e para os machos castrados 9,32 e 4,84 kg, respectivamente para superprecoces e precoces. As médias de PA, peso da pele padronizada e área do couro Wet-blue dos machos castrados foram 473,60 kg, 40,60 kg e 4,52 m², respectivamente, para superprecoces e 462,83 kg, 29,77 kg e 4,31 m², respectivamente, para precoces. Não houve efeito de sexo e de sistema de produção para as características avaliadas nos ensaios físicos mecânicos no couro de bovinos precoces e superprecoces

    Photoionization Dynamics of the Tetraoxo Complexes OsO4 and RuO4

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    The photoionization dynamics of OsO4 and RuO4, chosen as model systems of small-size mononuclear heavy-metal complexes, has been theoretically studied by the time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). Accurate experimental measurements of photoionization dynamics as a benchmarking test for the theory are reported for the photoelectron asymmetry parameters of outer valence ionizations of OsO4, measured in the 17-90 eV photon energy range. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the available experimental data. The observed dynamical behavior of partial cross sections and asymmetry parameters has been related to both the coupling to the continuum of discrete excited states, giving strong modulations in the photon energy dependency, and the atomic composition of the initial ionized states, which determines the rate of decay of ionization probability for increasing excitation energies. Overall, an extensive analysis of the photoionization dynamics for valence and core orbitals is presented, showing good agreement with all the available experimental data. This provides confidence for the validity of the TDDFT approach in describing photoionization of heavy transition element compounds, with the perspective of being used for larger systems. Further experimental work is suggested for RuO4 to gather evidence of the sensitivity of the theoretical method to the nature of the metal atom