28 research outputs found

    PAR1 activation induces the release by Schwann cells of factors promoting cell survival and neuritogenesis

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    Protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) is a member of a family of four G-protein-coupled receptors which are activated by proteolytic cleavage of their N-terminal extracellular domain. The expression and the role of PAR1 in peripheral nervous system (PNS) is still poorly investigated, although high PAR1 mRNA expression was found in the dorsal root ganglia and in the non-compacted Schwann cell myelin microvilli at the nodes of Ranvier. Schwann cells (SCs) are the principal population of glial cells of the PNS which myelinate axons and play a key role in axonal regeneration and remyelination. Aim of the present study was to determine if the activation of PAR1 affects the neurotrophic properties of SCs. By double immunofluorescence we observed a specific staining for PAR1 in S100ȕ-positive cells of rat sciatic nerve and sciatic teased fibers. Moreover, PAR1 was highly expressed in SC cultures obtained from both neonatal and adult rat sciatic nerves. When PAR1 specific agonists were added to these cultures an increased proliferation rate was observed. Moreover, the conditioned medium obtained from primary SCs treated with PAR1 agonists increased cell survival and neurite outgrowth on PC12 cells respect to controls. By proteomics, western blot and RT-PCR analyses we identified five proteins which are released by SCs following PAR1 stimulation: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (Mif), Aldose reductase (Akr1b1), Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (Mmp2), Syndecan-4 (Sdc) and Decorin (Dcn). Conversely, a significant decrease in the level of three proteins was observed: Complement C1r subcomponent (C1r) and Complement component 1 Q subcomponent-bindingprotein (C1qbp). When PAR1 expression was silenced by siRNA the observed pro-survival and neurotrophic properties of SCs appear to be reduced respect to controls. References PAR1 activation affects the neurotrophic properties of Schwann cells. Pompili E1, Fabrizi C2, Somma F2, Correani V3, Maras B3, Schininà ME3, Ciraci V2, Artico M4, Fornai F5, Fumagalli L2. 2017 Jan 4;79:23-33. doi: 10.1016/j.mcn.2017.01.001.Schwann cells (SCs) regulate a wide variety of axonal functions in the peripheral nervous system, providing a supportive growth environment following nerve injury (1). Here we show that rat SCs express the protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1) both in vivo and in vitro. PAR1 is a G-protein coupled receptor eliciting cellular responses to thrombin and other proteases (2). To investigate if PAR1 activation affects the neurotrophic properties of SCs, this receptor was activated by a specific agonist peptide (TFLLR) and the conditioned medium was transferred to PC12 pheocromocytoma cells for assessing cell survival and neurite outgrowth. Culture medium from SCs treated with 10 µM TFLLR reduced significantly the release of LDH and increased the viability of PC12 cells with respect to the medium of the untreated SCs. Furthermore, conditioned medium from TFLLR-treated SCs increased neurite outgrowth on PC12 cells respect to control medium from untreated cells. To identify putative neurotrophic candidates we performed proteomic analysis on SC secretoma and real time PCR experiments after PAR1 activation. Stimulation of SCs with TFLLR increased specifically the release of a subset of five proteins: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (Mif), Aldose reductase (Akr1b1), Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (Mmp2), Syndecan-4 (Sdc) and Decorin (Dcn). At the same time there was a significant decrease in the level of three proteins: Complement C1r subcomponent (C1r), Complement component 1 Q subcomponent-binding protein (C1qbp) and Angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1 (Aggf1). These data indicate that PAR1 stimulation does induce the release by SCs of factors promoting cell survival and neuritogenesis. Among these proteins, Mif, Sdc, Dcn and Mmp2 are of particular interest

    Degeneration and regeneration of peripheral nerves: role of thrombin and its receptor PAR-1

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    The peripheral nervous system has a striking regeneration potential and after damage extensive changes in the differentiation state both of the injured neurons and of the Schwann cells are observed. Schwann cells, in particular, undergo a large scale change in gene expression becoming able to support axonal regeneration. Nerve injury is generally associated to inflammation and activation of the coagulation cascade. Thrombin acts as a polyfunctional signalling molecule exerting its physiological function through soluble target proteins and G-protein-coupled receptors, the protease-activated receptors (PARs) [1]. Recently, we have demonstrated that the activation of the main thrombin receptor, PAR-1, in Schwann cells favours their regenerative potential determining the release of factors which promote axonal regrowth [2]. The pro-regenerative potential of thrombin seems to be exerted in a narrow range of concentrations (pM-nM range). In fact, our preliminary data indicate that high levels of thrombin in the micromolar range slow down Schwann cell proliferation and induce cell death. On the contrary, PAR-1 activating peptides mimic the pro-survival but not the pro-apoptotic effects of thrombin. Controlling thrombin concentration may preserve neuronal health during nerve injury and represent a novel target for pharmacologic therapies

    PAR1 activation induces the release by Schwann cells of factors promoting cell survival and neuritogenesis

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    Protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) is a member of a family of four G-protein-coupled receptors which are activated by proteolytic cleavage of their N-terminal extracellular domain. The expression and the role of PAR1 in peripheral nervous system (PNS) is still poorly investigated, although high PAR1 mRNA expression was found in the dorsal root ganglia and in the non-compacted Schwann cell myelin microvilli at the nodes of Ranvier. Schwann cells (SCs) are the principal population of glial cells of the PNS which myelinate axons and play a key role in axonal regeneration and remyelination. Aim of the present study was to determine if the activation of PAR1 affects the neurotrophic properties of SCs. By double immunofluorescence we observed a specific staining for PAR1 in S100ȕ-positive cells of rat sciatic nerve and sciatic teased fibers. Moreover, PAR1 was highly expressed in SC cultures obtained from both neonatal and adult rat sciatic nerves. When PAR1 specific agonists were added to these cultures an increased proliferation rate was observed. Moreover, the conditioned medium obtained from primary SCs treated with PAR1 agonists increased cell survival and neurite outgrowth on PC12 cells respect to controls. By proteomics, western blot and RT-PCR analyses we identified five proteins which are released by SCs following PAR1 stimulation: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (Mif), Aldose reductase (Akr1b1), Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (Mmp2), Syndecan-4 (Sdc) and Decorin (Dcn). Conversely, a significant decrease in the level of three proteins was observed: Complement C1r subcomponent (C1r) and Complement component 1 Q subcomponent-bindingprotein (C1qbp). When PAR1 expression was silenced by siRNA the observed pro-survival and neurotrophic properties of SCs appear to be reduced respect to controls. References PAR1 activation affects the neurotrophic properties of Schwann cells. Pompili E1, Fabrizi C2, Somma F2, Correani V3, Maras B3, Schininà ME3, Ciraci V2, Artico M4, Fornai F5, Fumagalli L2. 2017 Jan 4;79:23-33. doi: 10.1016/j.mcn.2017.01.001.Schwann cells (SCs) regulate a wide variety of axonal functions in the peripheral nervous system, providing a supportive growth environment following nerve injury (1). Here we show that rat SCs express the protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1) both in vivo and in vitro. PAR1 is a G-protein coupled receptor eliciting cellular responses to thrombin and other proteases (2). To investigate if PAR1 activation affects the neurotrophic properties of SCs, this receptor was activated by a specific agonist peptide (TFLLR) and the conditioned medium was transferred to PC12 pheocromocytoma cells for assessing cell survival and neurite outgrowth. Culture medium from SCs treated with 10 µM TFLLR reduced significantly the release of LDH and increased the viability of PC12 cells with respect to the medium of the untreated SCs. Furthermore, conditioned medium from TFLLR-treated SCs increased neurite outgrowth on PC12 cells respect to control medium from untreated cells. To identify putative neurotrophic candidates we performed proteomic analysis on SC secretoma and real time PCR experiments after PAR1 activation. Stimulation of SCs with TFLLR increased specifically the release of a subset of five proteins: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (Mif), Aldose reductase (Akr1b1), Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (Mmp2), Syndecan-4 (Sdc) and Decorin (Dcn). At the same time there was a significant decrease in the level of three proteins: Complement C1r subcomponent (C1r), Complement component 1 Q subcomponent-binding protein (C1qbp) and Angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1 (Aggf1). These data indicate that PAR1 stimulation does induce the release by SCs of factors promoting cell survival and neuritogenesis. Among these proteins, Mif, Sdc, Dcn and Mmp2 are of particular interest

    Prophylactic heparin and risk of orotracheal intubation or death in patients with mild or moderate COVID-19 pneumonia

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    Prophylactic low molecular weight heparin (pLMWH) is currently recommended in COVID-19 to reduce the risk of coagulopathy. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the antinflammatory effects of pLMWH could translate in lower rate of clinical progression in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Patients admitted to a COVID-hospital in Rome with SARS-CoV-2 infection and mild/moderate pneumonia were retrospectively evaluated. The primary endpoint was the time from hospital admission to orotracheal intubation/death (OTI/death). A total of 449 patients were included: 39% female, median age 63 (IQR, 50–77) years. The estimated probability of OTI/death for patients receiving pLMWH was: 9.5% (95% CI 3.2–26.4) by day 20 in those not receiving pLMWH vs. 10.4% (6.7–15.9) in those exposed to pLMWH; p-value = 0.144. This risk associated with the use of pLMWH appeared to vary by PaO_{2}/FiO_{2} ratio aHR 1.40 (95% CI 0.51–3.79) for patients with an admission PaO_{2}/FiO_{2} ≤ 300 mmHg and 0.27 (0.03–2.18) for those with PaO_{2}/FiO_{2} > 300 mmHg; p-value at interaction test 0.16. pLMWH does not seem to reduce the risk of OTI/death mild/moderate COVID-19 pneumonia, especially when respiratory function had already significantly deteriorated. Data from clinical trials comparing the effect of prophylactic vs. therapeutic dosage of LMWH at various stages of COVID-19 disease are needed

    Human Papillomavirus-16 E7 Interacts with Glutathione S-Transferase P1 and Enhances Its Role in Cell Survival

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    Background:Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-16 is a paradigm for "high-risk" HPVs, the causative agents of virtually all cervical carcinomas. HPV E6 and E7 viral genes are usually expressed in these tumors, suggesting key roles for their gene products, the E6 and E7 oncoproteins, in inducing malignant transformation.Methodology/Principal Findings:By protein-protein interaction analysis, using mass spectrometry, we identified glutathione S-transferase P1-1 (GSTP1) as a novel cellular partner of the HPV-16 E7 oncoprotein. Following mapping of the region in the HPV-16 E7 sequence that is involved in the interaction, we generated a three-dimensional molecular model of the complex between HPV-16 E7 and GSTP1, and used this to engineer a mutant molecule of HPV-16 E7 with strongly reduced affinity for GSTP1.When expressed in HaCaT human keratinocytes, HPV-16 E7 modified the equilibrium between the oxidized and reduced forms of GSTP1, thereby inhibiting JNK phosphorylation and its ability to induce apoptosis. Using GSTP1-deficient MCF-7 cancer cells and siRNA interference targeting GSTP1 in HaCaT keratinocytes expressing either wild-type or mutant HPV-16 E7, we uncovered a pivotal role for GSTP1 in the pro-survival program elicited by its binding with HPV-16 E7.Conclusions/Significance:This study provides further evidence of the transforming abilities of this oncoprotein, setting the groundwork for devising unique molecular tools that can both interfere with the interaction between HPV-16 E7 and GSTP1 and minimize the survival of HPV-16 E7-expressing cancer cells. © 2009 Mileo et al

    PAR1 activation affects the neurotrophic properties of Schwann cells.

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    Protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1) is the prototypic member of a family of four G-protein-coupled receptors that signal in response to extracellular proteases. In the peripheral nervous system, the expression and/or the role of PARs are still poorly investigated. High PAR1 mRNA expression was found in the rat dorsal root ganglia and the signal intensity of PAR1 mRNA increased in response to sciatic nerve transection. In the sciatic nerve, functional PAR1 receptor was reported at the level of non-compacted Schwann cell myelin microvilli of the nodes of Ranvier. Schwann cells are the principal population of glial cells of the peripheral nervous system which myelinate axons playing an important role during axonal regeneration and remyelination. The present study was undertaken in order to determine if the activation of PAR1 affects the neurotrophic properties of Schwann cells. Our results suggest that the stimulation of PAR1 could potentiate the Schwann cell ability to favour nerve regeneration. In fact, the conditioned medium obtained from Schwann cell cultures challenged with a specific PAR1 activating peptide (PAR1 AP) displays increased neuroprotective and neurotrophic properties with respect to the culture medium from untreated Schwann cells. The proteomic analysis of secreted proteins in untreated and PAR1 AP-treated Schwann cells allowed the identification of factors differentially expressed in the two samples. Some of them (such as macrophage migration inhibitory factor, matrix metalloproteinase-2, decorin, syndecan 4, complement C1r subcomponent, angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1) appear to be transcriptionally regulated after PAR1 AP treatment as shown by RT-PC

    COVID-19: a review of the literature and the experience of INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani two months after the epidemic outbreak

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    COVID-19 disease often presents as an acute respiratory syndrome with a very varied and still nonspecific radio-logical signs. The characteristic radiological signs begin to be known and codified and include the ground glass opacities in the initial phase of the disease, which are complicated by the thickening of the inter lobar and intra lobular septa with a “crazy paving” paintings, the appearance of areas of parenchymal consolidation up to full-blown acute respiratory distress syndrome states. The purpose of this paper is to review the international literature and the analysis of the first 70 patients studied at the National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani in Rome