27 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Schinck, Zephirina (Brunswick, Cumberland County)

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    Engaging students with the Fold-and-Cut Theorem

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    When students make geometric constructions through paper folding, it allows them to make geometric concepts come to life in their hands. In this article, we discuss a hands-on geometry activity based on the Fold-and-Cut Theorem that can help teachers enhance students’ engagement with geometry and deepen students’ geometric reasoning by paper folding

    The local-global principle in number theory

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    " p-adic fields provide remarkable, easy and natural solutions to problems which apparently have no relation to p-adic fields and which otherwise can be resolved, if at all, only by deep and arduous methods ". -- J. W. S. Cassels The first Local-Global Principle, formulated by Hasse in 1921, relates the behaviour of rational quadratic forms in [Special characters omitted.] (global field) to their behaviour in the p -adic fields [Special characters omitted.] (local fields). The notion of using local information as a stepping stone towards understanding more difficult global properties has been generalized and applied to many problems, making Local-Global methods a powerful number theoretic tool. Even when the principle fails, we can sometimes salvage some connection between the local and the global. This thesis aims to give a survey of the basic theory

    Passieve en aktieve demping in aandrijvingen

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    Een turbopascal programma voor het ontwerpen en optimaliseren van samenwerkende nokken

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    Het verpakken van TLD lampen

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    Een turbopascal programma voor het ontwerpen en optimaliseren van samenwerkende nokken

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    Frauenbildung in der Frühen Neuzeit: Mary Astells 'A Serious Proposal to the Ladies'

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    "Chancengleichheit oder, um es historisch auszudrücken, die Verbesserung der Lage der Frau stehen in engem Zusammenhang mit den Bildungs- und Ausbildungsangeboten, zu denen Frauen Zugang haben. Diese Erkenntnis verdanken wir durchaus nicht dem 19. Jahrhundert mit seiner Vielzahl gesellschaftspolitischer Reflexionen, Forderungen und Umwälzungen. Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, daß im 17. Jahrhundert einige wenige Frauen eine wenn auch instabile ökonomische Unabhängigkeit erreichen konnten - als Autorinnen, als Schauspielerinnen, als Lehrerinnen - fragt dieser Artikel nach den Voraussetzungen für diese Unabhängigkeit. Im Zentrum hierbei steht die sich in der Frühen Moderne lebhaft entwickelnde Diskussion über Erziehung und Ausbildung. Den Höhepunkt dieser Debatte in bezug auf Frauen bilden Mary Astells Ausführungen zu diesen Themen, niedergelegt in London zwischen 1694 und 1697 als 'A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of Their True and Greatest Interest', ein zweiteiliges Werk, das bis 1701 allein fünf Neuauflagen erreicht und das damit auf die Dringlichkeit des Anliegens hinweist. Astells 'Ernsthafter Vorschlag an die Damen' faßt zusammen und erweitert, was in den vorausgegangenen einhundertundfünfzig Jahren zu dieser komplexen Frage geschrieben wurde." (Autorenreferat

    Navigating the epistemological rocky waters of mathematics education : an instrumental multiple case study

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    The various beliefs about mathematics and its role in society led to differing beliefs about what it means to learn mathematics and how best to teach it. Mathematics education research and organizations such as the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) champion a combination of constructivist and sociocultural approaches to mathematics teaching and learning. Within this paradigm, mathematics teachers are cast as guides in their students’ individual meaning-making experience. However, since mathematics is at the heart of science and technology, which are in turn the basis of the new global, knowledge-based economy, mathematics achievement scores on standardized tests are inexorably tied to national policy discourses of global competitiveness. Meeting the “global challenge” has resulted in government policies which reflect a view of effective mathematics teaching focused on accountability and measured outcomes. Underlying such policies is a positivist view of mathematics as a fixed body of facts and procedures which students need to internalize. Mathematics teachers function at the nexus of these differing beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning. This dissertation offers a case study analysis of three high school mathematics teachers as they navigate different belief systems while making professional decisions related to their work. This study examines the periods of tension, conflict, reflection, and resolution teachers experience while managing competing goals. The study concludes with implications for teacher education, as well as recommendations for future research

    Financial Bootstrapping: a critical entrepreneurship skill

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    Abstract Bootstrapping finance involving the use of resources to start and grow a venture at the lowest possible or even at no cost, acquires especial significance in times of a credit crunch. In this paper we explore, for the first time the use of bootstrap finance techniques in a small country European case. Based on a sample of ninety-nine Portuguese firms we first determine the most popular bootstrapping strategies, and then we test a set of hypotheses involving several socio-demographic and economic variables, some for the first time in the literature. The results yield some very interesting insights on small business strategies of non-conventional methods of financing. This paper also reveals how these strategies are related to characteristics of the small business owner, namely gender and education, as well as two business characteristics of the firm, that of firm size and internationalization