310 research outputs found

    Forschungsbedingungen der Professoren an den westdeutschen Hochschulen: Aus einer Befragung im Wintersemester 1990/91

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    Dieses Papier beschreibt die Ergebnisse der telefonischen Befragung eines reprĂ€sentativen Samples westdeutscher Professoren an wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen hinsichtlich einiger Bedingungen ihrer ForschungstĂ€tigkeit. Dabei werden insbesondere VerĂ€nderungen seit Mitte der siebziger Jahre und Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Wissenschaftsgebieten (Natur-, Ingenieur-, Agrar-, Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie Medizin hervorgehoben. Im einzelnen geht es um das Zeitbudget, die "Grundausstattung" sowie die Drittmittel und Forschungskooperationen von Professoren. Weiterhin werden deren EinschĂ€tzungen darĂŒber, wie das VerhĂ€ltnis von Forschung und Lehre an den Hochschulen zukĂŒnftig institutionalisiert sein wird bzw. sein sollte, und ĂŒber die zukĂŒnftigen Aussichten der Hochschulforschung berichtet.This paper describes the results of telephone interviews with a representative sample of professors at West German universities about certain aspects of their research conditions. Special attention is given to changes since the mid-seventies and to the differences between academic fields - natural sciences, engineering, agricultural sciences, humanities and social sciences, and medicine. Major topics are time budgets, basic funding, grant acquisition and research cooperation among professors. In addition, professors’ estimations of the future organization of teaching and research, their respective preferences, and their assessments of the future of university research in general are reported.Einleitung 2 Anlag der Befragung 3 Befragungsergebnisse 3.1 Zeitbudget 3.2 "Grundausstattung" 3.3 Drittmittel und Forschungskooperationen 3.4 VerhĂ€ltnis von Forschung und Lehre 3.5 Generelle SituationseinschĂ€tzung 4 Schluß Anhang: Fragebogen Literatu

    Compliance or pragmatism: How do academics deal with managerialism in higher education? A comparative study in three countries

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    Universities throughout Europe have adopted organisational strategies, structures, technologies, management instruments and values that are commonly found in the private sector. While these alleged managerial measures may be considered useful, and have a positive effect on the quality of teaching and research, there is also evidence of detrimental effects on primary tasks. The consequences of such managerial measures were investigated through 48 interviews with staff members at 10 universities in the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK. The results were analysed and interpreted within the framework of institutional and professional theory, by linking them to three central themes: 'symbolic compliance', 'professional pragmatism' and 'formal instrumentality'. These themes explain why and how the respondents dissociated themselves from the managerial measures imposed upon them. This occurred often for pragmatic and occasionally for principled reasons. © 2012 Society for Research into Higher Education

    Public education institutions as providers of private training programs: Degree apprenticeships in the United Kingdom

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    The Humboldt model of higher education describes two main missions of universities, i.e. teaching and research; however, this has increasingly been complemented with the third mission of connecting with business and communities through knowledge transfer, valorisation, engagement and training. One important dimension of this third mission is the provision of training programmes which bring numerous benefits to universities and their constituent communities. Yet, closer inspection of this training reveals a complex array of provision and it is argued that the term ‘knowledge transfer’ provides a more accurate picture from a learning perspective. In recent decades, the UK has maintained a laissez-faire approach allowing industry to respond to the market; however, recently there has been a significant change with a new interventionist industrial strategy. The Industrial Strategy document described the University of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) as a role model for innovation and economic growth. The AMRC Training Centre will be discussed to provide a practical context with regard to degree apprenticeships and other training which is delivered to employees of approximately 300 companies, including Boeing, McLaren and Rolls Royce which have established manufacturing facilities at the AMRC

    Individuelle und strukturelle Faktoren der Mitgliederbindung im Sportverein

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    This article analyses the conditions influencing the commitment of members of sports clubs. It focuses not only on individual characteristics of members, but also on the corresponding structural conditions of sports clubs related to the individual decision to quit or continue their membership. The influences of both the individual and context levels on the commitment of members are estimated in different multi-level models. Results of these multi-level analyses indicate that commitment of members is not just an outcome of individual characteristics such as strong commitment to the club, positively perceived communication and cooperation, satisfaction with sports clubsÊŒ offers, or voluntary engagement. It is also influenced by club-specific structural conditions: commitment is more probable in rural sports clubs, and clubs who explicitly support sociability, whereas success-oriented sporting goals in clubs have a destabilizing effect.In diesem Beitrag werden Bedingungen analysiert, die die Mitgliederbindung in Sportvereinen beeinflussen. Neben individuellen Merkmalen interessieren dabei auch die Strukturbedingungen der Sportvereine, die im Zusammenhang mit der individuellen Wahlhandlung zwischen stabiler Mitgliedschaft oder Austritt stehen. Der Einfluss der Individual- und Kontextebene auf die Mitgliederbindung in Sportvereinen wird anhand unterschiedlicher Mehrebenenmodelle geschĂ€tzt. Die Analysen machen deutlich, dass sich die dauerhafte Mitgliedschaft in Sportvereinen nicht allein auf individuelle Merkmale der Mitgliedschaft, wie eine ausgeprĂ€gte Verbundenheit, ein positiv wahrgenommenes soziales Miteinander, die Zufriedenheit mit der Vereinsarbeit sowie die ehrenamtliche Mitarbeit zurĂŒckfĂŒhren lĂ€sst. DarĂŒber hinaus nehmen vereinsspezifische Strukturbedingungen Einfluss auf die Mitgliederbindung, wobei in lĂ€ndlich geprĂ€gten Sportvereinen und in Vereinen, die Geselligkeit explizit fördern und in denen das Vereinsziel sportlicher Erfolg eher eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt, die Austrittswahrscheinlichkeit geringer ist
