8,802 research outputs found

    Prediction of a surface state and a related surface insulator-metal transition for the (100) surface of stochiometric EuO

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    We calculate the temperature and layer-dependent electronic structure of a 20-layer EuO(100)-film using a combination of first-principles and model calculation based on the ferromagnetic Kondo-lattice model. The results suggest the existence of a EuO(100) surface state which can lead to a surface insulator-metal transition.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press

    Self-diffusion of polymers in cartilage as studied by pulsed field gradient NMR

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    Pulsed field gradient (PFG) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to investigate the self-diffusion behaviour of polymers in cartilage. Polyethylene glycol and dextran with different molecular weights and in different concentrations were used as model compounds to mimic the diffusion behaviour of metabolites of cartilage. The polymer self-diffusion depends extremely on the observation time: The short-time self-diffusion coefficients (diffusion time Delta approximately 15 ms) are subjected to a rather non-specific obstruction effect that depends mainly on the molecular weights of the applied polymers as well as on the water content of the cartilage. The observed self-diffusion coefficients decrease with increasing molecular weights of the polymers and with a decreasing water content of the cartilage. In contrast, the long-time self-diffusion coefficients of the polymers in cartilage (diffusion time Delta approximately 600 ms) reflect the structural properties of the tissue. Measurements at different water contents, different molecular weights of the polymers and varying observation times suggest that primarily the collagenous network of cartilage but also the entanglements of the polymer chains themselves are responsible for the observed restricted diffusion. Additionally, anomalous restricted diffusion was shown to occur already in concentrated polymer solutions

    Coulomb blockade and Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in quantum dots

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    The non-Fermi-liquid properties of an ultrasmall quantum dot coupled to a lead and to a quantum box are investigated. Tuning the ratio of the tunneling amplitudes to the lead and box, we find a line of two-channel Kondo fixed points for arbitrary Coulomb repulsion on the dot, governing the transition between two distinct Fermi-liquid regimes. The Fermi liquids are characterized by different values of the conductance. For an asymmetric dot, spin and charge degrees of freedom are entangled: a continuous transition from a spin to a charge two-channel Kondo effect evolves. The crossover temperature to the two-channel Kondo effect is greatly enhanced away from the local-moment regime, making this exotic effect accessible in realistic quantum-dot devices.Comment: 5 figure

    Renormalization-group study of a magnetic impurity in a Luttinger liquid

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    A generalized Anderson model for a magnetic impurity in an interacting one-dimensional electron gas is studied via a mapping onto a classical Coulomb gas. For weak potential scattering, the local-moment parameter regime expands as repulsive bulk interactions become stronger, but the Kondo scale for the quenching of the impurity moment varies nonmonotonically. There also exist two regimes dominated by backward potential scattering: one in which the impurity is nonmagnetic, and another in which an unquenched local moment survives down to very low temperatures.Comment: REVTeX, 4 pages, 3 epsf-embedded EPS figure

    Spin distribution of nuclear levels using static path approximation with random-phase approximation

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    We present a thermal and quantum-mechanical treatment of nuclear rotation using the formalism of static path approximation (SPA) plus random-phase approximation (RPA). Naive perturbation theory fails because of the presence of zero-frequency modes due to dynamical symmetry breaking. Such modes lead to infrared divergences. We show that composite zero-frequency excitations are properly treated within the collective coordinate method. The resulting perturbation theory is free from infrared divergences. Without the assumption of individual random spin vectors, we derive microscopically the spin distribution of the level density. The moment of inertia is thereby related to the spin-cutoff parameter in the usual way. Explicit calculations are performed for 56^Fe; various thermal properties are discussed. In particular, we demonstrate that the increase of the moment of inertia with increasing temperature is correlated with the suppression of pairing correlations.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Kondo-lattice model: Application to the temperature-dependent electronic structure of EuO(100) films

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    We present calculations for the temperature-dependent electronic structure and magnetic properties of thin ferromagnetic EuO films. The treatment is based on a combination of a multiband-Kondo lattice model with first-principles TB-LMTO band structure calculations. The method avoids the problem of double-counting of relevant interactions and takes into account the correct symmetry of the atomic orbitals. We discuss the temperature-dependent electronic structures of EuO(100) films in terms of quasiparticle densities of states and quasiparticle band structures. The Curie temperature T_C of the EuO films turns out to be strongly thickness-dependent, starting from a very low value = 15K for the monolayer and reaching the bulk value at about 25 layers

    Functional consequences of sphingomyelinase-induced changes in erythrocyte membrane structure.

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    Inflammation enhances the secretion of sphingomyelinases (SMases). SMases catalyze the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin into phosphocholine and ceramide. In erythrocytes, ceramide formation leads to exposure of the removal signal phosphatidylserine (PS), creating a potential link between SMase activity and anemia of inflammation. Therefore, we studied the effects of SMase on various pathophysiologically relevant parameters of erythrocyte homeostasis. Time-lapse confocal microscopy revealed a SMase-induced transition from the discoid to a spherical shape, followed by PS exposure, and finally loss of cytoplasmic content. Also, SMase treatment resulted in ceramide-associated alterations in membrane-cytoskeleton interactions and membrane organization, including microdomain formation. Furthermore, we observed increases in membrane fragility, vesiculation and invagination, and large protein clusters. These changes were associated with enhanced erythrocyte retention in a spleen-mimicking model. Erythrocyte storage under blood bank conditions and during physiological aging increased the sensitivity to SMase. A low SMase activity already induced morphological and structural changes, demonstrating the potential of SMase to disturb erythrocyte homeostasis. Our analyses provide a comprehensive picture in which ceramide-induced changes in membrane microdomain organization disrupt the membrane-cytoskeleton interaction and membrane integrity, leading to vesiculation, reduced deformability, and finally loss of erythrocyte content. Understanding these processes is highly relevant for understanding anemia during chronic inflammation, especially in critically ill patients receiving blood transfusions
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