1,022 research outputs found

    Restriction of salt intake and other dietary modifications for the treatment of Meniere's disease or syndrome

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    This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To determine the effectiveness of dietary modifications, specifically restriction of salt, alcohol and caffeine intake, in patients suffering from Ménière's disease or syndrome. We will also review other dietary modifications but we will limit analysis of these studies to a narrative review

    The Repressors of mTORC1 Signaling, REDD1 and REDD2, Are Induced in Immobilized Rat Skeletal Muscle

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    EpiCompare: R package for the comparison and quality control of epigenomic peak files

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    Summary EpiCompare combines a variety of downstream analysis tools to compare, quality control and benchmark different epigenomic datasets. The package requires minimal input from users, can be run with just one line of code and provides all results of the analysis in a single interactive HTML report. EpiCompare thus enables downstream analysis of multiple epigenomic datasets in a simple, effective and user-friendly manner. Availability and Implementation EpiCompare is available on Bioconductor (≥ v3.15): https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/EpiCompare.html All source code is publically available via GitHub: https://github.com/neurogenomics/EpiCompare Documentation website https://neurogenomics.github.io/EpiCompare EpiCompare DockerHub repository: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/neurogenomicslab/epicompare Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest

    The quasi-periodic doubling cascade in the transition to weak turbulence

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    The quasi-periodic doubling cascade is shown to occur in the transition from regular to weakly turbulent behaviour in simulations of incompressible Navier-Stokes flow on a three-periodic domain. Special symmetries are imposed on the flow field in order to reduce the computational effort. Thus we can apply tools from dynamical systems theory such as continuation of periodic orbits and computation of Lyapunov exponents. We propose a model ODE for the quasi-period doubling cascade which, in a limit of a perturbation parameter to zero, avoids resonance related problems. The cascade we observe in the simulations is then compared to the perturbed case, in which resonances complicate the bifurcation scenario. In particular, we compare the frequency spectrum and the Lyapunov exponents. The perturbed model ODE is shown to be in good agreement with the simulations of weak turbulence. The scaling of the observed cascade is shown to resemble the unperturbed case, which is directly related to the well known doubling cascade of periodic orbits

    Respiratory tract infection-related healthcare utilisation in children with Down's syndrome

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    Purpose: Children with Down’s syndrome (DS) are prone to respiratory tract infections (RTIs) due to anatomical variation, immune system immaturity and comorbidities. However, evidence on RTI-related healthcare utilisation, especially in primary care, is incomplete. In this retrospective cohort study, we use routinely collected primary and secondary care data to quantify RTI-related healthcare utilisation in children with DS and matched controls without DS. Methods: Retrospective cohort study of 992 children with DS and 4874 matched controls attending English general practices and hospitals as identified in Clinical disease research using LInked Bespoke studies and Electronic health Records (CALIBER) from 1997 to 2010. Poisson regression was used to calculate consultation, hospitalisation and prescription rates, and rate ratios. Wald test was used to compare risk of admission following consultation. The Wilcoxon rank–sum test was used to compare length of stay by RTI type and time-to-hospitalisation. Results: RTI-related healthcare utilisation is significantly higher in children with DS than in controls in terms of GP consultations (adjusted RR 1.73; 95% CI 1.62–1.84), hospitalisations (adjusted RR 5.70; 95% CI 4.82–6.73), and antibiotic prescribing (adjusted RR 2.34; 95% CI 2.19–2.49). Two percent of children with DS presenting for an RTI-related GP consultation were subsequently admitted for an RTI-related hospitalisation, compared to 0.7% in controls. Conclusions: Children with DS have higher rates of GP consultations, hospitalisations and antibiotic prescribing compared to controls. This poses a significant burden on families. Further research is recommended to characterise healthcare behaviours and clinical decision-making, to optimise care for this at risk group

    A Combination of Metabolomics and Machine Learning Results in the Identification of a New Cyst Nematode Hatching Factor

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    Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCNs) are an economically important pest for potato growers. A crucial event in the life cycle of the nematode is hatching, after which the juvenile will move toward the host root and infect it. The hatching of PCNs is induced by known and unknown compounds in the root exudates of host plant species, called hatching factors (HFs, induce hatching independently), such as solanoeclepin A (solA), or hatching stimulants (HSs, enhance hatching activity of HFs). Unraveling the identity of unknown HSs and HFs and their natural variation is important for the selection of cultivars that produce low amounts of HFs and HSs, thus contributing to more sustainable agriculture. In this study, we used a new approach aimed at the identification of new HFs and HSs for PCNs in potato. Hereto, root exudates of a series of different potato cultivars were analyzed for their PCN hatch-inducing activity and their solA content. The exudates were also analyzed using untargeted metabolomics, and subsequently the data were integrated using machine learning, specifically random forest feature selection, and Pearson’s correlation testing. As expected, solA highly correlates with hatching. Furthermore, this resulted in the discovery of a number of metabolite features present in the root exudate that correlate with hatching and solA content, and one of these is a compound of m/z 526.18 that predicts hatching even better than solA with both data methods. This compound’s involvement in hatch stimulation was confirmed by the fractionation of three representative root exudates and hatching assays with the resulting fractions. Moreover, the compound shares mass fragmentation similarity with solA, and we therefore assume it has a similar structure. With this work, we show that potato likely produces a solA analogue, and we contribute to unraveling the hatch-inducing cocktail exuded by plant roots

    Получение и свойства керамических материалов на основе системы Al[2]O[3]-MgO

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    It is known that aluminum oxide is the most generally used ceramic material applied as structural, functional and biomaterial. Meanwhile, it is used not only in a high state and but also in a highporous state. To obtain the required functional properties it is alloyed by various oxides such as FeO, SiO[2], Y[2]O[3], MgO and others. What most interested us is the magnasium oxide (MgO), as it is well known that the MgO presence in the ceramics materials causes biological processes activation at the boundary "implant - bone". However, the introduction of MgO into sintered mixture may change technological regimes of ceramics production and as a result to the structure and properties of the material can be changed as well. The aim of this work is to study the influence of the concentration of the injected mixture into the sintered MgO in the amount up to 10 wt. %. onto porosity, shrinkage characteristics of the microstructure and mechanical properties of the sintered material

    Respiratory Tract Infection Related Healthcare Utilisation in UK Children with Down's Syndrome

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