120 research outputs found

    Determinanten von Anthropomorphismus und ihre Bedeutung fĂŒr Dehumanisierung : Zuschreibung und Absprechen von Menschlichkeit gegenĂŒber Menschen und nicht-menschlichen EntitĂ€ten

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    Schiffhauer B. Determinanten von Anthropomorphismus und ihre Bedeutung fĂŒr Dehumanisierung : Zuschreibung und Absprechen von Menschlichkeit gegenĂŒber Menschen und nicht-menschlichen EntitĂ€ten. Bielefeld: UniversitĂ€tsbibliothek; 2015

    A transfer from laboratory research into real science classroom

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    Ausgangspunkt der Dissertation war, dass bislang keine Methode fĂŒr den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht entwickelt wurde, mit der das Konglomerat an Teilkompetenzen experimenteller FĂ€higkeiten wie das Strategiewissen, das Strukturierungswissen und die Fachhandwerklichen FĂ€higkeiten in einer Experimentfolge vermittelt werden können. In der Forschung wurde die Förderung experimenteller FĂ€higkeiten mithilfe von zwei Methoden umgesetzt. Einerseits wurde versucht, experimentelle FĂ€higkeiten mithilfe von computerbasierten und andererseits mithilfe von realen Lernumgebungen an SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler zu vermitteln (Nijoo & de Jong, 1993; Wichmann & Leutner, 2009; White & Frederiksen, 1998). Forschungsergebnisse weisen keine Unterschiede im Lernzuwachs der SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler zwischen Gruppen die mit realen und Gruppen die mit computerbasierten Lernumgebungen gelernt haben auf (Triona & Klahr, 2003). Deswegen wurde die Forderung laut, nicht beide Lernumgebungsmedien gegeneinander zu vergleichen, sondern sie miteinander zu kombinieren (Jaakola, Nurmi, & Veermans, 2011; Rutten, van Jooligen, & van der Veen, 2012; Zacharia & Anderson, 2003). Eine Kombination beider Lernumgebungsmedien könnte die Vor- und Nachteile des jeweiligen Lernumgebungsmedium kompensieren (Olympiou, Zacharia, & de Jong, 2012). Die sich ergebende Fragestellung ist, wie eine solche Kombination gestaltet sein kann und ob es eine optimale Reihenfolge der Kombination von computerbasierter und realer Lernumgebung gibt. Diese Fragestellungen werden in der ersten empirischen Studie dieser Arbeit beantwortet. 272 AchtklĂ€ssler am Gymnasium im Alter von durchschnittlich 13,3 Jahren wurden zufĂ€llig einer von vier Experimentalbedingungen zugeteilt. In allen Experimentalbedingungen kamen zwei Lernphasen aus dem Bereich der Physik (Auftrieb in FlĂŒssigkeiten) zum Einsatz. Die erste Gruppe lernte in beiden Lernphasen an der computerbasierten Lernumgebung, die zweite Gruppe lernte in beiden Lernphasen an der realen Lernumgebung und die anderen beiden Gruppen lernten sowohl an der computerbasierten als auch an der realen Lernumgebung. Hierbei hat eine Gruppe mit der computerbasierten begonnen und anschließend an der realen Lernumgebung gelernt und bei der anderen Gruppe war die Reihenfolge umgekehrt. AbhĂ€ngige Variablen waren die drei Teilkompetenzen experimenteller FĂ€higkeiten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie haben gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, das Konglomerat an TeilfĂ€higkeiten experimenteller FĂ€higkeiten mit einer Kombination von computerbasierter und realer Lernumgebung zu fördern. Die Kombinationsreihenfolge, die den höchsten Lernzuwachs in Bezug auf experimentelle FĂ€higkeiten bei den SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern erzielte war, zunĂ€chst an der computerbasierten und anschließend an der realen Lernumgebung zu arbeiten. Dieses Ergebnis wurde genutzt, um die zweite Forschungsfrage dieser Arbeit zu beantworten. Diese ist, herauszufinden, ob die unter Laborbedingungen gewonnenen Ergebnisse in den naturwissenschaftlichen Regelunterricht transferiert werden können. Hierzu wurde eine zweite empirische Studie im PrĂ€-/ Post-Design durchgefĂŒhrt und die lernförderlichste Kombinationsreihenfolge wurde als Methode eingesetzt (Kombiniertes Förderprogramm). Es wurde eine Lehrerfortbildung entwickelt, in welcher das kombinierte Förderprogramm und Methoden naturwissenschaftlicher Arbeitsweisen (beispielsweise experimentelle FĂ€higkeiten und die Bildungsstandards zur Erkenntnisgewinnung) gelehrt wurden. An der Studie haben 24 Gymnasial-Lehrpersonen, die in zwei Parallelklassen (Experimental- und Kontrollgruppe) der 8. Jahrgangsstufe Physik unterrichteten, sowie ihre insgesamt 1258 SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler partizipiert. ZunĂ€chst sollten die Lehrpersonen eine Unterrichtsstunde mit der Kontrollgruppe (erste Klasse jeder Lehrperson) mit dem Lehrziel „Naturwissenschaftliche Arbeitsweisen“ geben. Anschließend erhielten die Lehrpersonen die Lehrerfortbildung und abschließend sollten sie der Experimentalgruppe (zweite Klasse jeder Lehrperson) eine Unterrichtsstunde mit ebenfalls dem Lehrziel „Naturwissenschaftliche Arbeitsweisen“ geben. Allerdings war die Vorgabe fĂŒr die Unterrichtsstunde mit der Experimentalgruppe, dass die Lehrpersonen das Unterrichtsziel mit dem kombinierten Förderprogramm vermitteln. Die Ergebnisse, die im PrĂ€-/ Post-Design erfasst und mithilfe eines 2-Ebenen-Regressionsmodells berechnet wurden, zeigen auf, dass die SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler der Experimentalgruppen derjenigen Lehrpersonen, die das kombinierte Förderprogramm implementiert hatten, signifikant mehr Lernzuwachs in Bezug auf experimentelle FĂ€higkeiten aufgewiesen haben, als die restlichen SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler. Abschließend kann festgehalten werden, dass es möglich ist, dass Lernumgebungen, die lediglich unter laborartigen Bedingungen ĂŒberprĂŒft wurden, Einzug in den naturwissenschaftlichen Regelunterricht erhalten können. Die SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler haben einen grĂ¶ĂŸeren Lernerfolg in Bezug auf experimentelle FĂ€higkeiten erreicht, wenn sie mit gestalteten Lernumgebungen gearbeitet haben, im Vergleich zum regulĂ€ren Unterricht ihrer Lehrperson zu selbigem Thema.The starting point of this thesis is that, so far, no method for the science classroom has been identified that increases all part competencies of experimental skills, such as strategy knowledge, structural knowledge and operating skills, at once. When thinking about fostering experimental skills, two methods have attracted research’s interest. While some studies focus on hands-on experiments (HO), others use computer-based learning environments (CB) (Nijoo & de Jong, 1993; Wichmann & Leutner, 2009; White & Frederiksen, 1998). Research, however, indicates no differences between groups that learned in HO or in CB learning environments (Triona & Klahr, 2003). Therefore, instead of comparing both, researchers suggest to combine them to foster learning (Jaakkola, Nurmi, & Veermans, 2011; Rutten, van Joolingen, & van der Veen, 2012; Zacharia & Anderson, 2003). A combination of both could offset the disadvantages of one learning environment and vice versa (Olympiou, Zacharia, & de Jong, 2012). This implies advantages especially with regard to the acquisition of self-regulatory abilities such as strategy knowledge and strategy application. The question that arises from this is how such a combination could look like and whether there is an optimal order of combination of CB and HO. These questions are the focus of the first empirical study of this thesis. 272 eighth graders with an average age of 13.3 years were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions. In all conditions, two learning phases in the domain of physics (buoyancy in fluids) took place consecutively. The first group learned with a computer-based environment both times (CBCB), the second with hands-on environments both times (HOHO), and in the other two groups, the environments varied (CBHO, HOCB). Dependent variables were all part competencies of experimental skills. The results show that it is possible to foster all part competencies of experimental skills with one combined method and the combination order that leads to the highest learning gains is learning first with CB and afterwards with HO. This result was then applied to answer the second research aim of this thesis. That is, whether these findings, which were gathered under laboratory conditions, are transferrable to the real science classroom. Therefore, a second empirical study was conducted and the combination order (CBHO) was used as a method to increase all part competencies of experimental skills at once (combined fostering program). We conducted an in-service-teacher-training where the combined fostering program and scientific methods (i.e. experimental skills, science education standards and modes of scientific inquiry) were taught. Participants were 24 physics teachers with two parallel (control- and treatment-group) classes (in total: 1.258 eight graders). First, teachers had to give a lesson to their control-group-students (first class) with the aim “to teach scientific methods”, afterwards the in-service-teacher-training was given to the participating teachers and, finally, they held a lesson with their second class (treatment-group); again with the aim “to teach scientific methods”, but this time with the combined fostering program. The results, gathered in a pre-post-design and analyzed with a two-level regression model under correct computation of the standard errors, revealed that the treatment-group-students from teachers that implemented the combined program significantly outperformed the other student-groups on all used tests. Concluding, it can be stated that it is possible to implement learning environments that have only been trialed under laboratory conditions into the real science classroom. Students were better able to learn scientific methods with the designed learning environments

    Licensed Practical Nurses Working To Maximum Scope of Practice

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    BACKGROUND: Nurses on 4800, a medical-surgical unit, were feeling overwhelmed by an increasing patient load due to Registered Nurse (RN) vacancies. No not only was staff morale at a low, but the staff was concerned about the impact on patient care. Nursing staff on 4800 consists of RNs as well as Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs). As the team contemplated the high nurse:patient ratio, they identified that LPNs were not working to the full scope of their practice. The team began to wonder if ensuring that LPNs could work at the highest level of their scope of practice if this would help mitigate some of the stress experience by RNs. A literature search was completed and while there is evidence to support improved patient ratios can lead to a decrease in length of stay and improved patient outcomes, there was not much that discussed LPNs working at their fullest scope of practice in the hospital setting. On 4800, LPNs were not working to their fullest scope. This was due in part to system-wide and EPIC barriers. The EPIC barriers include the verbiage found within the program. There were some modifications made to EPIC, such as the change from “Pain Assessment” to “Pain Observation;” however, EPIC was unable to change the “Head to Toe Assessment” flowsheet. The hospital was able to modify their policy to ensure LPNs were practicing within their scope and documenting “Head to Toe Observations.” PLANNING: After having reviewed the literature, the leadership team, comprised of the Nurse Manager, Assistant Nurse Manager, Clinical Resource Team, and Lindsey Sippel LPN, felt the next step was to design a new care delivery model that would incorporate LPNs working to their full potential. The team began to work closely with the Clinical Nurse Specialist to learn system and state policies regarding LPNs to create a care delivery model that complied with state and local policies. To compensate for what LPNs are not able to document, a Free Charge RN (FCRN) position was developed. The FCRN’s role consists of acknowledging orders, administering medications outside of the LPNs scope, and completing documentation outside of the LPN’s scope. After identifying key stakeholders and drafting a rollout plan, the team identified measures that could be used to evaluate this QI project’s success. INTERVENTION: The leadership team designated a Head to Toe competency as the primary focus of the project. Leadership created a PowerPoint designed to educate LPNs on Head to Toe observations and specific observations for each body system. Completing the Head to Toe competency ensured that the LPNs knew how to properly observe their patients and document it accurately. This meant the LPN no longer had to be paired and supervised by a RN, instead the LPN is now able to independently take their own five patient assignment. The FCRN was there to provide supervision and the necessary care that the LPN is unable to provide due the scope of their practice. In addition, the unit RNs were provided education on what is within the LPN’s scope of practice and the FCRN role. RESULTS: The new care delivery model is still being evaluated; however so far there has been an improvement in nurse to patient ratios. DISCUSSION: Since introducing this care delivery model, staff cohesiveness has improved when utilizing a FCRN. Since nurse satisfaction was not measured prior to the initiation of this care delivery model, this should be studied in the future if expanded to other units. This care delivery model might be applicable in other medical-surgical units across the system and we encourage other units to consider adopting this care delivery model. The barrier that has been identified since starting the care delivery model is the lack of provider knowledge on the LPN scope of practice. To combat this providers should be educated on what LPNs can and cannot do within their scope, and how 4800 is able to coordinate care that is outside of the LPNs scope, through the use of a FCRN.https://scholar.rochesterregional.org/nursingresearchday/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Marian Cult-sites along the Venetian sea-routes to Holy Land in the Late Middle Ages

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    The present paper discusses materials collected and analysed in the frame of a research project coordinated by Michele Bacci at Fribourg University and supported by the Swiss National Found. It focuses on the spread of Marian cultic phenomena along the maritime routes between Venice and the Holy Land, which corresponded to the major commercial itineraries among territories mainly belonging to the Venetian Stato da Mar. Relying on evidence provided by 14th to mid-16th century pilgrims’ travelogues, this study lays emphasis on the dissemination of new holy sites and cultic attractions which took place in this intermediary space between Venice and Palestine, namely on the coasts of Istria, Dalmatia, Albania, Corfu, the Morea, Candia, Rhodes and Cyprus, during the Late Middle Ages. In this respect, a number of holy objects found in such sites were regarded as especially attractive on account of their more or less direct association with the Gospel narratives. A key-role was played, in this context, by Marian mementoes, and more specifically by the images attributed to Saint Luke and perceived as authentic portraits of the Mother of God. An almost uninterrupted sequence of the Evangelist’s autograph icons dotted the navigation routes. The famous Nicopea icon in San Marco was the first of such objects encountered by pilgrims during their trip, but more were to be found in many different places, including the Franciscan church in Korčula, the Dubrovnik Cathedral, a small chapel at Kassiopi, St. Dominic in Modone, the convents of St. Francis and St. Saviour in Candia, the shrine of Monte Filerimo in Rhodes, the orthodox cathedral in Nicosia and finally the monastery of Saint Sabas in Alexandria. All those shrines participated in shaping a holy topography of the eastern coasts connected to the maritime pilgrimage phenomena in which outstanding is the particular Marian devotion. Such places gave shape to a topographic network which was perceived by pilgrims as an anticipation of the religious experience they expected to have in the Holy Land

    Intrinsic default mode network connectivity predicts spontaneous verbal descriptions of autobiographical memories during social processing.

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    Yang X-F, Bossmann J, Schiffhauer B, Jordan M, Immordino-Yang MH. Intrinsic default mode network connectivity predicts spontaneous verbal descriptions of autobiographical memories during social processing. Frontiers in Psychology. 2013;3(Suppl.):112
