3,261 research outputs found

    The Sentencing of Mentally Disordered Offenders

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    Spin Freezing in Geometrically Frustrated Antiferromagnets with Weak Disorder

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    We investigate the consequences for geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets of weak disorder in the strength of exchange interactions. Taking as a model the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet with nearest neighbour exchange on the pyrochlore lattice, we examine low-temperature behaviour. We show that random exchange generates long-range effective interactions within the extensively degenerate ground states of the clean system. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we find a spin glass transition at a temperature set by the disorder strength. Disorder of this type, which is generated by random strains in the presence of magnetoelastic coupling, may account for the spin freezing observed in many geometrically frustrated magnets.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Low Velocity Granular Drag in Reduced Gravity

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    We probe the dependence of the low velocity drag force in granular materials on the effective gravitational acceleration (geff) through studies of spherical granular materials saturated within fluids of varying density. We vary geff by a factor of 20, and we find that the granular drag is proportional to geff, i.e., that the granular drag follows the expected relation Fprobe = {\eta} {\rho}grain geff dprobe hprobe^2 for the drag force, Fprobe on a vertical cylinder with depth of insertion, hprobe, diameter dprobe, moving through grains of density {\rho}grain, and where {\eta} is a dimensionless constant. This dimensionless constant shows no systematic variation over four orders of magnitude in effective grain weight, demonstrating that the relation holds over that entire range to within the precision of our data

    Influence of sex on cerebrospinal fluid density in adults

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    The extent of sensory block during spinal anaesthesia is unpredictable and is influenced by many factors, mainly patient position, site of injection, baricity and the dose of drug injected. Among other factors, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) density has been advocated to affect subarachnoid distribution of local anaesthetics. In this study, we have investigated the influence of patient characteristics such as sex, age, weight and height on variations in the density of CSF in more than 46 consecutive patients undergoing spinal anaesthesia. CSF 2 ml was obtained after spinal puncture and before injection of local anaesthetic. Mean CSF density measured at 37°C was mean 1.00054 (SD 0.00017) g ml−1, with significantly lower CSF densities in women (1.00049 (0.00011) g ml−1) than in men (1.00058 (0.00011) g ml−1) (P = 0.024). In contrast, there was no correlation between age, weight or height, and CSF density. These results suggest that sex significantly influenced CSF density and may therefore modify subarachnoid distribution of local anaesthetic

    Semiclassical degeneracies and ordering for highly frustrated magnets in a field

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    We discuss ground state selection by quantum fluctuations in frustrated magnets in a strong magnetic field. We show that there exist dynamical symmetries -- one a generalisation of Henley's gauge-like symmetry for collinear spins, the other the quantum relict of non-collinear weathervane modes -- which ensure a partial survival of the classical degeneracies. We illustrate these for the case of the kagome magnet, where we find zero-point energy differences to be rather small everywhere except near the collinear `up-up-down` configurations, where there is rotational but not translational symmetry breaking. In the effective Hamiltonian, we demonstrate the presence of a term sensitive to a topological `flux'. We discuss the connection of such problems to gauge theories by casting the frustrated lattices as medial lattices of appropriately chosen simplex lattices, and in particular we show how the magnetic field can be used to tune the physical sector of the resulting gauge theories.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    QM/MM Modeling of Vibrational Polariton Induced Energy Transfer and Chemical Dynamics

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    Vibrational strong coupling (VSC) provides a novel means to modify chemical reactions and energy transfer pathways. To efficiently model chemical dynamics under VSC in the collective regime, herein a hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) cavity molecular dynamics (CavMD) scheme is developed and applied to an experimentally studied chemical system. This approach can achieve linear scaling with respect to the number of molecules for a dilute solution under VSC by assuming that each QM solute molecule is surrounded by an independent MM solvent bath. Application of this approach to a dilute solution of Fe(CO)5_5 in n-dodecane under VSC demonstrates polariton dephasing to the dark modes and polariton-enhanced molecular nonlinear absorption. These simulations predict that strongly exciting the lower polariton may provide an energy transfer pathway that selectively excites the equatorial CO vibrations rather than the axial CO vibrations. Moreover, these simulations also directly probe the cavity effect on the dynamics of the Fe(CO)5_5 Berry pseudorotation reaction for comparison to recent two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy experiments. This theoretical approach is applicable to a wide range of other polaritonic systems and provides a tool for exploring the use of VSC for selective infrared photochemistry.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures in the main tex
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