4,878 research outputs found

    Investigation of the utility of mean square approximation systems and in system response predictions

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    A method is presented for estimating the variability of a system's natural frequencies arising from the variability of the system's parameters. The only information required to obtain the estimates is the member variability, in the form of second order properties, and the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the mean system. Several examples are worked out in detail to illustrate how the method is applied

    The Cosmological Kibble Mechanism in the Laboratory: String Formation in Liquid Crystals

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    We have observed the production of strings (disclination lines and loops) via the Kibble mechanism of domain (bubble) formation in the isotropic to nematic phase transition of a sample of uniaxial nematic liquid crystal. The probablity of string formation per bubble is measured to be 0.33±0.010.33 \pm 0.01. This is in good agreement with the theoretical value 1/π1/ \pi expected in two dimensions for the order parameter space S2/Z2S^2/{\bf Z}_2 of a simple uniaxial nematic liquid crystal.Comment: 17 pages, in TEX, 2 figures (not included, available on request

    Loop Groups and Discrete KdV Equations

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    A study is presented of fully discretized lattice equations associated with the KdV hierarchy. Loop group methods give a systematic way of constructing discretizations of the equations in the hierarchy. The lattice KdV system of Nijhoff et al. arises from the lowest order discretization of the trivial, lowest order equation in the hierarchy, b_t=b_x. Two new discretizations are also given, the lowest order discretization of the first nontrivial equation in the hierarchy, and a "second order" discretization of b_t=b_x. The former, which is given the name "full lattice KdV" has the (potential) KdV equation as a standard continuum limit. For each discretization a Backlund transformation is given and soliton content analyzed. The full lattice KdV system has, like KdV itself, solitons of all speeds, whereas both other discretizations studied have a limited range of speeds, being discretizations of an equation with solutions only of a fixed speed.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, 1 figur

    Hydrogen production by photoelectrolytic decomposition of H2O using solar energy

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    Photoelectrochemical systems for the efficient decomposition of water are discussed. Semiconducting d band oxides which would yield the combination of stability, low electron affinity, and moderate band gap essential for an efficient photoanode are sought. The materials PdO and Fe-xRhxO3 appear most likely. Oxygen evolution yields may also be improved by mediation of high energy oxidizing agents, such as CO3(-). Examination of several p type semiconductors as photocathodes revealed remarkable stability for p-GaAs, and also indicated p-CdTe as a stable H2 photoelectrode. Several potentially economical schemes for photoelectrochemical decomposition of water were examined, including photoelectrochemical diodes and two stage, four photon processes

    Atom cooling by non-adiabatic expansion

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    Motivated by the recent discovery that a reflecting wall moving with a square-root in time trajectory behaves as a universal stopper of classical particles regardless of their initial velocities, we compare linear in time and square-root in time expansions of a box to achieve efficient atom cooling. For the quantum single-atom wavefunctions studied the square-root in time expansion presents important advantages: asymptotically it leads to zero average energy whereas any linear in time (constant box-wall velocity) expansion leaves a non-zero residual energy, except in the limit of an infinitely slow expansion. For finite final times and box lengths we set a number of bounds and cooling principles which again confirm the superior performance of the square-root in time expansion, even more clearly for increasing excitation of the initial state. Breakdown of adiabaticity is generally fatal for cooling with the linear expansion but not so with the square-root expansion.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Contraction of broken symmetries via Kac-Moody formalism

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    I investigate contractions via Kac-Moody formalism. In particular, I show how the symmetry algebra of the standard 2-D Kepler system, which was identified by Daboul and Slodowy as an infinite-dimensional Kac-Moody loop algebra, and was denoted by H2{\mathbb H}_2 , gets reduced by the symmetry breaking term, defined by the Hamiltonian H(β)=12m(p12+p22)αrβr1/2cos((ϕγ)/2). H(\beta)= \frac 1 {2m} (p_1^2+p_2^2)- \frac \alpha r - \beta r^{-1/2} \cos ((\phi-\gamma)/2). For this H(β)H (\beta) I define two symmetry loop algebras Li(β),i=1,2{\mathfrak L}_{i}(\beta), i=1,2, by choosing the `basic generators' differently. These Li(β){\mathfrak L}_{i}(\beta) can be mapped isomorphically onto subalgebras of H2{\mathbb H}_2 , of codimension 2 or 3, revealing the reduction of symmetry. Both factor algebras Li(β)/Ii(E,β){\mathfrak L}_i(\beta)/I_i(E,\beta), relative to the corresponding energy-dependent ideals Ii(E,β)I_i(E,\beta), are isomorphic to so(3){\mathfrak so}(3) and so(2,1){\mathfrak so}(2,1) for E0E0, respectively, just as for the pure Kepler case. However, they yield two different non-standard contractions as E0E \to 0, namely to the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra h3=w1{\mathfrak h}_3={\mathfrak w}_1 or to an abelian Lie algebra, instead of the Euclidean algebra e(2){\mathfrak e}(2) for the pure Kepler case. The above example suggests a general procedure for defining generalized contractions, and also illustrates the {\em `deformation contraction hysteresis'}, where contraction which involve two contraction parameters can yield different contracted algebras, if the limits are carried out in different order.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    WKB formalism and a lower limit for the energy eigenstates of bound states for some potentials

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    In the present work the conditions appearing in the WKB approximation formalism of quantum mechanics are analyzed. It is shown that, in general, a careful definition of an approximation method requires the introduction of two length parameters, one of them always considered in the text books on quantum mechanics, whereas the second one is usually neglected. Afterwards we define a particular family of potentials and prove, resorting to the aforementioned length parameters, that we may find an energy which is a lower bound to the ground energy of the system. The idea is applied to the case of a harmonic oscillator and also to a particle freely falling in a homogeneous gravitational field, and in both cases the consistency of our method is corroborated. This approach, together with the Rayleigh--Ritz formalism, allows us to define an energy interval in which the ground energy of any potential, belonging to our family, must lie.Comment: Accepted in Modern Physics Letters

    Normalization of Collisional Decoherence: Squaring the Delta Function, and an Independent Cross-Check

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    We show that when the Hornberger--Sipe calculation of collisional decoherence is carried out with the squared delta function a delta of energy instead of a delta of the absolute value of momentum, following a method introduced by Di\'osi, the corrected formula for the decoherence rate is simply obtained. The results of Hornberger and Sipe and of Di\'osi are shown to be in agreement. As an independent cross-check, we calculate the mean squared coordinate diffusion of a hard sphere implied by the corrected decoherence master equation, and show that it agrees precisely with the same quantity as calculated by a classical Brownian motion analysis.Comment: Tex: 14 pages 7/30/06: revisions to introduction, and references added 9/29/06: further minor revisions and references adde

    Neural Network Model for Apparent Deterministic Chaos in Spontaneously Bursting Hippocampal Slices

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    A neural network model that exhibits stochastic population bursting is studied by simulation. First return maps of inter-burst intervals exhibit recurrent unstable periodic orbit (UPO)-like trajectories similar to those found in experiments on hippocampal slices. Applications of various control methods and surrogate analysis for UPO-detection also yield results similar to those of experiments. Our results question the interpretation of the experimental data as evidence for deterministic chaos and suggest caution in the use of UPO-based methods for detecting determinism in time-series data.Comment: 4 pages, 5 .eps figures (included), requires psfrag.sty (included