7 research outputs found

    Allergen-specific immunotherapy of Hymenoptera venom allergy:also a matter of diagnosis

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    Stings of hymenoptera can induce IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions in venom-allergic patients, ranging from local up to severe systemic reactions and even fatal anaphylaxis. Allergic patients' quality of life can be mainly improved by altering their immune response to tolerate the venoms by injecting increasing venom doses over years. This venom-specific immunotherapy is highly effective and well tolerated. However, component-resolved information about the venoms has increased in the last years. This knowledge is not only able to improve diagnostics as basis for an accurate therapy, but was additionally used to create tools which enable the analysis of therapeutic venom extracts on a molecular level. Therefore, during the last decade the detailed knowledge of the allergen composition of hymenoptera venoms has substantially improved diagnosis and therapy of venom allergy. This review focuses on state of the art diagnostic and therapeutic options as well as on novel directions trying to improve therapy

    Nanomedicine-based strategies for treatment of atherosclerosis

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    Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the arterial wall that arises from an imbalanced lipid metabolism and a maladaptive inflammatory response. Despite intensive research on mechanisms underlying atherosclerotic lesion formation and progression during the past decade, translation of this knowledge into the clinic is scarce. Although developments have primarily been made in the area of antitumor therapy, recent advances have shown the potential of nanomedicine-based treatment strategies for atherosclerosis. Here we describe the features of currently available nanomedical formulations that have been optimized for atherosclerosis treatment, and we further describe how they can be instructed to target inflammatory processes in the arterial wall. Despite their limitations, nanomedical applications might hold promise for personalized medicine, and further efforts are needed to improve atherosclerosis-specific targetin

    Characterization of the honeybee venom proteins C1q-like protein and PVF1 and their allergenic potential

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    Honeybee (Apis mellifera) venom (HBV) represents an ideal model to study the role of particular venom components in allergic reactions in sensitized individuals as well as in the eusociality of Hymenoptera species. The aim of this study was to further characterize the HBV components C1q-like protein (C1q) and PDGF/VEGF-like factor 1 (PVF1). C1q and PVF1 were produced as recombinant proteins in insect cells. Their allergenic properties were examined by determining the level of specific IgE antibodies in the sera of HBV-allergic patients (n = 26) as well as by their capacity to activate patients' basophils (n = 11). Moreover, the transcript heterogeneity of PVF1 was analyzed. It could be demonstrated that at least three PVF1 variants are present in the venom gland, which all result from alternative splicing of one transcript. Additionally, recombinant C1q and PVF1 from Spodoptera frugiperda insect cells exhibited specific IgE reactivity with approximately 38.5% of sera of HBV-allergic patients. Interestingly, both proteins were unable to activate basophils of the patients, questioning their role in the context of clinically relevant sensitization. Recombinant C1q and PVF1 can build the basis for a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms of Hymenoptera venoms. Moreover, the conflicting results between IgE sensitization and lack of basophil activation, might in the future contribute to the identification of factors that determine the allergenic potential of proteins

    The high molecular weight dipeptidyl peptidase IV Pol d 3 is a major allergen of Polistes dominula venom

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    Abstract Hymenoptera venom allergy can cause severe anaphylaxis in untreated patients. Polistes dominula is an important elicitor of venom allergy in Southern Europe as well as in the United States. Due to its increased spreading to more moderate climate zones, Polistes venom allergy is likely to gain importance also in these areas. So far, only few allergens of Polistes dominula venom were identified as basis for component-resolved diagnostics. Therefore, this study aimed to broaden the available panel of important Polistes venom allergens. The 100 kDa allergen Pol d 3 was identified by mass spectrometry and found to be a dipeptidyl peptidase IV. Recombinantly produced Pol d 3 exhibited sIgE-reactivity with approximately 66% of Polistes venom-sensitized patients. Moreover, its clinical relevance was supported by the potent activation of basophils from allergic patients. Cross-reactivity with the dipeptidyl peptidases IV from honeybee and yellow jacket venom suggests the presence of exclusive as well as conserved IgE epitopes. The obtained data suggest a pivotal role of Pol d 3 as sensitizing component of Polistes venom, thus supporting its status as a major allergen of clinical relevance. Therefore, Pol d 3 might become a key element for proper diagnosis of Polistes venom allergy

    Human Neutrophil Peptide 1 Limits Hypercholesterolemia-induced Atherosclerosis by Increasing Hepatic LDL Clearance

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    Increases in plasma LDL-cholesterol have unequivocally been established as a causal risk factor for atherosclerosis. Hence, strategies for lowering of LDL-cholesterol may have immediate therapeutic relevance. Here we study the role of human neutrophil peptide 1 (HNP1) in a mouse model of atherosclerosis and identify its potent atheroprotective effect both upon transgenic overexpression and therapeutic delivery. The effect was found to be due to a reduction of plasma LDL-cholesterol. Mechanistically, HNP1 binds to apolipoproteins enriched in LDL. This interaction facilitates clearance of LDL particles in the liver via LDL receptor. Thus, we here identify a non-redundant mechanism by which HNP1 allows for reduction of LDL-cholesterol, a process that may be therapeutically instructed to lower cardiovascular risk