19 research outputs found

    Building Community-Campus Partnerships to Prevent Infant Mortality: Lessons Learned from Building Capacity in Four US Cities

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    Infant mortality rate (IMR) is an important indicator of progress toward health equity and socio-economic development. Despite progress, the US is ranked 45th among 192 countries in IMR, with non-Hispanic black IMR 2.2 times that of non-Hispanic white rates, and higher than average IMR in Native American populations. The Preconception Peer Educators (PPE) program of the U.S. DHHS Office of Minority Health Resource Center (OMHRC) aims to raise awareness about IMR disparities in African Americans, and to promote preconception health behaviors among women of childbearing age and sexually active men. Building upon this program, this report focuses on lessons learned from a capacity-building and participatory planning pilot program designed and implemented in 4 US cities by Health Equity Initiative in collaboration with the OMHRC to encourage multisectoral partnerships, and engage local leaders and organizations in participatory planning and infant mortality prevention

    Knowledge about medicinal plants by women in aging process

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    This study objective was to evaluate the knowledge on the species and indication of medicinal plants used by women in the aging process. It is a cross-sectional, quantitative study, linked to research “multidimensional study of women in the aging process.” Data collection was carried out in the homes of the participants, by applying a questionnaire and the collection of plant material for botanical identification. The 84 participants, 94% were using of medicinal plant to treat diseases and 56% in mate as flavoring that is a characteristic drink of the southern region, prepared with ground grass mate and hot water. It was realized the identification of 148 medicinal plants of 23 families and 47 different species have been identified. Of these, 20 species were appropriate according to the literature, 12 species were partially adequate, 10 species were inadequate and 5 species were found in the surveyed bibliographies. It was found that many species are at odds with the literature regarding the use indicated by participants, which indicates the need for guidance to those users of the public health service regarding the use and toxicity of medicinal plants

    The public open spaces of the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte (MG): west vector conurbation area

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    Este estudo apresenta um panorama geral das pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo Laboratório da Paisagem da Escola de Arquitetura da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais em relação à participação na rede nacional do projeto Quadros do Paisagismo no Brasil. A ênfase está nas discussões atuais sobre os espaços livres das bordas da área conurbada de Belo Horizonte (MG), para a qual já foi desenvolvida a análise do Vetor Norte e, em processo de execução, a do Vetor Oeste. As etapas da pesquisa se iniciam com a revisão bibliográfica e documental, sequenciada pelo levantamento e pela identificação prévia das tipologias dos espaços livres da mancha conurbada, seguida do trabalho de campo para confirmação das áreas e, por fim, a triangulação das informações e os resultados.This study presents an overview of a research project conducted by the UFMG – School of Architecture, Landscape Laboratory, regarding its participation in the national network of the Quapá project. The emphasis is on the current discussions about open spaces on the outskirts of the conurbation area of Belo Horizonte/MG; the North Vector analysis had already been carried out, and the West Vector’s is currently in development process. The stages of the research begin with the bibliographic and documentary review, followed by a survey and prior identification of typologies of open spaces in the conurbation area, once again followed by a field trip to confirm the areas and, finally, the triangulation of the information and results

    Morti, Antenati e Fantasmi Le Lettere ai Morti e il Culto degli Antenati nell'Antico Egitto

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    Le cosiddette lettere ai morti testimoniano l’usanza degli antichi egizi di inviare ai propri cari deceduti delle richieste di aiuto per ricevere sostegno nei momenti di grande difficoltà. Un’analisi dettagliata del nucleo più antico di questi documenti – databile alla fase compresa tra il Primo Periodo Intermedio e il Medio Regno – ha permesso di mettere in luce diverse e interessanti concezioni religiose inerenti al culto degli antenati antico egiziano

    Tradizione e innovazioni nella religione egizia: alcune osservazioni sul culto degli antenati

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    Partendo da un attento studio del culto degli antenati egizio, l'autrice ha cercato di individuare alcuni fenomeni di ascesa e discesa culturale che potrebbero contribuire a una miglior comprensione dell'evoluzione storica della religione egizi

    Os espaços livres públicos da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (MG): área conurbada do vetor oeste

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    Este estudo apresenta um panorama geral das pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo Laboratório da Paisagem da Escola de Arquitetura da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais em relação à participação na rede nacional do projeto Quadros do Paisagismo no Brasil. A ênfase está nas discussões atuais sobre os espaços livres das bordas da área conurbada de Belo Horizonte (MG), para a qual já foi desenvolvida a análise do Vetor Norte e, em processo de execução, a do Vetor Oeste. As etapas da pesquisa se iniciam com a revisão bibliográfica e documental, sequenciada pelo levantamento e pela identificação prévia das tipologias dos espaços livres da mancha conurbada, seguida do trabalho de campo para confirmação das áreas e, por fim, a triangulação das informações e os resultados

    Association of facial massage, dry needling, and laser therapy in Temporomandibular Disorder: case report

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    ABSTRACT This case report aims to evaluate the treatment of Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) of muscular origin by associating facial massage (FM), dry needling (DN), and low-level laser therapy (LLLT). The pre- and post-treatment evaluations consisted of clinical examinations based on the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) for TMD, pain intensity quantification by means of the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), mandibular movement measurement, and electromyographic (EMG) analysis of the masseter and temporal muscles. Post-therapy assessment indicated a decrease in pain sites of 58%, in pain intensity mean (1.3), and an increase in the maximum aperture of 10 mm, in addition to normalization of EMG signals. We conclude that, after application of the treatment protocol, there was a decrease in painful sites, gain in amplitude of mandibular movements, and normalization of EMG activity