335 research outputs found

    The second cohomology of sl(m|1) with coefficients in its enveloping algebra is trivial

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    Using techniques developed in a recent article by the authors, it is proved that the 2-cohomology of the Lie superalgebra sl(m|1); m > 1, with coefficients in its enveloping algebra is trivial. The obstacles in solving the analogous problem for sl(3|2) are also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, no figure

    Finite Chains with Quantum Affine Symmetries

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    We consider an extension of the (t-U) Hubbard model taking into account new interactions between the numbers of up and down electrons. We confine ourselves to a one-dimensional open chain with L sites (4^L states) and derive the effective Hamiltonian in the strong repulsion (large U) regime. This Hamiltonian acts on 3^L states. We show that the spectrum of the latter Hamiltonian (not the degeneracies) coincides with the spectrum of the anisotropic Heisenberg chain (XXZ model) in the presence of a Z field (2^L states). The wave functions of the 3^L-state system are obtained explicitly from those of the 2^L-state system, and the degeneracies can be understood in terms of irreducible representations of U_q(\hat{sl(2)}).Comment: 31pp, Latex, CERN-TH.6935/93. To app. in Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. A. (The title of the paper is changed. This is the ONLY change. Previous title was: Hubbard-Like Models in the Infinite Repulsion Limit and Finite-Dimensional Representations of the Affine Algebra U_q(\hat{sl(2)}).

    Invariant integration on classical and quantum Lie supergroups

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    Invariant integrals on Hopf superalgebras, in particular, the classical and quantum Lie supergroups, are studied. The uniqueness ~up to scalar multiples! of a left integral is proved, and a Z2-graded version of Maschke’s theorem is discussed. A construction of left integrals is developed for classical and quantum Lie supergroups. Applied to several classes of examples the construction yields the left integrals in explicit form

    Classification of N=6 superconformal theories of ABJM type

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    Studying the supersymmetry enhancement mechanism of Aharony, Bergman, Jafferis and Maldacena, we find a simple condition on the gauge group generators for the matter fields. We analyze all possible compact Lie groups and their representations. The only allowed gauge groups leading to the manifest N=6 supersymmetry are, up to discrete quotients, SU(n) x U(1), Sp(n) x U(1), SU(n) x SU(n), and SU(n) x SU(m) x U(1) with possibly additional U(1)'s. Matter representations are restricted to be the (bi)fundamentals. As a byproduct we obtain another proof of the complete classification of the three algebras considered by Bagger and Lambert.Comment: 18 page

    Tensor operators and Wigner-Eckart theorem for the quantum superalgebra U_{q}[osp(1\mid 2)]

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    Tensor operators in graded representations of Z_{2}-graded Hopf algebras are defined and their elementary properties are derived. Wigner-Eckart theorem for irreducible tensor operators for U_{q}[osp(1\mid 2)] is proven. Examples of tensor operators in the irreducible representation space of Hopf algebra U_{q}[osp(1\mid 2)] are considered. The reduced matrix elements for the irreducible tensor operators are calculated. A construction of some elements of the center of U_{q}[osp(1\mid 2)] is given.Comment: 16 pages, Late

    Gel'fand-Zetlin Basis and Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients for Covariant Representations of the Lie superalgebra gl(m|n)

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    A Gel'fand-Zetlin basis is introduced for the irreducible covariant tensor representations of the Lie superalgebra gl(m|n). Explicit expressions for the generators of the Lie superalgebra acting on this basis are determined. Furthermore, Clebsch-Gordan coefficients corresponding to the tensor product of any covariant tensor representation of gl(m|n) with the natural representation V ([1,0,...,0]) of gl(m|n) with highest weight (1,0,. . . ,0) are computed. Both results are steps for the explicit construction of the parastatistics Fock space.Comment: 16 page

    Cohomology of Lie superalgebras and of their generalizations

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    The cohomology groups of Lie superalgebras and, more generally, of color Lie algebras, are introduced and investigated. The main emphasis is on the case where the module of coefficients is non-trivial. Two general propositions are proved, which help to calculate the cohomology groups. Several examples are included to show the peculiarities of the super case. For L = sl(1|2), the cohomology groups H^1(L,V) and H^2(L,V), with V a finite-dimensional simple graded L-module, are determined, and the result is used to show that H^2(L,U(L)) (with U(L) the enveloping algebra of L) is trivial. This implies that the superalgebra U(L) does not admit of any non-trivial formal deformations (in the sense of Gerstenhaber). Garland's theory of universal central extensions of Lie algebras is generalized to the case of color Lie algebras.Comment: 50 pages, Latex, no figures. In the revised version the proof of Lemma 5.1 is greatly simplified, some references are added, and a pertinent result on sl(m|1) is announced. To appear in the Journal of Mathematical Physic
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