43 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Konsumen Undang-Undang No.8 tahun 1999 terhadap Pelecehan oleh Mitra Grab Jasa Transportaasi Online

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    L'évolution de la médecine générale

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    Implications de la nouvelle loi relative à l'euthanasie pour le médecin généraliste.

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    The new law relative to euthanasia does not explicitly foresee the implication of the general practitioner when an euthanasia procedure is carried out an hospital. At home, the law confers a central role on the general practitioner as far as information and coordination are concerned. There is a risk that the foreseen procedure will, in some cases, come up against the profoundly dual and intimate aspect of the patient-doctor relationship. The general practitioner is also given an administrative role. The doctor will, after having helped the patient die with dignity, have to fill in a registration document.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Les actualités vaccinales

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    Ledossier médical global + (DMG+), outil de prévention de la première ligne de soins

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    The "global medical record +" can be offered to all 45 to 75 year-old patients in the form of a prevention module within the global medical record and which the general practitioner and the patient will regularly update. It will include in particular an assessment of cardiovascular risk, cervical, breast and colon cancer screening, a check of main adult vaccinations, as well as a primary prevention section focused on smoking, alcohol consumption and various hygiene and dietary measures. The inclusion of this module in a computerized medical record will make it more efficient and will lighten the practitioner's workload.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Les médecins généralistes et la couverture vaccinale de la population.

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    Adults have insufficient vaccination coverage in Belgium today. It is up to the general practitioner, who is a key player in the Belgian health system, to ensure that this coverage is improved. The most efficient measures are: systematic patient notification, population and practitioner instruction, reduced cost for the patient, improved access to vaccination services and vaccination reminders to practitioners. These measures will be made easier by the development of the Global Medical Record and the Computerised Medical Record.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Le médecin généraliste face à un patient agressif

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    The general practitioner is regularly confronted with aggressive patients. He will have to spot the very first signs in order to manage as quickly as possible such a situation. The ideal is to remain calm, to listen actively and to try to understand the cause of the aggressiveness, knowing that it is not always directed against the doctor. Putting limits is also important to avoid situations that could degenerate. The generalist must also be able to share his difficult experiences with his colleagues, among others in the framework of a Balint group.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Le médecin généraliste en première ligne: Le trajet de soins diabète

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    A care procedure for type 2 diabetics was set up in Belgium in 2009. A three-way contract can be concluded between some patients, their general practitioner and their diabetologist to improve support, to promote communication among the care givers and to stimulate the patients' active participation and self-evaluation. The care teams are backed up by instructors, dieticians and podologists. Financial incentives have been set up for the patients as well as for the doctors. A global evaluation will take place in 2012.SCOPUS: sh.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Deux réformes des études de médecine en 2 ans :Un nouveau paradigme pédagogique

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    Medical studies have recently undergone three reforms in Belgium :passing from 7 to 6 years, the " Paysage " decree and the organization of a competition at the end of the first year. The article analyzes these reforms and organizational and educational consequences.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    La médecine factuelle :colonne vertébrale des études de médecine à l’ULB.

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