1,742 research outputs found

    Nonparametric instrumental regression with non-convex constraints

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    This paper considers the nonparametric regression model with an additive error that is dependent on the explanatory variables. As is common in empirical studies in epidemiology and economics, it also supposes that valid instrumental variables are observed. A classical example in microeconomics considers the consumer demand function as a function of the price of goods and the income, both variables often considered as endogenous. In this framework, the economic theory also imposes shape restrictions on the demand function, like integrability conditions. Motivated by this illustration in microeconomics, we study an estimator of a nonparametric constrained regression function using instrumental variables by means of Tikhonov regularization. We derive rates of convergence for the regularized model both in a deterministic and stochastic setting under the assumption that the true regression function satisfies a projected source condition including, because of the non-convexity of the imposed constraints, an additional smallness condition

    Fast parallel algorithms for a broad class of nonlinear variational diffusion approaches

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    Variational segmentation and nonlinear diffusion approaches have been very active research areas in the fields of image processing and computer vision during the last years. In the present paper, we review recent advances in the development of efficient numerical algorithms for these approaches. The performance of parallel implement at ions of these algorithms on general-purpose hardware is assessed. A mathematically clear connection between variational models and nonlinear diffusion filters is presented that allows to interpret one approach as an approximation of the other, and vice versa. Numerical results confirm that, depending on the parametrization, this approximation can be made quite accurate. Our results provide a perspective for uniform implement at ions of both nonlinear variational models and diffusion filters on parallel architectures

    A Dynamic Programming Solution to Bounded Dejittering Problems

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    We propose a dynamic programming solution to image dejittering problems with bounded displacements and obtain efficient algorithms for the removal of line jitter, line pixel jitter, and pixel jitter.Comment: The final publication is available at link.springer.co

    Older adults' perspectives on key domains of childhood social and economic experiences and opportunities: a first step to creating a multidimensional measure

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    ObjectivesAlthough research has found that childhood socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with physical and mental health in mid- and later life, most of these studies used conventional, single dimension SES measures for the childhood period such as household income or educational attainment of parents. Life course and health disparities research would benefit from identification and measurement of a variety of childhood social and economic experiences and opportunities that might affect health in later life.DesignThis study utilized qualitative research methods to identify key dimensions of childhood experiences related to SES. We conducted in-depth interviews with 25 adults age 55 to 80 years from diverse economic and ethnic backgrounds. Topics included home, neighborhood, school, and work experiences during early childhood and adolescence. Interviews were audio-taped and transcripts were coded to identify thematic domains.ResultsWe identified eight thematic domains, many of which had clear subdomains: home and family circumstances, neighborhood, work and money, potential for advancement through schooling, school quality and content, discrimination, influence and support of adults, and leisure activities. These domains highlight individual characteristics and experiences and also economic and educational opportunities.ConclusionThese domains of childhood social and economic circumstances add breadth and depth to conventional conceptualization of childhood SES. When the domains are translated into a measurement tool, it will allow for the possibility of classifying people along multiple dimensions, such as from a low economic circumstance with high levels of adult support

    Convergence rates in expectation for Tikhonov-type regularization of Inverse Problems with Poisson data

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    In this paper we study a Tikhonov-type method for ill-posed nonlinear operator equations \gdag = F( ag) where \gdag is an integrable, non-negative function. We assume that data are drawn from a Poisson process with density t\gdag where t>0t>0 may be interpreted as an exposure time. Such problems occur in many photonic imaging applications including positron emission tomography, confocal fluorescence microscopy, astronomic observations, and phase retrieval problems in optics. Our approach uses a Kullback-Leibler-type data fidelity functional and allows for general convex penalty terms. We prove convergence rates of the expectation of the reconstruction error under a variational source condition as t→∞t\to\infty both for an a priori and for a Lepski{\u\i}-type parameter choice rule

    Computing Topology Preservation of RBF Transformations for Landmark-Based Image Registration

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    In image registration, a proper transformation should be topology preserving. Especially for landmark-based image registration, if the displacement of one landmark is larger enough than those of neighbourhood landmarks, topology violation will be occurred. This paper aim to analyse the topology preservation of some Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) which are used to model deformations in image registration. Mat\'{e}rn functions are quite common in the statistic literature (see, e.g. \cite{Matern86,Stein99}). In this paper, we use them to solve the landmark-based image registration problem. We present the topology preservation properties of RBFs in one landmark and four landmarks model respectively. Numerical results of three kinds of Mat\'{e}rn transformations are compared with results of Gaussian, Wendland's, and Wu's functions

    Regularization of Linear Ill-posed Problems by the Augmented Lagrangian Method and Variational Inequalities

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    We study the application of the Augmented Lagrangian Method to the solution of linear ill-posed problems. Previously, linear convergence rates with respect to the Bregman distance have been derived under the classical assumption of a standard source condition. Using the method of variational inequalities, we extend these results in this paper to convergence rates of lower order, both for the case of an a priori parameter choice and an a posteriori choice based on Morozov's discrepancy principle. In addition, our approach allows the derivation of convergence rates with respect to distance measures different from the Bregman distance. As a particular application, we consider sparsity promoting regularization, where we derive a range of convergence rates with respect to the norm under the assumption of restricted injectivity in conjunction with generalized source conditions of H\"older type

    Discretization of variational regularization in Banach spaces

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    Consider a nonlinear ill-posed operator equation F(u)=yF(u)=y where FF is defined on a Banach space XX. In general, for solving this equation numerically, a finite dimensional approximation of XX and an approximation of FF are required. Moreover, in general the given data \yd of yy are noisy. In this paper we analyze finite dimensional variational regularization, which takes into account operator approximations and noisy data: We show (semi-)convergence of the regularized solution of the finite dimensional problems and establish convergence rates in terms of Bregman distances under appropriate sourcewise representation of a solution of the equation. The more involved case of regularization in nonseparable Banach spaces is discussed in detail. In particular we consider the space of finite total variation functions, the space of functions of finite bounded deformation, and the L∞L^\infty--space
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