35 research outputs found

    Toward the optimal lead system and optimal criteria for exercise electrocardiography

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    To define the optimal lead system for exercise electrocardiography, data of the whole body surface potential distribution were analyzed in 25 normal subjects and in 25 patients with coronary artery disease at rest and during exercise. All patients had a normal electrocardiogram at rest. The sensitivity of the standard chest leads was 60 percent; it improved to 84 percent with the body surface map whereas both methods had a 100 percent specificity. On the basis of these data, and reports from other centers, it is concluded that a single bipolar lead from the right subclavian area to lead V5 is adequate in those laboratories that are restricted to testing subjects with a normal electrocardiogram at rest. In patients with a previous infarction or other abnormalities in the electrocardiogram at rest three (pseudo) orthogonal leads or several standard leads are necessary. Recommendations for optimal measurements from the exercise electrocardiogram are based on quantitative computer analysis of the selected leads in larger groups of patients. Best results were obtained with a combination of S-T amplitude, S-T slope and heart rate. The improvement in sensitivity from 50 percent with visual analysis to 85 percent with computer was similar to that obtained with body surface mapping. Changes of the P wave and QRS complex during exercise appeared to be of little diagnostic value. The pathophysiologic mechanisms that contribute to the changes of the electrocardiogram during exercise are discussed

    Mapa topográfico de Chile

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    Vista general (IB25-04) y detalles de Federido Schert y Aurelio Lastarria, Mapa topográfico, construido para el estudio del ferrocarril de Victoria a Osorno i Valdivia. Santiago: Lit. P. Cadot, 188

    Mapa topográfico de Chile

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    Vista general (IB25-04) y detalles de Federido Schert y Aurelio Lastarria, Mapa topográfico, construido para el estudio del ferrocarril de Victoria a Osorno i Valdivia. Santiago: Lit. P. Cadot, 188

    John Michael Schert: The Utility of the Creative Process

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    As a lifelong dancer and producer of creative endeavours, John Michael Schert is interested in how we differentiate between smart, creative and wise choice-making, and what awarenesses are needed to engender a more empathetic society. Through his current work at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, he studies and lectures on how creatives\u27 skills and behaviours can be relevant and valuable to all sectors. John Michael Schert is an artist, producer and social entrepreneur working in multiple sectors and translating across many platforms. Originally from South Georgia, Schert began his career as a ballet dancer with American Ballet Theatre and Alonzo King LINES Ballet. In 2004 he co-founded Trey McIntyre Project (TMP), serving as the company’s Executive Director, and a dancer, for nine years. During this time he gained a unique insight into the process and product of art-making

    Classification of association schemes with 18 and 19 vertices

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    On the Aggregation and Monetization of Flexible Loads in the Context of EV Fleets

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    In this paper, we present an approach to the price-optimized charging of electric vehicles (EVs) based on energy flexibility. Fleet operators determine the minimum and the maximum power demand to charge EVs at a specific time and share this information as so-called power corridors (PCs) with an energy aggregator. The energy aggregator collects the predicted PCs from the fleet operators located in the same market area and aggregates the PCs. The energy provider periodically sends energy prices from the market to the energy aggregator, which purchases energy when its price is opportune. The energy aggregator calculates and delivers charge plans for each fleet operator involved and thus can pass along the purchase prices. The incentive design must ensure that fleet operators are better off by disclosing their flexibility data to the aggregator. This study can contribute to a new data-driven energy market communication system by providing insights on how to leverage the energy flexibility that EVs can offer to the energy system

    L' emprunt linguistique en Grec Chypriote

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    L'emprunt linguistique et le néologisme en grec chypriote sont traités à partir d'un corpus contemporain de presse en grec chypriote ainsi qu'à partir d'un ensemble de dictionnaires monolingues et bilingues de grec moderne et de langues prêteuses: anglais, français, italien... La majorité des emprunts sont d'origine anglaise. Suivent les emprunts au français, les emprunts dits "internationaux" et les emprunts à l'italien.Une analyse et un début de typologie sont proposés à partir du recoupement entre la construction des champs lexicaux et les domaines d'emploi des entrées traitées. Le traitement intègre les quatre dimensions concernées par la procédure d'emprunt ou la créativité néologique: la morphologie, la syntaxe, la sémantique et la phonétique. Tout au long de l'étude l'attention s'est portée plus particulièrement sur la solution des problèmes de polysémie et sur l'évaluation du degré d'intégration à l'usage courant aussi bien des termes empruntés que des créations lexicales isolées.PARIS13-BU Droit-Lettres (930792101) / SudocSudocFranceF