9 research outputs found

    Engaging community-dwelling older adults in fall prevention programs: a qualitative study on strategies promoting participation in fall prevention programs among community-dwelling older adults

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    IntroductionFall rates and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling older adults (≥65 years) are expected to increase rapidly, due to the aging population worldwide. Fall prevention programs (FPPs), consisting of strength and balance exercises, have been proven effective in reducing fall rates among older adults. However, these FPPs have not reached their full potential as most programs are under-enrolled. Therefore, this study aims to identify promising strategies that promote participation in FPPs among community-dwelling older adults.MethodsThis is an exploratory qualitative study. Previously, barriers and facilitators for participation in FPPs by older adults had been identified. Next, six strategies had been designed using the Intervention Mapping approach: (1) reframing; (2) informing about benefits; (3) raising awareness of risks; (4) involving social environment; (5) offering tailored intervention; (6) arranging practicalities. Strategies were validated during semi-structured interviews with community-dwelling older adults (n = 12) at risk of falling. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed following a qualitative thematic methodology, with a hybrid approach.ResultsAll strategies were considered important by at least some of the respondents. However, two strategies stood out: (1) reframing ‘aging’ and ‘fall prevention’: respondents preferred to be approached differently, taking a ‘life course’ perspective about falls, and avoiding confronting words; and (2) ‘informing about benefits’ (e.g., ‘living independently for longer’); which was mentioned to improve the understanding of the relevance of participating in FPPs. Other strategies were considered important to take into account too, but opinions varied more strongly.DiscussionThis study provides insight into potential strategies to stimulate older adults to participate in FPPs. Results suggest that reframing ‘aging’ and ‘fall prevention’ may facilitate the dialogue about fall prevention, by communicating differently about the topic, for example ‘staying fit and healthy’, while focusing on the benefits of participating in FPPs. Gaining insight into the strategies’ effectiveness and working mechanisms is an area for future research. This could lead to practical recommendations and help professionals to enhance older adults’ participation in FPPs. Currently, the strategies are further developed to be applied and evaluated for effectiveness in multiple field labs in a central Dutch region (Utrecht)

    Professional competences to promote healthy ageing across the lifespan: a scoping review

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    As societies age, the development of resources and strategies that foster healthy ageing from the beginning of life become increasingly important. Social and healthcare professionals are key agents in this process; therefore, their training needs to be in agreement with societal needs. We performed a scoping review on professional competences for social and health workers to adequately promote healthy ageing throughout life, using the framework described by Arksey and O’Malley and the Joanna Briggs Institute Guidelines. A stakeholder consultation was held in each of the participating countries, in which 79 experts took part. Results show that current literature has been excessively focused on the older age and that more attention on how to work with younger population groups is needed. Likewise, not all disciplines have equally refected on their role before this challenge and interprofessional approaches, despite showing promise, have not been sufciently described. Based on our results, health and social professionals working to promote healthy ageing across the lifespan will need sound competences regarding person-centred communication, professional communication, technology applications, physiological and pathophysiological aspects of ageing, social and environmental aspects, cultural diversity, programs and policies, ethics, general and basic skills, context and self-management-related skills, health promotion and disease prevention skills, educational and research skills, leadership skills, technological skills and clinical reasoning. Further research should contribute to establishing which competences are more relevant to each discipline and at what level they should be taught, as well as how they can be best implemented to efectively transform health and social care systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Promoção de competências para o envelhecimento saudável: projeto SIENHA

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    Introdução: Face aos desafios sociais e de saúde de uma população em envelhecimento, é necessário a atualização das políticas sociais e de saúde na Europa (WHO, 2020; Rudnicka, 2020). O paradigma do Envelhecimento Saudável (HA) sublinha a necessidade de inovação nos sectores educativo, de saúde e social e a devida formação dos profissionais implicados. Objectivos: O projecto Strategic Innovative Educational Network for Healthy Ageing (SIENHA) - www.sienha.eu, visa desenvolver educação a nível superior e o desenvolvimento de competências em estudantes e profissionais dos sectores de saúde e social na Europa. Este projeto envolveu uma cooperação académica multilateral ao longo de 36 meses entre sete Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) europeias, e foi financiado pelo programa ERASMUS+. Material e Métodos: Foram estabelecidos quatro principais resultados intelectuais: 1) Identificação de um quadro de competências profissionais em HA; 2) Desenvolvimento de um currículo de ensino superior; 3) Criação de um kit de ferramentas para inovação e investigação em HA; e 4) Produção de uma ferramenta de disseminação, um Manual em Envelhecimento Saudável. Com base numa revisão exploratória, foram estabelecidas listas de competências fundamentais e desenvolvido as estratégias de avaliação e o programa de estudos. Foi também elaborado um kit de ferramentas com vista à aplicação de investigação de implementação e estratégias pedagógicas inovadoras. Resultados: O projeto culminou na identificação de competências relevantes, na conceção de um kit de ferramentas baseado nas melhores práticas e na criação de um currículo educacional centrado no envelhecimento saudável ao longo da vida. Este currículo foi concebido para melhor preparar os profissionais de saúde e sociais, incluindo fisioterapeutas, promovendo a saúde e bem-estar ao longo da vida. Conclusões: O projeto SIENHA proporciona uma abordagem integrada e estratégica para enfrentar os desafios do envelhecimento saudável na Europa, trazendo inovações na formação e prática profissional. Esta colaboração pode representar um avanço significativo para a melhoria da formação e preparação de profissionais nos sectores de saúde e social na Europa.N/

    Videoconsulten binnen de fysiotherapie: Gebruik tijdens coronacrisis en implicaties voor de toekomst

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    Digitalisering is al sinds de jaren ‘90 een trend om zorg efficiënter en dicht bij de patiënt aan te aanbieden. COVID-19 heeft de digitalisering in een stroomversnelling gebracht. Ook binnen de fysiotherapie werd geëxperimenteerd met de inzet van videoconsulten. Het overgrote deel van patiënten was (zeer) tevreden over videoconsulten. Fysiotherapeuten waren wat gematigder enthousiast, mede omdat ze bepaalde diagnostische- en behandelelementen niet konden uitvoeren, die vaak onderdeel zijn van een behandeling

    Contextual determinants influencing the implementation of fall prevention in the community: a scoping review

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    Background: Successful implementation of multifactorial fall prevention interventions (FPIs) is essential to reduce increasing fall rates in communitydwelling older adults. However, implementation often fails due to the complex context of the community involving multiple stakeholders within and across settings, sectors, and organizations. As there is a need for a better understanding of the occurring context-related challenges, the current scoping review purposes to identify what contextual determinants (i.e., barriers and facilitators) influence the implementation of FPIs in the community. Methods: A scoping reviewwas performed using the Arksey andO’Malley framework. First, electronic databases (Pubmed, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, PsycINFO) were searched. Studies that identified contextual determinants that influence the implementation of FPIs in the community were included. Second, to both validate the findings from the literature and identify complementary determinants, health and social care professionals were consulted during consensus meetings (CMs) in four districts in the region of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Data were analyzed following a directed qualitative content analysis approach, according to the 39 constructs of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Results: Fourteen relevant studies were included and 35 health and social care professionals (such as general practitioners, practice nurses, and physical therapists) were consulted during four CMs. Directed qualitative content analysis of the included studies yielded determinants within 35 unique constructs operating as barriers and/or facilitators. The majority of the constructs (n = 21) were identified in both the studies and CMs, such as “networks and communications”, “formally appointed internal implementation leaders”, “available resources” and “patient needs and resources”. The other constructs (n = 14) were identified only in the . Discussion: Findings in this review show that awide array of contextual determinants are essential in achieving successful implementation of FPIs in the community. However, some determinants are considered important to address, regardless of the context where the implementation occurs. Such as accounting for time constraints and financial limitations, and considering the needs of older adults. Also, broad cross-sector collaboration and coordination are required in multifactorial FPIs. Additional context analysis is always an essential part of implementation efforts, as contexts may differ greatly, requiring a locally tailored approach

    Belemmerende en bevorderende factoren in de interprofessionele samenwerking rondom valpreventie

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    Er is behoefte aan meer kennis en ondersteuning bij het implementeren van effectieve valpreventieinterventies in de wijk, waar ouderen zelfstandig thuis wonen. Omdat vallen een multifactorieel probleem is en er vele soorten valpreventie-interventies bestaan, is interprofessionele samenwerking gewenst. Door literatuuronderzoek en in focusgroep-bijeenkomsten met verschillende professionals is onderzocht wat bevorderende en belemmerende factoren zijn bij succesvolle interprofessionele samenwerking op het gebied van valpreventie, en welke strategieën effectief zijn. De belangrijkste conclusie is, dat voor het bevorderen van interprofessionele samenwerking coördinatie, communicatie en informatie cruciale factoren zijn. Daarnaast is ook uitwisseling van evidence based kennis en samenwerking met andere stakeholders belangrijk

    Hoe thuiswonende ouderen te bereiken met valpreventie-interventies?: Een mixed-methods studie naar potentiële strategieën

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    Om succesvolle implementatie van valpreventie-interventies in de wijk te bereiken, is het belangrijk om strategieën te ontwikkelen die ouderen stimuleren mee te doen aan valpreventie-interventies. Aan de hand van eerder onderzochte belemmerende en bevorderende factoren die de deelname aan valpreventieinterventies bij ouderen beïnvloeden, werd met behulp van de Intervention Mapping-methodiek een set strategieën geformuleerd. Op basis van de bevindingen wordt geconcludeerd dat het reframen van vallen en ouder worden belangrijk zou kunnen zijn. Daarnaast zouden interventies aangepast moeten worden aan de behoeften van het individu en de voordelen van deelname aan valpreventie-interventies worden benadrukt. Vervolgonderzoek zal uitwijzen welke strategieën het meest effectief zijn