222 research outputs found

    Reconstructing the spatial structure of quantum correlations

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    Quantum correlations are a fundamental property of quantum many-body states. Yet they remain experimentally elusive, hindering certification of genuine quantum behavior, especially in quantum materials. Here we show that the momentum-dependent dynamical susceptibility measured via inelastic neutron scattering enables the systematic reconstruction of quantum correlation functions, which express the degree of quantum coherence in the fluctuations of two spins at arbitrary mutual distance. Using neutron scattering data on the compound KCuF3_3 \unicode{x2014} a system of weakly coupled S=1/2S=1/2 Heisenberg chains \unicode{x2014} and of numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo data, we show that quantum correlations possess a radically different spatial structure with respect to conventional correlations. Indeed, they exhibit a new emergent length of quantum-mechanical origin \unicode{x2014} the quantum coherence length \unicode{x2014} which is finite at any finite temperature (including when long-range magnetic order develops). Moreover, we show theoretically that coupled Heisenberg spin chains exhibit a form of quantum monogamy, with a trade-off between quantum correlations along and transverse to the spin chains. These results highlight real-space quantum correlators as an informative, model-independent means of probing the underlying quantum state of real quantum materials.Comment: Main text: 8 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary information: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Multipartite entanglement in the 1-D spin-12\frac{1}{2} Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    Multipartite entanglement refers to the simultaneous entanglement between multiple subsystems of a many-body quantum system. While multipartite entanglement can be difficult to quantify analytically, it is known that it can be witnessed through the Quantum Fisher information (QFI), a quantity that can also be related to dynamical Kubo response functions. In this work, we first show that the finite temperature QFI can generally be expressed in terms of a static structure factor of the system, plus a correction that vanishes as T0T\rightarrow 0. We argue that this implies that the static structure factor witnesses multipartite entanglement near quantum critical points at temperatures below a characteristic energy scale that is determined by universal properties, up to a non-universal amplitude. Therefore, in systems with a known static structure factor, we can deduce finite temperature scaling of multipartite entanglement and low temperature entanglement depth without knowledge of the full dynamical response function of the system. This is particularly useful to study 1D quantum critical systems in which sub-power-law divergences can dominate entanglement growth, where the conventional scaling theory of the QFI breaks down. The 1D spin-12\frac{1}{2} antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model is an important example of such a system, and we show that multipartite entanglement in the Heisenberg chain diverges non-trivially as log(1/T)3/2\sim \log(1/T)^{3/2}. We verify these predictions with calculations of the QFI using conformal field theory and matrix product state simulations. Finally we discuss the implications of our results for experiments to probe entanglement in quantum materials, comparing to neutron scattering data in KCuF3_3, a material well-described by the Heisenberg chain.Comment: 8 pages and 3 figures; 1 page and 1 figure of the appendix; typos corrected; references adde

    WHO grade I meningiomas: classification-tree for prognostic factors of survival

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    World Health Organization (WHO) grade I meningiomas are intracranial extracerebral tumors, in which microsurgery as a stand-alone therapy provides high rates of disease control and low recurrence rates. Our aim was to identify prognostic factors of overall survival and time-to-retreat (OS; TTR) in a cohort of patients with surgically managed WHO grade I meningioma. Patients with WHO grade I meningiomas from a retrospectively (1990 to 2002) and prospectively managed (2003 to 2010) databank of Oslo University Hospital, Norway, were included. The mean follow-up was 9.2 ± 5.7 years, with a total of 11,414 patient-years. One thousand three hundred fifty-five patients were included. The mean age was 58 ± 13.2, mean Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) 92.6 ± 26.1 and female-to-male ratio 2.5:1. The 1-year, 5-year, 10-year, 15-year, and 20-year probabilities were 0.98, 0.91, 0.87, 0.84, and 0.8 for TTR. Patient age (OR 0.92 [0.91, 0.94]), male sex (OR 0.59 [0.45, 0.76]), preoperative KPS ≥ 70 (OR 2.22 [1.59, 3.13]), skull base location (OR 0.77 [0.60, 1]), and the occurrence of a postoperative hematoma (OR 0.44 [0.26, 0.76]) were identified as independent prognostic factors of OS. Patient age (OR 1.02 [1.01, 1.03]) and skull base location (OR 0.30 [0.21, 0.45]) were independent predictors of decreased PFS. Using a recursive partitioning analysis, we suggest a classification tree for the prediction of 5-year PFS based on patient and tumor characteristics. The findings from this cohort of meningioma WHO I patients helps to identify patients at risk of recurrence and tailor the therapeutic management

    Excess heat capacity in magnetically ordered Ce heavy fermion metals

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    We study the magnetic heat capacity of a series of magnetically ordered Ce-based heavy fermion materials, which show an anomalous T3T^3 heat capacity in excess of the phonon contribution in many materials. For compounds for which magnon models have been worked out, we show that the local-moment magnon heat capacity derived from the measured magnon spectra underestimates the experimental specific heat. The excess heat capacity reveals increasing density of states with increasing energy, akin to a pseudogap. We show that this anomalous temperature-dependent term is not associated with proximity to a quantum critical point (QCP), but is strongly correlated with TNT_N, indicating the anomalous excitations are governed by the magnetic exchange interaction. This insight may hold key information for understanding magnetically ordered heavy fermions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantifying and controlling entanglement in the quantum magnet Cs2_2CoCl4_4

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    The lack of methods to experimentally detect and quantify entanglement in quantum matter impedes our ability to identify materials hosting highly entangled phases, such as quantum spin liquids. We thus investigate the feasibility of using inelastic neutron scattering (INS) to implement a model-independent measurement protocol for entanglement based on three entanglement witnesses: one-tangle, two-tangle, and quantum Fisher information (QFI). We perform high-resolution INS measurements on Cs2_2CoCl4_4, a close realization of the S=1/2S=1/2 transverse-field XXZ spin chain, where we can control entanglement using the magnetic field, and compare with density-matrix renormalization group calculations for validation. The three witnesses allow us to infer entanglement properties and make deductions about the quantum state in the material. We find QFI to be a particularly robust experimental probe of entanglement, whereas the one- and two-tangles require more careful analysis. Our results lay the foundation for a general entanglement detection protocol for quantum spin systems.Comment: Main text: 7 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Information: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Spin wave Hamiltonian and anomalous scattering in NiPS3_3

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    We report a comprehensive spin wave analysis of the semiconducting honeycomb van der Waal antiferromagnet NiPS3_3. Using single crystal inelastic neutron scattering, we map out the full Brillouin zone and fit the observed modes to a spin wave model with rigorously defined uncertainty. We find that the third neighbor exchange J3J_3 dominates the Hamiltonian, a feature which we fully account for by ab-initio density functional theory calculations. We also quantify the degree to which the three-fold rotation symmetry is broken and account for the Q=0Q=0 excitations observed in other measurements, yielding a spin exchange model which is consistent across multiple experimental probes. We also identify a strongly reduced static ordered moment and reduced low-energy intensity relative to the linear spin wave calculations, signaling unexplained features in the magnetism which requires going beyond the linear spin wave approximation.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures; 5 pages and 6 additional figures of appendice

    Non-linear magnons and exchange Hamiltonians of delafossite proximate quantum spin liquids

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    Quantum spin liquids (QSL) are theoretical states of matter with long-range entanglement and exotic quasiparticles. However, they generally elude quantitative theory, rendering their underlying phases mysterious and hampering efforts to identify experimental QSL states. Here we study triangular lattice resonating valence bond QSL candidate materials KYbSe2_2 and NaYbSe2_2. We measure the magnon modes in their 1/3 plateau phase, where quantitative theory is tractable, using inelastic neutron scattering and fit them using nonlinear spin wave theory. We also fit the KYbSe2_2 heat capacity using high temperature series expansion. Both KYbSe2_2 fits yield the same magnetic Hamiltonian to within uncertainty, confirming previous estimates and showing the Heisenberg J2/J1J_2/J_1 to be an accurate model for these materials. Most importantly, comparing KYbSe2_2 and NaYbSe2_2 shows that smaller AA-site Na+^+ ion has a larger J2/J1J_2/J_1 ratio. However, hydrostatic pressure applied to KYbSe2_2 increases the ordering temperature (a result consistent with density functional theory calculations), indicating that pressure decreases J2/J1J_2/J_1. These results show how periodic table and hydrostatic pressure can tune the AAYbSe2_2 materials in a controlled way.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; 4 pages and 7 additional figures of supplemental informatio