46 research outputs found

    New insight into the dynamic properties and the active site architecture of H-Ras p21 revealed by X-ray crystallography at very high resolution

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In kinetic crystallography, the usually static method of X-ray diffraction is expanded to allow time-resolved analysis of conformational rearrangements in protein structures. To achieve this, reactions have to be triggered within the protein crystals of interest, and optical spectroscopy can be used to monitor the reaction state. For this approach, a modified form of H-Ras p21 was designed which allows reaction initiation and fluorescence readout of the initiated GTPase reaction within the crystalline state. Rearrangements within the crystallized protein due to the progressing reaction and associated heterogeneity in the protein conformations have to be considered in the subsequent refinement processes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>X-ray diffraction experiments on H-Ras p21 in different states along the reaction pathway provide detailed information about the kinetics and mechanism of the GTPase reaction. In addition, a very high data quality of up to 1.0 Å resolution allowed distinguishing two discrete subconformations of H-Ras p21, expanding the knowledge about the intrinsic flexibility of Ras-like proteins, which is important for their function. In a complex of H-Ras•GppNHp (guanosine-5'-(β,γ-imido)-triphosphate), a second Mg<sup>2+ </sup>ion was found to be coordinated to the γ-phosphate group of GppNHp, which positions the hydrolytically active water molecule very close to the attacked γ-phosphorous atom.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>For the structural analysis of very high-resolution data we have used a new 'two-chain-isotropic-refinement' strategy. This refinement provides an alternative and easy to interpret strategy to reflect the conformational variability within crystal structures of biological macromolecules. The presented fluorescent form of H-Ras p21 will be advantageous for fluorescence studies on H-Ras p21 in which the use of fluorescent nucleotides is not feasible.</p

    The pre-hydrolysis state of p21ras in complex with GTP: new insights into the role of water molecules in the GTP hydrolysis reaction of ras-like proteins

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    AbstractBackground: In numerous biological events the hydrolysis of guanine triphosphate (GTP) is a trigger to switch from the active to the inactive protein form. In spite of the availability of several high-resolution crystal structures, the details of the mechanism of nucleotide hydrolysis by GTPases are still unclear. This is partly because the structures of the proteins in their active states had to be determined in the presence of non-hydrolyzable GTP analogues (e.g. GppNHp). Knowledge of the structure of the true Michaelis complex might provide additional insights into the intrinsic protein hydrolysis mechanism of GTP and related nucleotides.Results: The structure of the complex formed between p21ras and GTP has been determined by X-ray diffraction at 1.6 Å using a combination of photolysis of an inactive GTP precursor (caged GTP) and rapid freezing (100K). The structure of this complex differs from that of p21ras–GppNHp (determined at 277K) with respect to the degree of order and conformation of the catalytic loop (loop 4 of the switch II region) and the positioning of water molecules around the γ-phosphate group. The changes in the arrangement of water molecules were induced by the cryo-temperature technique.Conclusions: The results shed light on the function of Gln61 in the intrinsic GTP hydrolysis reaction. Furthermore, the possibility of a proton shuffling mechanism between two attacking water molecules and an oxygen of the γ-phosphate group can be proposed for the basal GTPase mechanism, but arguments are presented that render this protonation mechanism unlikely for the GTPase activating protein (GAP)-activated GTPase

    Interface Analysis of the Complex between ERK2 and PTP-SL

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    The activity of ERK2, an essential component of MAP-kinase pathway, is under the strict control of various effector proteins. Despite numerous efforts, no crystal structure of ERK2 complexed with such partners has been obtained so far. PTP-SL is a major regulator of ERK2 activity. To investigate the ERK2–PTP-SL complex we used a combined method based on cross-linking, MALDI-TOF analysis, isothermal titration calorimetry, molecular modeling and docking. Hence, new insights into the stoichiometry, thermodynamics and interacting regions of the complex are obtained and a structural model of ERK2-PTP-SL complex in a state consistent with PTP-SL phosphatase activity is developed incorporating all the experimental constraints available at hand to date. According to this model, part of the N-terminal region of PTP-SL has propensity for intrinsic disorder and becomes structured within the complex with ERK2. The proposed model accounts for the structural basis of several experimental findings such as the complex-dissociating effect of ATP, or PTP-SL blocking effect on the ERK2 export to the nucleus. A general observation emerging from this model is that regions involved in substrate binding in PTP-SL and ERK2, respectively are interacting within the interface of the complex

    The sialic acid-dependent nematocyst discharge process in relation to its physical-chemical properties is a role model for nanomedical diagnostic and therapeutic tools

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    Formulas derived from theoretical physics provide important insights about the nematocyst discharge process of Cnidaria (Hydra, jellyfishes, box-jellyfishes and sea-anemones). Our model description of the fastest process in living nature raises and answers questions related to the material properties of the cell- and tubule-walls of nematocysts including their polysialic acid (polySia) dependent target function. Since a number of tumor-cells, especially brain-tumor cells such as neuroblastoma tissues carry the polysaccharide chain polySia in similar concentration as fish eggs or fish skin, it makes sense to use these findings for new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in the field of nanomedicine. Therefore, the nematocyst discharge process can be considered as a bionic blue-print for future nanomedical devices in cancer diagnostics and therapies. This approach is promising because the physical background of this process can be described in a sufficient way with formulas presented here. Additionally, we discuss biophysical and biochemical experiments which will allow us to define proper boundary conditions in order to support our theoretical model approach. PolySia glycans occur in a similar density on malignant tumor cells than on the cell surfaces of Cnidarian predators and preys. The knowledge of the polySia-dependent initiation of the nematocyst discharge process in an intact nematocyte is an essential prerequisite regarding the further development of target-directed nanomedical devices for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The theoretical description as well as the computationally and experimentally derived results about the biophysical and biochemical parameters can contribute to a proper design of anti-tumor drug ejecting vessels which use a stylet-tubule system. Especially, the role of nematogalectins is of interest because these bridging proteins contribute as well as special collagen fibers to the elastic band properties. The basic concepts of the nematocyst discharge process inside the tubule cell walls of nematocysts were studied in jellyfishes and in Hydra which are ideal model organisms. Hydra has already been chosen by Alan Turing in order to figure out how the chemical basis of morphogenesis can be described in a fundamental way. This encouraged us to discuss the action of nematocysts in relation to morphological aspects and material requirements. Using these insights, it is now possible to discuss natural and artificial nematocyst-like vessels with optimized properties for a diagnostic and therapeutic use, e.g., in neurooncology. We show here that crucial physical parameters such as pressure thresholds and elasticity properties during the nematocyst discharge process can be described in a consistent and satisfactory way with an impact on the construction of new nanomedical devices

    High resolution crystal structures of human Rab4a in its active and inactive conformations

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    AbstractThe Ras-related human GTPase Rab4a is involved in the regulation of endocytosis through the sorting and recycling of early endosomes. Towards further insight, we have determined the three-dimensional crystal structure of human Rab4a in its GppNHp-bound state to 1.6Å resolution and in its GDP-bound state to 1.8Å resolution, respectively. Despite the similarity of the overall structure with other Rab proteins, Rab4a displays significant differences. The structures are discussed with respect to the recently determined structure of human Rab5a and its complex with the Rab5-binding domain of the bivalent effector Rabaptin-5. The Rab4 specific residue His39 modulates the nucleotide binding pocket giving rise to a reduced rate for nucleotide hydrolysis and exchange. In comparison to Rab5, Rab4a has a different GDP-bound conformation within switch 1 region and displays shifts in position and orientation of the hydrophobic triad. The observed differences at the S2–L3–S3 region represent a new example of structural plasticity among Rab proteins and may provide a structural basis to understand the differential binding of similar effector proteins

    Redundancy of protein disulfide isomerases in the catalysis of the inactivating disulfide switch in A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease 17

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    Abstract A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease 17 (ADAM17) can cause the fast release of growth factors and inflammatory mediators from the cell surface. Its activity has to be turned on which occurs by various stimuli. The active form can be inactivated by a structural change in its ectodomain, related to the pattern of the formed disulphide bridges. The switch-off is executed by protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) that catalyze an isomerization of two disulfide bridges and thereby cause a disulfide switch. We demonstrate that the integrity of the CGHC-motif within the active site of PDIs is indispensable. In particular, no major variation is apparent in the activities of the two catalytic domains of PDIA6. The affinities between PDIA1, PDIA3, PDIA6 and the targeted domain of ADAM17 are all in the nanomolar range and display no significant differences. The redundancy between PDIs and their disulfide switch activity in ectodomains of transmembrane proteins found in vitro appears to be a basic characteristic. However, different PDIs might be required in vivo for disulfide switches in different tissues and under different cellular and physiological situations

    Crystal Structure and Catalytic Characterization of the Dehydrogenase/Reductase SDR Family Member 4 (DHRS4) from Caenorhabditis Elegans

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    The human dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 4 (DHRS4) is a tetrameric protein that is involved in the metabolism of several aromatic carbonyl compounds, steroids, and bile acids. The only invertebrate DHRS4 that has been characterized to date is that from the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. We have previously cloned and initially characterized this protein that was recently annotated as DHRS4_CAEEL in the UniProtKB database. Crystallization and X-ray diffraction studies of the full-length DHRS4_CAEEL protein in complex with diacetyl revealed its tetrameric structure and showed that two subunits are connected via an intermolecular disulfide bridge that is formed by N-terminal cysteine residues (Cys5) of each protein chain, which increases the enzymatic activity. A more detailed biochemical and catalytic characterization shows that DHRS4_CAEEL shares some properties with human DHRS4 such as relatively low substrate affinities with aliphatic α-diketones and a preference for aromatic dicarbonyls such as isatin, with a 30-fold lower Km value compared with the human enzyme. Moreover, DHRS4_CAEEL is active with aliphatic aldehydes (e.g. hexanal), while human DHRS4 is not. Dehydrogenase activity with alcohols was only observed with aromatic alcohols. Protein thermal shift assay revealed a stabilizing effect of phosphate buffer that was accompanied by an increase in catalytic activity of more than two-fold. The study of DHRS4 homologs in simple lineages such as C. elegans may contribute to our understanding of the original function of this protein that has been shaped by evolutionary processes in the course of the development from invertebrates to higher mammalian species

    Crystal structure and catalytic characterization of the dehydrogenase/reductase SDR

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    The human dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 4 (DHRS4) is a tetrameric protein that is involved in the metabolism of several aromatic carbonyl compounds, steroids, and bile acids. The only invertebrate DHRS4 that has been characterized to date is that from the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. We have previously cloned and initially characterized this protein that was recently annotated as DHRS4_CAEEL in the UniProtKB database. Crystallization and X-ray diffraction studies of the full-length DHRS4_CAEEL protein in complex with diacetyl revealed its tetrameric structure and showed that two subunits are connected via an intermolecular disulfide bridge that is formed by N-terminal cysteine residues (Cys5) of each protein chain, which increases the enzymatic activity. A more detailed biochemical and catalytic characterization shows that DHRS4_CAEEL shares some properties with human DHRS4 such as relatively low substrate affinities with aliphatic α-diketones and a preference for aromatic dicarbonyls such as isatin, with a 30-fold lower Km value compared with the human enzyme. Moreover, DHRS4_CAEEL is active with aliphatic aldehydes (e.g. hexanal), while human DHRS4 is not. Dehydrogenase activity with alcohols was only observed with aromatic alcohols. Protein thermal shift assay revealed a stabilizing effect of phosphate buffer that was accompanied by an increase in catalytic activity of more than two-fold. The study of DHRS4 homologs in simple lineages such as C. elegans may contribute to our understanding of the original function of this protein that has been shaped by evolutionary processes in the course of the development from invertebrates to higher mammalian species

    Crystal structure of pyrrolizidine alkaloid N-oxygenase from the grasshopper Zonocerus variegatus

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    The high-resolution crystal structure of the flavin-dependent monooxygenase (FMO) from the African locust Zonocerus variegatus is presented and the kinetics of structure-based protein variants are discussed. Z. variegatus expresses three flavin-dependent monooxygenase (ZvFMO) isoforms which contribute to a counterstrategy against pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). PAs are protoxic compounds produced by some angiosperm lineages as a chemical defence against herbivores. N-Oxygenation of PAs and the accumulation of PA N-oxides within their haemolymph result in two evolutionary advantages for these insects: (i) they circumvent the defence mechanism of their food plants and (ii) they can use PA N-oxides to protect themselves against predators, which cannot cope with the toxic PAs. Despite a high degree of sequence identity and a similar substrate spectrum, the three ZvFMO isoforms differ greatly in enzyme activity. Here, the crystal structure of the Z. variegatus PA N-oxygenase (ZvPNO), the most active ZvFMO isoform, is reported at 1.6 Å resolution together with kinetic studies of a second isoform, ZvFMOa. This is the first available crystal structure of an FMO from class B (of six different FMO subclasses, A–F) within the family of flavin-dependent monooxygenases that originates from a more highly developed organism than yeast. Despite the differences in sequence between family members, their overall structure is very similar. This indicates the need for high conservation of the three-dimensional structure for this type of reaction throughout all kingdoms of life. Nevertheless, this structure provides the closest relative to the human enzyme that is currently available for modelling studies. Of note, the crystal structure of ZvPNO reveals a unique dimeric arrangement as well as small conformational changes within the active site that have not been observed before. A newly observed kink within helix α8 close to the substrate-binding path might indicate a potential mechanism for product release. The data show that even single amino-acid exchanges in the substrate-entry path, rather than the binding site, have a significant impact on the specific enzyme activity of the isoforms