3 research outputs found

    Levels of career commitment and career entrenchment of nurses from public and private hospitals

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    Objective: to determine the prevalence of the types of relations to career - commitment and entrenchment - of nurses from public and private hospitals. Methods: field survey with a quantitative approach. A total of 237 nurses participated in the survey through a questionnaire with 43 questions about sociodemographic data, occupation, and relation to career. Descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, and Mann-Whitney U test were used for data analysis. Results: nurses from public and private hospitals have a high level of career commitment and a median level of career entrenchment. Conclusions: nurses have a stronger relation of affection and identification to career than a relation of stagnation, maintained primarily due to investments, followed by emotional costs and lack of alternatives. This fact is associated with individuals continuing in nursing and having a strong commitment to activities

    Conceptual reflections about organizational and professional commitment in the health sector Reflexión conceptual sobre compromiso organizacional y profesional en el sector salud Reflexões conceituais sobre comprometimento organizacional e profissional no setor saúde

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    In the daily exercise of their functions, health professionals face a duality of systems, that is, the professional system and the organizational system, each of which has its own distinct values, principles and expectations. The authors aim to present organizational and professional commitment concepts and their relations in the context of the health sector. They consider that organizational and professional commitment are not incompatible, but can be reconciled in the organizational dynamics, and alert about the development of affective commitment in workers, due to the positive consequences for the organization and the profession.<br>Dentro de su cotidiano, los profesionales de salud al ejecutar sus funciones enfrentan una dualidad de sistemas, es decir, el sistema profesional y el sistema organizacional, cada uno con sus valores, principios y expectativas distintos. El objetivo de los autores es presentar conceptos de compromiso organizacional y profesional y sus relaciones en el contexto del área de la salud. Consideran, que el compromiso organizacional y profesional no son incompatibles siendo, por tanto, conciliables dentro de la dinámica organizacional. Alertan para el desenvolvimiento de compromiso afectivo en trabajadores por las consecuencias positivas en la organización y profesión.<br>Os profissionais de saúde, no cotidiano, ao exercerem suas funções enfrentam dualidade de sistemas, ou seja, o sistema profissional e o sistema organizacional, cada qual com seus valores, princípios e expectativas distintos. O objetivo dos autores é apresentar conceitos de comprometimento organizacional e profissional e suas relações no contexto do setor saúde. Considera-se que o comprometimento organizacional e o profissional não são incompatíveis, sendo, portanto, conciliáveis na dinâmica organizacional. Alerta-se, também, para o desenvolvimento do comprometimento afetivo dos trabalhadores pelas conseqüências positivas para a organização e profissão