263 research outputs found
Effects of Craniofacial Structures on Mouse Palatal Closure In Vitro
Heads of Swiss-Webster mouse fetuses of four ages spanning days 12-13 of gestation, were partially dissected by removing the brain (B), tongue (T) and mandible (M) alone or in combination (BT, BM, BTM). Preparations were suspended in a gassed, circulating culture system such that palatal closure must take place against gravity. Closure occurred earlier than in vivo and required the posterior half of the mandible be intact and the tongue removed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68249/2/10.1177_00220345780570024401.pd
A frequentist framework of inductive reasoning
Reacting against the limitation of statistics to decision procedures, R. A.
Fisher proposed for inductive reasoning the use of the fiducial distribution, a
parameter-space distribution of epistemological probability transferred
directly from limiting relative frequencies rather than computed according to
the Bayes update rule. The proposal is developed as follows using the
confidence measure of a scalar parameter of interest. (With the restriction to
one-dimensional parameter space, a confidence measure is essentially a fiducial
probability distribution free of complications involving ancillary statistics.)
A betting game establishes a sense in which confidence measures are the only
reliable inferential probability distributions. The equality between the
probabilities encoded in a confidence measure and the coverage rates of the
corresponding confidence intervals ensures that the measure's rule for
assigning confidence levels to hypotheses is uniquely minimax in the game.
Although a confidence measure can be computed without any prior distribution,
previous knowledge can be incorporated into confidence-based reasoning. To
adjust a p-value or confidence interval for prior information, the confidence
measure from the observed data can be combined with one or more independent
confidence measures representing previous agent opinion. (The former confidence
measure may correspond to a posterior distribution with frequentist matching of
coverage probabilities.) The representation of subjective knowledge in terms of
confidence measures rather than prior probability distributions preserves
approximate frequentist validity.Comment: major revisio
The use of measured genotype information in the analysis of quantitative phenotypes in man
Improved laboratory methods allow one to investigate the contribution of measured allelic variability at a locus physiologically involved in determining the expression of a quantitative trait. We present statistical methods that incorporate measured genotype information into the analysis of a quantitative phenotype that allows one simultaneously to detect and estimate the effects of a measured single locus and residual polygenic effects. Likelihoods are presented for the joint distribution of the quantitative phenotype and a measured genotype that are appropriate when the data are collected as a sample of unrelated individuals or as a sample of nuclear families. Application of this method to the analysis of serum cholesterol levels and the concentration of the group specific component (Gc) are presented. The analysis of the contribution of the common Gc polymorphism to the determination of quantitative variability in Gc using smaples of related and unrelated individuals presents, for the first time, the simultaneous estimation of the frequencies and the effects of the genotypes at a measured locus, and the contribution of residual unmeasured polygenes to phenotypic variability.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65935/1/j.1469-1809.1986.tb01037.x.pd
Interactivity and Reward-Related Neural Activation during a Serious Videogame
This study sought to determine whether playing a âseriousâ interactive digital game (IDG) â the Re-Mission videogame for cancer patients â activates mesolimbic neural circuits associated with incentive motivation, and if so, whether such effects stem from the participatory aspects of interactive gameplay, or from the complex sensory/perceptual engagement generated by its dynamic event-stream. Healthy undergraduates were randomized to groups in which they were scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) as they either actively played Re-Mission or as they passively observed a gameplay audio-visual stream generated by a yoked active group subject. Onset of interactive game play robustly activated mesolimbic projection regions including the caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens, as well as a subregion of the parahippocampal gyrus. During interactive gameplay, subjects showed extended activation of the thalamus, anterior insula, putamen, and motor-related regions, accompanied by decreased activation in parietal and medial prefrontal cortex. Offset of interactive gameplay activated the anterior insula and anterior cingulate. Between-group comparisons of within-subject contrasts confirmed that mesolimbic activation was significantly more pronounced in the active playgroup than in the passive exposure control group. Individual difference analyses also found the magnitude of parahippocampal activation following gameplay onset to correlate with positive attitudes toward chemotherapy assessed both at the end of the scanning session and at an unannounced one-month follow-up. These findings suggest that IDG-induced activation of reward-related mesolimbic neural circuits stems primarily from participatory engagement in gameplay (interactivity), rather than from the effects of vivid and dynamic sensory stimulation
Nitrogen oxides, regional transport, and ozone air quality: Results of a regional-scale model for the midwestern United States
An overview of the role of NO x in the formation of rural O 3 , regional transport and its potential impact on urban air quality is presented. An analysis of a specific O 3 excursion in southeast Michigan (8-2-90) is performed based on a combined urban and regional-scale model. The regional component of the model represents transport and photochemistry from sources as far away as Texas. Results suggest that rural O 3 and regional transport sensitive to NO x emissions and relatively insensitive to changes in volatile organic carbon (VOC) emissions. This differs from the situation in urban areas, where O 3 is sensitive to both NO x and VOC. Regional transport and upwind NO x emissions have a significant impact on peak O 3 in Detroit. Implications for urban and regional-scale abatement strategies are discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43908/1/11270_2004_Article_BF00480817.pd
ExomorfologĂa y anatomĂa de Ăłrganos vegetativos aĂ©reos en especies de Flourensia DC. (Asteraceae) con importancia fitoquĂmica
El gĂ©nero Flourensia DC. es americano y comprende 32 especies. Son arbustos resinosos utilizados en medicina popular; poseen un potencial valor econĂłmico, por lo que, en algunas especies representantes, se han caracterizado sus compuestos quĂmicos y determinado algunos posibles usos. En el presente trabajo, se estudiĂł la exomorfologĂa y anatomĂa de Ăłrganos vegetativos de F. hirta S. F. Blake, F. leptopoda S. F. Blake, F. niederleinii S. F. Blake y F. tortuosa Griseb., especies endĂ©micas del centro de Argentina. Se observĂł que todas son similares en cuanto a la anatomĂa de hoja y tallo. En cuanto al estudio de la epidermis foliar, se concluye que es posible diferenciar las especies teniendo en cuenta la frecuencia estomĂĄtica y la presencia de tricomas. Finalmente, las diferencias mĂĄs notables se encontraron en la exomorfologĂa foliar ya que se observĂł una gran variaciĂłn en cuanto a la forma de las hojas y tamaño de las lĂĄminas y pecĂolos. Con respecto a las estructuras secretoras, se encontraron tricomas y conductos secretores esquizĂłgenos en las hojas y los tallos de todas las especies, las cuales serĂan responsables de la producciĂłn y secreciĂłn de las resinas.The genus Flourensia DC. is American and comprises 32 species. They are resiniferous shrubs used in folk medicine. As they have potential economic value, its chemical compounds have been characterized and some possible uses identified. In this work, the exomorphology and anatomy of vegetative organs of F. hirta S. F. Blake, F. leptopoda S. F. Blake, F. niederleinii S. F. Blake and F. tortuosa Griseb., endemic species from central Argentina, have been studied. All species are similar in leaf and stem anatomy. Regarding the epidermis, it is possible to differentiate the species according to the stomatal frequency and the presence of trichomes. Finally, the most remarkable differences were found in leaf exomorphology, since there was a large variation in shape and size of blades and petioles. Concerning the secretory structures, trichomes and secretory ducts were found in the leaves and stems of all species, which would be responsible for the production and secretion of the resins
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