395 research outputs found
Intimacy in relationships: A content analysis of dialogue in romance novels.
Shelby met Alan at a party. They spoke briefly, mostly out of convenience. From their conversation thought, it would seem to others that they were old friends. It would not be the last time Shelby would see Alan. They would continue to meet, even though they had different ideas about wanting a relationship. They would talk about their past, but Shelby would not feel comfortable revealing part of hers. Eventually as they spent more time together, their family and friends began voicing their opinions on how Shelby and Alan should pursue their relationship. Even with all the pressure, it was the time they spent alone, to give them a chance to talk, to voice their own concerns and compliments that allowed them a chance to discuss personal feelings and the ability to develop their relationship to the next level. After a few bumpy times Shelby finally felt secure enough to tell Alan about her past. When they could talk to each other about their concerns about what the future held, it was then that they new that they could weather the hard times and commit to each other. Though the short story could apply to many people and their relationship, add the fact that Shelby is a Washington D.C. business owner with problems with commitment, and Alan is a US Senator from a prominent family with presidential aspirations and you have a general synopsis of the romantic fiction books, All the Possibilities by Nora Roberts (1985)
Transkriptionelle Regulation und Wirtsspezifität porziner (PERV) und humaner (HERV) endogener Retroviren
Endogene Retroviren des Schweines (PERV), die vertikal auf die Nachkommen vererbt werden, stellen ein potentielles Infektionsrisiko bei der Transplantation porziner Zellen, Gewebe oder solider Organe auf den Menschen (Xenotransplantation) dar. Bislang sind zwei PERV- Klassen des C-Typs bekannt, die in-vitro humane Zellen produktiv infizieren können. Voraussetzung einer produktiven Infektion ist neben dem Rezeptor-vermittelten Eindringen des Virus in die Wirtszellen die transkriptionelle Aktivität des retroviralen Promotors (LTR), welcher die zweite Determinante des Wirtstropismus darstellt. Mittels eines Luciferase Reportergen Assays wurde die Aktivität verschiedener PERV LTRs in humanen und anderen Säugerzellen im Vergleich zu bekanntermaßen starken Promotoren untersucht. Dabei zeigten LTRs, welche in der die Transkription regulierenden Region U3 eine aus 39-bp Repeats bestehende Repeatbox trugen, in nahezu allen getesteten Zellinien eine außerordentlich starke Promotoraktiviät. Diese wurde insbesondere durch die Repeatbox vermittelt und korrelierte direkt mit der Anzahl der 39-bp Repeats. Wie weiterführende Untersuchungen zeigten, konnte die Aktivität heterologer und Repeat-loser homologer Promotoren durch eine 4-fach 39-bp Repeatbox unabhängig von deren Lage und Orientierung über weite Distanzen hinweg signifikant erhöht werden. Die Repeatbox stellt damit einen klassischen Enhancer dar. Als die Transkription regulierende zelluläre Komponente konnte der ubiquitäre, in der Evolution konservierte Transkriptionsfaktors NF-Y identifiziert werden, dessen Bindung an Sequenzabschnitte des 39-bp Repeats nachgewiesen wurde. Weitere cis-aktive Elemente konnten in der U3 Region stromaufwärts der Repeatbox sowie in der R Region lokalisiert werden. Im Verlauf einer seriellen Passagierung in infizierten humanen Zellen erfolgte eine rasche Adaptation der Repeatzahl und damit der transkriptionellen Aktivität an den neuen Wirt. Wie die Ergebnisse einer neu etablierten quantitativen Real- Time PCR zeigten, korrelierte die Anzahl der von einer infizierten Zelle freigesetzten Viruspartikel direkt mit der Aktivität der LTR. Durch Adaptation der LTR Aktivität kann somit eine maximale, für die Wirtszelle verträgliche Virusproduktion erfolgen. Ausgehend von den beschriebenen Eigenschaften der PERV LTR ergeben sich für die Xenotransplantation spezifische Risiken, die Infektion des möglichen Transplantatempfängers vorausgesetzt. Diese betreffen durch mögliche Aktivierung von Protoonkogen oder Disruption zellulärer Gene den Empfänger selbst, durch die mögliche Rekombination von PERV mit humanen endogenen Sequenzen oder anderen exogenen Erregern und der Ausbildung potentiell hochpathogener Formen aber auch sein soziales Umfeld. Wie in-vitro Studien mit zwei routinemäßig in der Transplantationsmedizin eingesetzten Immunsuppressiva belegen, werden diese Risiken durch deren unvermeidlichen Einsatz im Falle einer Xenotransplantation nicht potenziert. Ausgehend von der starken transkriptionellen Aktivität Repeat-tragenden LTRs könnten diese geeignete Werkzeuge für molekularbiologische Anwendungen darstellen, bei denen, wie im Falle des Gentransfers oder der Gentherapie, starke Promotoren benötigt werden. In einem zweiten Projekt der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob die Expression des humanen endogenen Retrovirus HERV-K in einem transgenen Mausmodell Auswirkungen auf den Phänotyp der Tiere hat. HERV-K kodiert im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen HERV-Familien für komplette virale Proteine, deren Bedeutung für den menschlichen Organismus jedoch weitgehend unbekannt sind. Zur Etablierung transgener Tiere waren zwei verschiedene Transgen-Konstrukte verwendet worden, von denen eines die komplette provirale Sequenz exklusive der LTRs beinhaltete, das andere lediglich das env-Gen. Für beide Konstrukte war die Etablierung homozygot transgener Tiere gelungen, der Nachweis der RNA Expression konnte jedoch nur bei jenen Linien erfolgen, die das komplette virale Genom trugen. Immuno Blot-Analysen und indirekte Immunfluoreszenz belegten die Expression viraler Proteine in verschiedenen Organen juveniler und adulter Tiere dieser Linien. Die transgenen Mäuse zeigten einen normalen Phänotyp und einen normalen Lebenszyklus mit einer unveränderten Reproduktionsrate. Eine auftretende Tumorgenese konnte stets auf das hohe Alter der betroffenen Tiere zurückgeführt werden, histologische oder anatomische Auffälligkeiten traten nicht auf. Ausgehend von diesen Beobachtungen in einem Tiermodell kann der Schluß gezogen werden, daß die HERV-K Expression im humanen Organismus keine große Bedeutung hat
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Exploration of Training Needs of Paraprofessionals to Support Students with Disabilities
Paraprofessionals are often hired to conduct one-on-one or small group support to students with disabilities within the K-12 school system. Existing literature illustrates a limited expectation that paraprofessionals in school districts receive training surrounding their job requirements. With the rise of students being identified for special education services and the lack of training often received by paraprofessionals, questions arise related to the training backgrounds and needs necessary for professionals to support students with disabilities in the classroom. This study sought to better understand the extent to which paraprofessionals believe they are trained to performed requisite job duties. In addition, participants identified the specific types of training they have received and would like to receive to improve their ability to support students with disabilities. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through a cross-sectional survey. Findings show that most participants reporting general understanding of working with students with disabilities, but a split response on whether these participants had this knowledge prior to employment. Also, the results of the training section of the survey demonstrated that paraprofessionals would be interested in further training related to job requirements. Participants expressed a desire for training in a variety of areas, including culturally responsive pedagogy, evidence-based practices, and inclusive education
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The Impact of an Inclusive Post-Secondary Course on Pre-Service Teachers
Opportunities for inclusive postsecondary education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities are becoming increasingly common at institutions of higher education in the United States. Although inclusive postsecondary opportunities benefit the entire campus, this may be especially true for students enrolled in teacher education programs. This research used qualitative methods to better understand how participation in an inclusive postsecondary course impacts pre-service teachers. Four primary themes emerged from the data, including (a) Self-Efficacy in Teaching, (b) Comfort with People with Disabilities, (c) Inclusion, and (d) Acceptance. Implications for practice and research are discussed
An analysis of MRI derived cortical complexity in premature-born adults : regional patterns, risk factors, and potential significance
Premature birth bears an increased risk for aberrant brain development concerning its structure and function. Cortical complexity (CC) expresses the fractal dimension of the brain surface and changes during neurodevelopment. We hypothesized that CC is altered after premature birth and associated with long-term cognitive development.
One-hundred-and-one very premature-born adults (gestational age <32 weeks and/or birth weight <1500 ​g) and 111 term-born adults were assessed by structural MRI and cognitive testing at 26 years of age. CC was measured based on MRI by vertex-wise estimation of fractal dimension. Cognitive performance was measured based on Griffiths-Mental-Development-Scale (at 20 months) and Wechsler-Adult-Intelligence-Scales (at 26 years).
In premature-born adults, CC was decreased bilaterally in large lateral temporal and medial parietal clusters. Decreased CC was associated with lower gestational age and birth weight. Furthermore, decreased CC in the medial parietal cortices was linked with reduced full-scale IQ of premature-born adults and mediated the association between cognitive development at 20 months and IQ in adulthood.
Results demonstrate that CC is reduced in very premature-born adults in temporoparietal cortices, mediating the impact of prematurity on impaired cognitive development. These data indicate functionally relevant long-term alterations in the brain’s basic geometry of cortical organization in prematurity
Sequelae of premature birth in young adults
Background and Purpose
Qualitative studies about the abnormalities appreciated on routine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences in prematurely born adults are lacking. This article aimed at filling this knowledge gap by (1) qualitatively describing routine imaging findings in prematurely born adults, (2) evaluating measures for routine image interpretation and (3) investigating the impact of perinatal variables related to premature birth.
In this study two board-certified radiologists assessed T1-weighted and FLAIR-weighted images of 100 prematurely born adults born very preterm (VP <32 weeks) and/or at very low birth weight (VLBW <1500 g) and 106 controls born at full term (FT) (mean age 26.8 ± 0.7 years). The number of white matter lesions (WML) was counted according to localization. Lateral ventricle volume (LVV) was evaluated subjectively and by measurements of Evans’ index (EI) and frontal-occipital-horn ratio (FOHR). Freesurfer-based volumetry served as reference standard. Miscellaneous incidental findings were noted as free text.
The LVV was increased in 24.7% of VP/VLBW individuals and significantly larger than in FT controls. This was best identified by measurement of FOHR (AUC = 0.928). Ventricular enlargement was predicted by low gestational age (odds ratio: 0.71, 95% CI 0.51–0.98) and presence of neonatal intracranial hemorrhage (odds ratio: 0.26, 95% CI 0.07–0.92). The numbers of deep and periventricular WML were increased while subcortical WMLs were not.
Enlargement of the LVV and deep and periventricular WMLs are typical sequelae of premature birth that can be appreciated on routine brain MRI. To increase sensitivity of abnormal LVV detection, measurement of FOHR seems feasible in clinical practice
Biochemical characterization of the initial steps of the Kennedy pathway in Trypanosoma brucei:the ethanolamine and choline kinases
Note related output below contains correction of this paper.Ethanolamine and choline are major components of the trypanosome membrane phospholipids, in the form of GPEtn (glycero-phosphoethanolamine) and GPCho (glycerophosphocholine). Ethanolamine is also found as an integral component of the GPI (glycosylpliosphatidylinositol) anchor that is required for membrane attachment of cell-surface proteins, most notably the variant-surface glycoproteins. The de novo synthesis of GPEtn and GPCho starts with the generation of phosphoethanolamine and phosphocholine by ethanolamine and choline kinases via the Kennedy pathway. Database mining revealed two putative C/EKs (choline/ethanolamine kinases) in the Trypanosoma brucei genome, which were cloned, overexpressed, purified and characterized. TbEK 1 (T brucei ethanolamine kinase 1) was shown to be catalytically active as an ethanolamine-specific kinase, i.e. it had no choline kinase activity. The K values for ethanolamine and ATP were found to be 18.4 +/- 0.9 and 219 29 mu M respectively. TbC/EK2 (T brucei choline/ethanolamine kinase 2), on the other hand, was found to be able to phosphorylate both ethanolamine and choline, even though choline was the preferred substrate, with a K-m 80 times lower than that of ethanolamine. The K. values for choline, ethanolamine and ATP were 31.4 +/- 2.6 mu M, 2.56 +/- 0.31 mu M and 20.6 +/- 1.96 mu M respectively. Further substrate specificity analysis revealed that both TbEK1 and TbC/EK2 were able to tolerate various modifications at the amino group, with the exception of a quaternary amine for TbEK1 (choline) and a primary amine for TbC/EK2 (ethanolamine). Both enzymes recognized analogues with substituents oil C-2, but substitutions oil C-1 and elongations of the carbon chain were not well tolerated.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
Salient employability skills for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Singapore: the perspectives of job developers
Objective: In order to increase employment opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs), professionals are tasked with designing and implementing job training services to youth preparing to enter the job market. Having a better understanding of desirable employability skills aids in allowing professionals to develop programs that will target the needs of those who make decisions relating to human resources.
Methods: This study features a qualitative research design to identify employability skills that individuals with IDDs in Singapore should possess to be successful in the workplace. Job developers were interviewed to identify and explore desirable employability skills.
Results: Results from interviews suggest that soft skills, such as attitude, dependability, stamina, flexibility, and communication are valued over skills that are more job-specific technical skills.
Conclusion: These findings highlight the importance including instruction in these skill areas when training youth with IDDs to find and maintain employment
Mitochondrial redox studies of oxidative stress in kidneys from diabetic mice
Chronic hyperglycemia during diabetes leads to increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and increased oxidative stress (OS). Here we investigated whether changes in the metabolic state can be used as a marker of OS progression in kidneys. We examined redox states of kidneys from diabetic mice, Akita/+ and Akita/+;TSP1–/– mice (Akita mice lacking thrombospondin-1, TSP1) with increasing duration of diabetes. OS as measured by mitochondrial redox ratio (NADH/FAD) was detectable shortly after the onset of diabetes and further increased with the duration of diabetes. Thus, cryo fluorescence redox imaging was used as a quantitative marker of OS progression in kidneys from diabetic mice and demonstrated that alterations in the oxidative state of kidneys occur during the early stages of diabetes
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