31 research outputs found

    Organsko-geohemijska korelacija nekih nafti depresije Drmno (južni deo panonskog basena, Jugoslavija)

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    The results of an investigation of crude oils originating from the Sirakovo and Bradarac-Maljurevac localities (southern part of the Pannonian Basin) are reported in this paper. The aim was to estimate the organic geochemical similarity of the crude oils fi om the DI mno (Kostolac) depression oil fields. The nine selected samples originated from reservoir. rocks of various depths. Reliable source and organic geochemical maturation parameters served as the basis for the correlation studies. The similar origin of the investigated DI mno depression crude oils was corroborated, characterized by a significant participation of terrestrial precursor biomass. They were shown to be of relatively low maturity and to have been formed during the earlier stages of the diagenet- ic-catagenetic sequence of processes leading to the formation of crude oils, most probably in source rocks of Tertiary age, corresponding to vitrinite reflectances between Ro = 0.70 % and Ro = 0.80%. The crude oils from Bradarac-Maljurevac seemed to be somewhat less homogeneous with respect to organic geochemical parameters compared to Sirakovo crude oils.U ovom radu ispitivani su uzorci sirovih nafti depresije Drmno (Kostolac) sa lokaliteta Sirakovo i Bradarac-Maljurevac. Cilj rada bio je da se proceni organsko-geohemijska ujednačenost nafti naftnih polja depresije Drmno. Izabrani su uzorci koji potiču iz rezervoarskih stena sa različitih dubina i u njima su određeni grupni i specifični izvorni i maturacioni organsko-geohemijski parametri. Potvrđeno je da ispitivani uzorci depresije Drmno imaju slično poreklo koje karakteriše veći udeo terestrijalne prekursorske biomase. Ispitivane nafte su nešto nižeg stepena maturisanosti i nastale su u ranijim fazama dijagenetsko-katagenetske sekvencije formiranja nafte kojima odgovaraju vrednosti refleksije vitrinita između Ro = 0,70 % i Ro = 0,80 %. Najverovatnije su nastale u izvornim stenama tercijarne starosti. Nafte sa lokaliteta Bradarac-Maljurevac karakteriše nešto niži nivo organsko-geohemijske homogenosti nego nafte sa lokaliteta Sirakovo

    Traganje za izvornim stenama nafti depresije Drmno, južni deo Panonskog basena, Srbija

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    In a search for source rocks of the crude oils of the Drmno depression (Southern part of the Pannonian Basin, Serbia), based on bulk and specific organic geochemical parameters, six out of eight Sirakovo, Bubusinac and Bradarac sedimentary core samples were found to possess typical source rock characteristics. By comparing the results observed for these sedimentary samples with the corresponding propel-ties of the crude oils from the Sirakovo and Bradarac oil-gas fields, a positive organic geochemical oil-source rock correlation was experienced for the first time within this basin. This finding may be considered as an important step towards the ultimate organic geochemical/geological interpretation of the Drmno depression.Ispitivani su sedimenti iz bušotina koje pripadaju lokacijama Sirakovo Bubušinac i Bradarac (depresija Drmno). Primenjene su organsko-geohemijske metode (određivanje sadržaja organskog ugljenika, bitumena i ugljovodonika, kao i određivanje raspodele i obilnosti bioloških markera tipa n-alkana izoprenoidnih alifatičnih alkana, triterpana i sterana) sa ciljem da se proceni njihova naftna potencijalnost. Za šest uzoraka utvrđen je visok stepen maturisanosti organske supstance, pripadnost "oil generation" fazi (Rr = 0,70 – 0,80 %), tercijarna starost i pretežno terestrijalno poreklo. Poređenjem sa sirovim naftama iz već otkrivenih naftnih ležišta bliskog lokaliteta (Sirakovo i Bradarac) utvrđena je značajna sličnost i prema maturisanosti i prema poreklu, na osnovu čega je između ispitivanih uzoraka sedimenata i nafti, prvi put kada je u pitanju depresija Drmno, definisana pozitivna korelacija nafta-izvorna stena

    Physico-chemical data improves NIRS prediction models for drip loss in pork slices

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    An organic geochemical correlation study of some Drmno depresssion crude oils (southern part of the Pannonian Basin, Yugoslavia)

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    The results of an investigation of crude oils originating from the Sirakovo and Bradarac-Maljurevac localities (southern part of the Pannonian Basin) are reported in this paper. The aim was to estimate the organic geochemical similarity of the crude oils from the Drmno (Kostolac) depression oil fields. The nine selected samples originated from reservoir rocks of various depths. Reliable source and organic geochemical maturation parameters served as the basis for the correlation studies. The similar origin of the investigated Drmno depression crude oils was corroborated, characterized by a significant participation of terrestrial precursor biomass. They were shown to be of relatively low maturity and to have been formed during the earlier stages of the diagenet- ic-catagenetic sequence of processes leading to the formation of crude oils, most probably in source rocks ofTertiary age, corresponding to vitrinite reflectances between Ro = 0.70 % and Ro = 0.80 %. The crude oils from Bradarac-Maljurevac seemed to be somewhat less homogeneous with respect to organic geochemical parameters compared to Sirakovo crude oils

    Steranes and triterpanes as a tool for identification of petroleum-type pollutants in alluvial ground waters (Danube alluvial sediments, Yugoslavia)

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    In this paper, ground waters from the alluvial Formation of the Danube River were investigated (samples Were taken from boreholes within the Pancevo Oil Refinery, Northern Serbia). The organic substances were extracted, their bulk composition determined, and n-alkanes were analysed in the alkane fractions, as well as the isoprenoid aliphatic alkanes, pristane and phytane (by GC analysis), and the polycyclic alkanes of the sterane and triterpane types (GC-MS analysis). The obtained results have shown that, in case that n-alkanes, pristane and phytane cannot be used (e.g. if their biodegradation has occurred in ground waters), steranes and triterpanes may serve as most useful tools in identifying oil-type pollution

    Organsko-geohemijska korelacija nekih nafti depresije Drmno (južni deo panonskog basena, Jugoslavija)

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    The results of an investigation of crude oils originating from the Sirakovo and Bradarac-Maljurevac localities (southern part of the Pannonian Basin) are reported in this paper. The aim was to estimate the organic geochemical similarity of the crude oils fi om the DI mno (Kostolac) depression oil fields. The nine selected samples originated from reservoir. rocks of various depths. Reliable source and organic geochemical maturation parameters served as the basis for the correlation studies. The similar origin of the investigated DI mno depression crude oils was corroborated, characterized by a significant participation of terrestrial precursor biomass. They were shown to be of relatively low maturity and to have been formed during the earlier stages of the diagenet- ic-catagenetic sequence of processes leading to the formation of crude oils, most probably in source rocks of Tertiary age, corresponding to vitrinite reflectances between Ro = 0.70 % and Ro = 0.80%. The crude oils from Bradarac-Maljurevac seemed to be somewhat less homogeneous with respect to organic geochemical parameters compared to Sirakovo crude oils.U ovom radu ispitivani su uzorci sirovih nafti depresije Drmno (Kostolac) sa lokaliteta Sirakovo i Bradarac-Maljurevac. Cilj rada bio je da se proceni organsko-geohemijska ujednačenost nafti naftnih polja depresije Drmno. Izabrani su uzorci koji potiču iz rezervoarskih stena sa različitih dubina i u njima su određeni grupni i specifični izvorni i maturacioni organsko-geohemijski parametri. Potvrđeno je da ispitivani uzorci depresije Drmno imaju slično poreklo koje karakteriše veći udeo terestrijalne prekursorske biomase. Ispitivane nafte su nešto nižeg stepena maturisanosti i nastale su u ranijim fazama dijagenetsko-katagenetske sekvencije formiranja nafte kojima odgovaraju vrednosti refleksije vitrinita između Ro = 0,70 % i Ro = 0,80 %. Najverovatnije su nastale u izvornim stenama tercijarne starosti. Nafte sa lokaliteta Bradarac-Maljurevac karakteriše nešto niži nivo organsko-geohemijske homogenosti nego nafte sa lokaliteta Sirakovo