5,140 research outputs found

    Correlated random fields in dielectric and spin glasses

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    Both orientational glasses and dipolar glasses possess an intrinsic random field, coming from the volume difference between impurity and host ions. We show this suppresses the glass transition, causing instead a crossover to the low TT phase. Moreover the random field is correlated with the inter-impurity interactions, and has a broad distribution. This leads to a peculiar variant of the Imry-Ma mechanism, with 'domains' of impurities oriented by a few frozen pairs. These domains are small: predictions of domain size are given for specific systems, and their possible experimental verification is outlined. In magnetic glasses in zero field the glass transition survives, because the random fields are disallowed by time-reversal symmetry; applying a magnetic field then generates random fields, and suppresses the spin glass transition.Comment: minor modifications, final versio

    The strain gap in a system of weakly and strongly interacting two-level systems

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    Many disordered lattices exhibit remarkable universality in their low temperature properties, similar to that found in amorphous solids. Recently a two-TLS (two-level system) model was derived based on the microscopic characteristics of disordered lattices. Within the two-TLS model the quantitative universality of phonon attenuation, and the energy scale of 1−31-3 K below which universality is observed, are derived as a consequence of the existence of two types of TLSs, differing by their interaction with the phonon field. In this paper we calculate analytically and numerically the densities of states (DOS) of the weakly and strongly interacting TLSs. We find that the DOS of the former can be well described by a Gaussian function, whereas the DOS of the latter have a power law correlation gap at low energies, with an intriguing dependence of the power on the short distance cutoff of the interaction. Both behaviors are markedly different from the logarithmic gap exhibited by a single species of interacting TLSs. Our results support the notion that it is the weakly interacting τ\tau-TLSs that dictate the standard low temperature glassy physics. Yet, the power-law DOS we find for the SS-TLSs enables the prediction of a number of deviations from the universal glassy behavior that can be tested experimentally. Our results carry through to the analogous system of electronic and nuclear spins, implying that electronic spin flip rate is significantly reduced at temperatures smaller than the magnitude of the hyperfine interaction.Comment: Version submitted to EPJ S

    The Scalar Sector and the Eta -> 3 Pi Problem

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    First, recent work on light scalar mesons, which is of possible interest in connection with the strong coupling region of QCD is briefly discussed. Then a very short highlighting of a paper concerned with an application to the eta -> 3 pi problem is presented.Comment: 7 pages LaTeX, 4 eps figures, talk at SCGT02 conference at Nagoy

    Supersymmetric Higgs Triplets and Bilinear R-Parity Nonconservation

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    The supersymmetric standard model of particle interactions is extended to include two Higgs triplet superfields at the TeV scale, carrying two units of lepton number. Realistic tree-level Majorana neutrino masses are obtained in the presence of soft, i.e. bilinear, R-parity nonconservation.Comment: 5 pages, no figur

    Complementary Ansatz for the neutrino mass matrix

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    We propose a simple Ansatz for the three generation neutrino mass matrix MνM_\nu which is motivated from an SO(10) grand unified theory. The Ansatz can be combined with information from neutrino oscillation experiments and bounds on neutrinoless double beta decay to determine the neutrino masses themselves and to reconstruct, with some assumptions, the matrix Mν M_\nu .Comment: 15 pages, RevteX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A study of high frequency nonlinear combustion instability in baffled annular liquid propellant rocket motors

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    Computer program contains mathematical model which provides relationship between engine gas dynamics and combustion processes. Mathematically simulated explosions initiate gas disturbances. Design methods for damping disturbances can be studied to prevent future engine shutdown or destruction
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