15 research outputs found

    Concept Maps als diagnostisches Instrument - exemplarisch untersucht in einem 9. Jahrgang am Gymnasium im Fach Politik/Wirtschaft

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    Eignen sich Concept Maps für Lehrende als Instrument zur Diagnose von Wissenszuwächsen im Politikunterricht? Der Beitrag stellt eine explorativen Studie dar, die hierzu in zwei neunten Klassen vor und im Anschluss an eine Unterichtseinheit Concept Maps zum Thema „Repräsentation“ erhoben und ausgewertet wurde

    Verfahren der Willensbildung und Selbstverwaltung im Internet: das Beispiel ICANN und die At-Large-Membership

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    "Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit einem Experiment im Bereich transnationaler demokratischer Willensbildung. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung steht die Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), ein 1998 gegründetes gemeinnütziges Unternehmen mit Sitz in Kalifornien, das die Aufsicht und Verwaltung des Domainnamensystems sowie die Kontrolle über den numerischen Adressraum des Internet ausübt. Die ursprüngliche Satzung von ICANN sah vor, dass neun von 19 Direktoriumsmitgliedern durch die Internetnutzer bestimmt werden sollten. Aus diesem Grund veranstaltete ICANN im Jahr 2000 die erste weltweite Wahl im Internet. Bei dieser Wahl wurden in fünf durch ICANN bestimmte 'Weltregionen' insgesamt fünf sogenannte At-Large Direktoren gewählt. Die Studie besteht aus zwei Teilen. Im ersten Teil wird die Struktur von ICANN anhand ihrer Satzung analysiert. Der zweite Teil besteht aus einer Fallstudie, die den Planungsprozess und Ablauf der Wahl im Einzelnen schildert und kritisch bewertet. Die Untersuchung stellt die erste deutschsprachige Studie über die ICANN Wahl im Jahr 2000 dar." (Autorenreferat)"This study looks at an experiment in transnational democracy. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) held in the year 2000 the first global elections on the Internet. Five At Large directors coming from five world regions were selected by Internet users who had signed up as members with ICANN. ICANN, the California based non-profit company, has been founded in 1998. ICANN is responsible for the oversight and administration of the Domain Name system as well as for the allocation of numeric Internet addresses. The original version of ICANN's bylaws determine that nine of its 19 directors should be selected by users. The study consists of two parts. The first part descibes ICANN's bylaws and analyses its institutional structure. The second part is a case study that aims to comprehend the entire progression of the ICANN elections. Starting with the first At Large membership committees initiated by ICANN staff, the case study gives special attention to the decision making processes accompanying the election." (author's abstract

    Caracterização da complexidade morfológica da linha de costa sul-sudeste brasileira e sua relação com condicionantes locais

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Oceanografia, Florianópolis, 2019.Por ser o limite entre o ambiente marinho e terrestre, a linha de costa reflete em sua forma a interação dos processos e agentes continentais e marinhos, se apresentando como uma interessante feição no processo de caracterização do ambiente costeiro. Neste sentido, o presente estudo avalia a complexidade morfológica da linha de costa sul-sudeste brasileira, através de descritores morfológicos quantitativos. Para isso, são utilizadas três diferentes técnicas, duas com base na teoria fractal e uma relacionada a variação angular. Todos os processos realizados para este estudo são desenvolvidos com base em dados públicos e softwares livres, tendo seus modelos metodológicos finais disponibilizados em repositórios públicos. Na caracterização por métodos fractais, a complexidade de quatro compartimentos da linha de costa sul-sudeste brasileira é medida em termos da dimensão fractal (D). A análise do ajuste da curva fractal (R2) e do tipo de dado de entrada utilizado, mostra o método divisor de passos como o mais recomendado neste caso, indicando que ao sul do Cabo de Santa Marta a complexidade é baixa e homogênea (D = 1,08), e compartimentos ao norte deste limite são mais complexos (D = 1,16 e D = 1,23). Conclui-se que, os resultados estão de acordo com o nível de complexidade descrito por classificações qualitativas tradicionais, evidenciando o potencial de D como indicador quantitativo da complexidade costeira. Em um segundo momento deste estudo, a técnica de medida angular AMT é aplicada na linha de costa sem nenhuma compartimentação prévia, buscado classificar segmentos de linha de costa em classes de complexidade. Nove diferentes comprimentos escalares (S) são considerados em um agrupamento hierárquico, o qual indica que a linha de costa de estudo pode ser classificada em quatro diferentes grupos de complexidade. Segmentos classificados pelo Grupo 01 apresentam baixa complexidade, sendo associados a linhas de costa retilínea, já o Grupo 02 está associado a segmentos de complexidade intermediária, segmentos do Grupo 03 são normalmente relacionados a linhas de costa com presença de costões rochosos e o Grupo 04 representa a classe mais complexa, em geral classificando segmentos com grandes baias e promontórios. A relação entre esta classificação morfológica é ainda comparada quanto a variabilidade dos condicionantes costeiros, utilizando como descritor, a diversidade litológica, concentração de falhas estruturais e declividade emersa e submersa. A Análise da Componente Principal (ACP) mostra que a diversidade litológica e a concentração de falhas controlam a morfologia da linha de costa na escala avaliada por este estudo, possivelmente refletindo a influência da maior proximidade da Serra do Mar em alguns trechos. No entanto, a curva suavizada de cada grupo de complexidade obtida pelo modelo aditivo generalizado (GAM) a partir dos perfis batimétricos e altimétricos individuais, mostra uma variação entre o padrão observado para cada grupo, indicando uma relação com a expressão morfológica da linha de costa. Por fim, conclui-se que o estudo contribui com avanços metodológicos quantitativos de classificação da linha de costa, auxiliando ainda na compreensão do controle dos condicionantes costeiros na morfologia desta feição.Abstract: The coastline is the limit between the terrestrial and the maritime environment reflecting in its shape the interaction of continental and marine processes, presenting it as an interesting feature for coastal characterization. In this sense, the current study analyses by quantitative descriptors the morphological complexity of the south-southest Brazilian coastline. Three different techniques are used to reach this objective, two of them are based in fractal theory and one in angular variation. All processes made by this study were developed in open-free softwares using public databases and the final methodological models are freely available in a public repository. In the characterization using fractal methods, the complexity of four coastline compartments of the study are measured by the fractal dimension (D). The adjustment of the fractal curve (R2) and the type of data used indicates that the step-divisor is the best method in this case, characterizing a low and homogeneous complexity (D = 1,08) from southeast part until Cape of Santa Marta with increasing complexity after this limit in the north direction (D = 1,16 e D = 1,23). It is concluded that the results are in accordance to the complexity level described by traditional qualitative classifications highlighting the potential of D as a quantitative indicator of coastal complexity. In a second moment of this study, the Angular Measurement Technique (AMT) is applied to the coastline without a previous compartmentalization, reaching to classify coastline segments in complexity classes. Nine different scale lengths (S) we considered in an hierarchic cluster indicating that the study area can be classified in four different complexity groups. Segments classified by Group 01 have low complexity being associated to straight coastline, Group 02 has an intermediate complexity while Group 03 and 04 have a higher complexity being segments of Group 04 normally associated to headlands and bays. Additionally, the relationship between this morphological classification is compared to the variability four coastal descriptors, the lithological diversity, the concentration of structural faults and the submerged and emerged slope. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) shows that the lithological diversity and the concentration of faults control the coastline morphology in the scale evaluated by this study, possibly reflecting the influence of the Serra do Mar proximity in some stretches. However, the smoothed curve of each complexity group obtained by the Generalized Additive Model (GAM) from the individual bathymetric and altimetric profiles shows a variation between the patterns observed for each group, indicating a relation with the morphological expression of the coastline. Finally, it is concluded that the study contributes with quantitative methodological advances in the classification of the coastline, helping also in the understanding of the control of coastal process in the morphology of this feature


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    Linhas de costa apresentam morfometria complexa, podendo ser medida pela dimensão fractal (D), um parâmetro quantitativo relativa a complexidade da feição. O presente estudo utiliza o método divisor de passos e o método de contagem de caixas para classificar, em termos de D, quatro compartimentos da linha de costa sul-sudeste brasileira. Ambos retornaram valores de acordo com o nível de complexidade descrito por classificações qualitativas tradicionais, evidenciando o potencial de D como indicador quantitativo da complexidade costeira. A análise do ajuste da curva fractal (R²), mostra o método divisor de passos como o mais recomendado neste caso, indicando que ao sul do Cabo de Santa Marta a complexidade é baixa e homogênea (D = 1,08), e compartimentos ao norte deste limite como mais complexos (D = 1,16 e D = 1,23). Quebras nas curvas fractais dos compartimentos ao norte do Cabo de Santa Marta indicam uma mudança no padrão morfométrico ao longo da região escalar analisada, provavelmente relacionadas ao complexo sistema de baías e promontórios presentes nesses compartimentos. Mesmo com algumas limitações, ambos métodos mostraram-se aplicáveis, através de uma metodologia quantitativa de fácil implementação, podendo ser aplicada em costas com informações geomorfológicas e oceanográficas limitadas.</p

    Das Interesse der Schüler - Abwehr entfremdeten Lernens bei Rolf Schmiederer. Interpretation und Kommentar

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    Hedtke R. Das Interesse der Schüler - Abwehr entfremdeten Lernens bei Rolf Schmiederer. Interpretation und Kommentar. In: May M, Schattschneider J, eds. Klassiker der Politikdidaktik neu gelesen: Originale und Kommentare. Politik unterrichten. Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau; 2011: 167-189


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    This dataset includes six files. Two of them (EcoProvinceCentroids_WGS84.* and WorldOceans_Canals_fixed.*) are datasets produced by external organizations and available online in public portals (https://data.unep-wcmc.org/datasets/38 and https://maps.princeton.edu/catalog/stanford-ds959rc3867, respectively). These two shapefiles are the input files used in the R script VoyRisk_trade_connections_script.R, which uses functions located in VoyRisk_localFunctions.R, to create simulated maritime paths between each pair of the 62 Marine Ecoregions Of the World (MEOW) ecoprovinces (Spalding et al. 2007). The other four files (ecoprovDistanceTable.csv, tr1_.RData, tr1C.RData, WorldOceans_fixed_raster_005res.tif) are intermediate files produced by the R script.  References: Schattschneider, Jessica; Floerl, Lisa; Casanovas, Paula (2022): VoyRisk distance analysis code. The University of Auckland. Software. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17608/k6.auckland.21368874  Spalding, M.D., Fox, H.E., Allen, G.R., Davidson, N., Ferdaña, Z.A., Finlayson, M., Halpern, B.S., Jorge, M.A., Lombana, A., Lourie, S.A., Martin, K.D., McManus, E., Molnar, J., Recchia, C.A., and Robertson, J. (2007). Marine Ecoregions of the World: a bioregionalization of coast and shelf areas. BioScience 57: 573-583. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1641/B570707  </p

    VoyRisk distance analysis code

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    This software consists of two R scripts. VoyRisk_trade_connections_script.R uses functions located in VoyRisk_localFunctions.R and input data from VoyRisk_input-data.zip (DOI: ) to simulate maritime vessel paths between Marine Ecoregions Of the World (MEOW) ecoprovinces (Spalding et al. 2007).  Reference: Spalding, M.D., Fox, H.E., Allen, G.R., Davidson, N., Ferdaña, Z.A., Finlayson, M., Halpern, B.S., Jorge, M.A., Lombana, A., Lourie, S.A., Martin, K.D., McManus, E., Molnar, J., Recchia, C.A., and Robertson, J. (2007). Marine Ecoregions of the World: a bioregionalization of coast and shelf areas. BioScience 57: 573-583. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1641/B570707   </p

    Verfahren der Willensbildung und Selbstverwaltung im Internet Das Beispiel ICANN und die At-Large-Membership

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    'Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit einem Experiment im Bereich transnationaler demokratischer Willensbildung. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung steht die Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), ein 1998 gegruendetes gemeinnuetziges Unternehmen mit Sitz in Kalifornien, das die Aufsicht und Verwaltung des Domainnamensystems sowie die Kontrolle ueber den numerischen Adressraum des Internet ausuebt. Die urspruengliche Satzung von ICANN sah vor, dass neun von 19 Direktoriumsmitgliedern durch die Internetnutzer bestimmt werden sollten. Aus diesem Grund veranstaltete ICANN im Jahr 2000 die erste weltweite Wahl im Internet. Bei dieser Wahl wurden in fuenf durch ICANN bestimmte 'Weltregionen' insgesamt fuenf sogenannte At-Large Direktoren gewaehlt. Die Studie besteht aus zwei Teilen. Im ersten Teil wird die Struktur von ICANN anhand ihrer Satzung analysiert. Der zweite Teil besteht aus einer Fallstudie, die den Planungsprozess und Ablauf der Wahl im Einzelnen schildert und kritisch bewertet. Die Untersuchung stellt die erste deutschsprachige Studie ueber die ICANN Wahl im Jahr 2000 dar.' (Autorenreferat)'This study looks at an experiment in transnational democracy. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) held in the year 2000 the first global elections on the Internet. Five At Large directors coming from five world regions were selected by Internet users who had signed up as members with ICANN. ICANN, the California based non-profit company, has been founded in 1998. ICANN is responsible for the oversight and administration of the Domain Name system as well as for the allocation of numeric Internet addresses. The original version of ICANN's bylaws determine that nine of its 19 directors should be selected by users. The study consists of two parts. The first part descibes ICANN's bylaws and analyses its institutional structure. The second part is a case study that aims to comprehend the entire progression of the ICANN elections. Starting with the first At Large membership committees initiated by ICANN staff, the case study gives special attention to the decision making processes accompanying the election.' (author's abstract)SIGLEAvailable from http://skylla.wz-berlin.de/pdf/2002/ii02-109.pdf / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Cryopreservation of six Symbiodiniaceae genera and assessment of fatty acid profiles in response to increased salinity treatments

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    Abstract Symbiodiniaceae are a diverse group of dinoflagellates, the majority of which are free-living and/or associated with a variety of protists and other invertebrate hosts. Maintenance of isolated cultures is labour-intensive and expensive, and cryopreservation provides an excellent avenue for their long-term storage. We aimed to cryopreserve 15 cultured isolates from six Symbiodiniaceae genera using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as the cryoprotectant agent (CPA). Under 15% DMSO, 10 isolates were successfully cryopreserved using either rapid freezing or controlled-rate freezing. Cultures that failed or had low survival, were subjected to (1) a reduction of CPA to 10%, or (2) increased salinity treatment before freezing. At 10% DMSO, three further isolates were successfully cryopreserved. At 15% DMSO there were high cell viabilities in Symbiodinium pilosum treated with 44 parts per thousand (ppt) and 54 ppt culture medium. An isolate of Fugacium sp. successfully cryopreserved after salinity treatments of 54 ppt and 64 ppt. Fatty acid (FA) analyses of S. pilosum after 54 ppt salinity treatment showed increased saturated FA levels, whereas Fugacium sp. had low poly-unsaturated FAs compared to normal salinity (34 ppt). Understanding the effects of salinity and roles of FAs in cryopreservation will help in developing protocols for these ecologically important taxa