34 research outputs found

    A cylindrical Penning trap for capture, mass selective cooling, and bunching of radioactive ion beams

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    A Penning trap ion accumulator, cooler, and buncher for low energy ion beams has been developed for the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN. A cylindrical electrode configuration is used for the creation of a nested trapping potential. This is required for efficient accumulation of externally produced ions and for high mass selectivity by buffer gas cooling. The design goal of a mass resolving power of about 11051\cdot 10^{5} has been achieved. Isobar separation has been demonstrated for radioactive rare earth ion beams delivered by the ISOLDE on-line mass separator

    Seed Potato Productivity after Cooling, Supercooling, or Freezing

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    Excerpts from the report: Loads of seed potatoes have been rejected at destinations in potato-growing areas by receivers when some of the bags contained potatoes frozen in transit. Some receivers believe that if part of a lot of potatoes is frozen, the remaining potatoes are damaged and unsuited for seed even though no visible symptoms appear. If unwarranted, this rejection is unfair to shippers and carriers. It also inconveniences receivers and growers who must find other lots of seed to plant. If justified, protective practices can be adopted by shippers, carriers, and handlers to provide temperatures well above freezing. Since previous reports are contradictory, large-scale tests were undertaken to get information on cooling, supercooling and freezing injury of four varieties of potatoes commonly used for seed

    Mass measurements on radioactive isotopes with a Penning trap mass spectrometer

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    Penning trap mass measurements on short-lived isotopes are performed with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at the radioactive beam facility ISOLDE/CERN. In the last years the applicability of the spectrometer has been considerably extended by the installation of an RFQ trap ion beam buncher and a new cooler Penning trap, which is operated as an isobar separator. These improvements allowed for the first time measurements on isotopes of rare earth elements and on isotopes with Z=80-85. In all cases an accuracy of δ\deltam/m approximately =1\cdot107^{-7}was achieved. (20 refs)