38 research outputs found


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    Framing Global Mathematics

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    This open access book is about the shaping of international relations in mathematics over the last two hundred years. It focusses on institutions and organizations that were created to frame the international dimension of mathematical research. Today, striking evidence of globalized mathematics is provided by countless international meetings and the worldwide repository ArXiv. The text follows the sinuous path that was taken to reach this state, from the long nineteenth century, through the two wars, to the present day. International cooperation in mathematics was well established by 1900, centered in Europe. The first International Mathematical Union, IMU, founded in 1920 and disbanded in 1932, reflected above all the trauma of WW I. Since 1950 the current IMU has played an increasing role in defining mathematical excellence, as is shown both in the historical narrative and by analyzing data about the International Congresses of Mathematicians. For each of the three periods discussed, interactions are explored between world politics, the advancement of scientific infrastructures, and the inner evolution of mathematics. Readers will thus take a new look at the place of mathematics in world culture, and how international organizations can make a difference. Aimed at mathematicians, historians of science, scientists, and the scientifically inclined general public, the book will be valuable to anyone interested in the history of science on an international level


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    Pour une lecture continue de Hugo Dingler

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    Au vu, d’une part, de l’intérêt considérable pour certains aspects de la pensée dinglerienne, en particulier pour le fondement des sciences expérimentales, et d’autre part, des textes et des actions de Dingier inspirés par le nazisme de 1933 à 1945, l’article explore la cohérence globale de l’œuvre de Dingler.Given the considerable interest in certain aspects of Hugo Dingler’s thought, esp. for foundational questions of the experimental sciences, on the one hand, and the national-socialist slurs in his publications and activities from 1933 through 1945, the article probes the coherence of Dingler’s work as a whole

    Erratum : « Pour une lecture continue de Hugo Dingler »

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    Suite à un problème de communication lors de la dernière correction d’épreuves de cet article, la version publiée dans le numéro 18-2 de Philosophia Scientiæ contient quelques passages qu’il convient de corriger comme suit. p. version publiée version corrigée 105 Il est l’unique représentant de cette discipline qui s’est ouvertement et inconditionnellement engagé pour le régime nazi, avec des gestes d’opportunisme et d’antisémitisme outranciers, du début jusqu’à la fin de ce régime. Ses idées..

    Politisches in der Mathematik - Versuch einer Spurensicherung

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