170 research outputs found

    O pragmatismo na educação médica

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    The decree, called REUNI, has fostered intense discussion and controversy in the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES). In this scenario, the medical training is in the spotlight. Several guidelines are not suitable to form a physician prepared for the professional practice. So pursued by the reality of the public health, it is essential the interaction between the University and the State to overcome the teaching-learning process challenges and to ensure the quality of the graduated students.O decreto denominado REUNI tem fomentado intensa discussão e polêmica nas instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES). Nesse cenário, a formação médica encontra-se na berlinda. Várias diretrizes não são adequadas para formar um médico preparado para o seu exercício profissional. Assim, acossados pela realidade da saúde pública, é imprescindível que a universidade e o Estado interajam para superar os desafios do processo ensino-aprendizagem e para zelar pela qualidade dos egressos


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    Educação à distância e práticas cirúrgicas: reflexões e desafios

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    In the last years there has been a great and exponential expansion of distance educational courses (undergraduate, postgraduate, lato ou stricto sensu, or in sequential bases) taking place in institutions with different juridical conceptions (public, private, confessional or communitarian). In fact it was the approval of the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (LDB) from the Ministério da Educação that encouraged the development of the distance education learning modality. However it is necessary to understand the existence of challenges to be overcome, especially when that innovation will be applied to the surgical field.Nos últimos anos, a sociedade tem se deparado com uma expansão exponencial dos cursos à distância (de graduação, pós-graduação lato ou stricto sensu, ou seqüencial) em instituições de natureza jurídica variada (públicas, privadas, confessionais ou comunitárias). De fato, o Ministério da Educação, mediante a promulgação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (LDB), estimulou o desenvolvimento dessa modalidade de ensino. Entretanto, é preciso compreender que existem desafios a serem superados, em especial quando se propõe essa inovação na área cirúrgica

    Rat thyroid graft transplantation after cryopreservation with scintigraphic standardization for an experimental study

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    Purpose: Budget cuts among other factors undermine the use of state-of-the-art equipment by many research groups. This doesn't mean that their scientific data are not reliable or top-notch. Resort to adaptations is a recurrent need in their reality. The aim of this study was to assess whether scintigraphy with 99mTcO4 is effective in evaluating the functionality of thyroid grafts after cryopreservation in rats. Material and methods: 24 rats were randomly distributed into 3 groups: Control Group (CG), without surgical procedure, Hypothyroidism Group (HTG), submitted to total thyroidectomy, and Transplanted Group (TG), with total thyroidectomy and cryopreservation of the thyroid gland for 7 days followed by grafting of a thyroid lobe. A protocol using a gamma camera imaging was conducted fourteen weeks after transplantation, and the whole body 99mTc, focusing on the topic of heterotopic thyroid uptake was evaluated. Results: The images acquired had good quality with no noise and artifacts that could jeopardize its analysis. On the 14th day, HTG displayed no thyroid uptake, and the TG had a clear uptake of the thyroid graft in the topography of the biceps femoris muscle. Presented data also showed that both equipment spatial resolution and alignment (4.375 mm) did not interfere with the physiological uptake of 99mTc by the thyroid graft. Conclusion: The viability and functionality of cryopreserved thyroid autotransplantation in rats who underwent total thyroidectomy were successfully accessed by the scintigraphy protocol developed

    Dispositivo de contenção para animais de pequeno porte

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    DepositadaO presente modelo de utilidade se refere a um dispositivo de contenção para animais de pequeno porte, que é consistido de uma caixa, uma tampa estojo, um regulador de tamanho e uma trava de segurança. Este dispositivo é indicado para uso em exames de imagem, tais como ressonância magnética, tomografia e cintilografia que proporciona conforto, imobilização adequada, contenção e isolamento do animal, bem como, segurança ao profissional veterinário e pesquisador em ciências cirúrgicas, cirurgia experimental, entre outros

    Brazilian higher education and STEM fields

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    This report provides an overview of STEM (Science, Technology Engineering, Mathematics) in Brazilian higher education, with attention to issues of gender diversity. The study used administrative data and a novel STEM field classification methodology, tailored for Brazil and INEP (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anısio Teixeira) Higher Education Censuses. In the latest census results (2019), women occupied about 30% of STEM seats, while representing over 63% of enrollment outside of STEM fields. The share of women in each STEM group has remained almost constant throughout the last decade

    Women in the STEM labor market in Brazil

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    Understanding how gender is related to participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) jobs is necessary to design better policies that include the potential of women in an essential sector. This report provides an overview of the STEM Brazilian labor market with a gender perspective using RAIS, an administrative data set from the Ministry of Labor. RAIS covers formal employment in Brazil but excludes the informal sector. The paper describes in detail how the STEM market evolved over time, and presents evidence that events in the informal sector for STEM workers do not differ substantially from the formal sector

    Life-cycle wage premiums and STEM in Brazil

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    This paper estimates the life-cycle wage premiums of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) college graduates and STEM workers occupations in Brazil. Using data from the 2010 Brazilian Demographic Census, we find there is 12.2% premium associated to majoring in STEM fields. This premium is lower than the premium of traditional fields such as Medicine and Law as well as the premium associated with STEM degrees observed in developed economies such as Canada and the US. We provide evidence that this is not connected to the premium to working in STEM occupations but rather to a poor transition from college to jobs in STEM occupations. Breaking the analysis by gender, we find the premium associated to majoring in STEM fields is similar for women and men. However, women are less likely to survive in STEM throughout the life cycle