103 research outputs found

    Probing nonlinear adiabatic paths with a universal integrator

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    We apply a flexible numerical integrator to the simulation of adiabatic quantum computation with nonlinear paths. We find that a nonlinear path may significantly improve the performance of adiabatic algorithms versus the conventional straight-line interpolations. The employed integrator is suitable for solving the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation for any qubit Hamiltonian. Its flexible storage format significantly reduces cost for storage and matrix-vector multiplication in comparison to common sparse matrix schemes.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Transmission from reverse reaction coordinate mappings

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    We point out that the transport properties of non-interacting fermionic chains tunnel-coupled to two reservoirs at their ends can be mapped to those of a single quantum dot that is tunnel-coupled to two transformed reservoirs. The parameters of the chain are mapped to additional structure in the spectral densities of the transformed reservoirs. For example, this enables the calculation of the transmission of quantum dot chains by evaluating the known transmission of a single quantum dot together with structured spectral densities. We exemplify this analytically for short chains, which allows to optimize the transmission. In addition, we also demonstrate that the mapping can be performed numerically by computing the transmission of a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain.Comment: 9+5 pages, 9 figures, invited contribution to the special issue "Non-linear and Complex Dynamics in Semiconductors and Related Materials" with the motto ''Complex Systems Science meets Matter and Materials'' in EPJ

    Stochastic thermodynamics for "Maxwell demon" feedbacks

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    We propose a way to incorporate the effect of a specific class of feedback processes into stochastic thermodynamics. These "Maxwell demon" feedbacks do not affect the system energetics but only the energy barriers between the system states (in a way which depends on the system states). They are thus of a purely informational nature. We show that the resulting formalism can be applied to study the thermodynamic effect of a feedback process acting on electron transfers through a junction.Comment: 3 figures, v2:accepted in EP

    Table-top creation of entangled multi-keV photon pairs via the Unruh effect

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    Electrons moving in a strong periodic electromagnetic field (e.g., laser or undulator) may convert quantum vacuum fluctuations into pairs of entangled photons, which can be understood as a signature of the Unruh effect. Apart from verifying this striking phenomenon, the considered effect may allow the construction of a table-top source for entangled photons (``photon pair laser'') and the associated quantum-optics applications in the multi-keV regime with near-future facilities. 04.62.+v, 12.20.Fv, 41.60.-m, 42.50.Dv.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur