18 research outputs found

    Spirit Possession: Modes and Function

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    In October 2011 I started the project “Spirit Possession: Modes and Function”, a Hertha-Firnberg Grant funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (T525-G17). The project will last three years and will involve two periods of field research, each with a duration of four months

    Uma anĂĄlise multi-perspectiva de dados videogrĂĄficos sobre a performance de possessĂŁo espiritual no Vodu Dominicano

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    O artigo trata da possessĂŁo espiritual durante celebraçÔes pĂșblicas de Vodu no sudoeste da RepĂșblica Dominicana. Por meio da anĂĄlise de materiais videogrĂĄficos arquivados no Phonogrammarchiv da Academia AustrĂ­aca de CiĂȘncias, as caracterĂ­sticas do Vodu Dominicano sĂŁo descritas a partir de trĂȘs perspectivas interconectadas, com ĂȘnfase especial na representação do divino. Entre essas perspectivas estĂŁo o ponto de vista da pesquisadora, uma antropĂłloga mĂ©dica, bem como as interpretaçÔes de um especialista local na performance desse gĂȘnero e as percepçÔes e associaçÔes de um musicĂłlogo que trabalha no Phonogrammarchiv da Academia AustrĂ­aca de CiĂȘncias, preparando a coleção para depĂłsito e eventual acesso ao arquivo pelos clientes. Com base nessas mĂșltiplas perspectivas, o artigo apresenta uma descrição detalhada da possessĂŁo espiritual, incluindo uma perspectiva mais ampla que faz referĂȘncia a questĂ”es teĂłricas de diferentes ĂĄreas culturais e disciplinas de pesquisa, e finalmente explora o que constitui uma performance de possessĂŁo bem sucedida

    El caballo que se volviĂł lobo. AnĂĄlisis del fenĂłmeno de "posesiĂłn espontĂĄnea"

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    The article refers to an involuntary and distressing variety of possession in Dominican vodĂș, emically referred to as caballo lobo. From the local perspective, the amount of an individual’s spiritual power (fuerza espiritual) is essential to working with the spirits. If a person lacks power his/her “reason” (cerebro) is not ready (preparado) for being possessed which leads to unwanted and “wild” possessions where the “horse” is transformed into a caballo lobo (wolf horse). A wolf horse suffers from motor deficiencies, breaks down and tosses to and fro, loses conscience, experiences pain or shows other socially “non acceptable behavior”. In order to control such behavior an initiation is recommended to the affected person. The initiation process aims at “taming” the misterios and strengthening the spiritual power of the affected human insofar that he/she is able to deal with them. The phenomenon is analyzed from a psychodynamic and a praxeological perspective. In conclusion, caballo lobo may be either caused by spontaneous dissociation as a consequence of internal conflict (I), be ex-post “constructed” to evoke the idea of true spiritual election (II), or learned as a result from repeated interaction with the cultural environment of vodĂș (III)

    Die "Sammlung Ethnomedizin" der Abteilung fĂŒr Ethnomedizin und International Health der Medizinischen UniversitĂ€t Wien

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    Die 1999 von Armin Prinz gegrĂŒndete Sammlung der Unit Ethnomedicine und International Health befindet sich im historischen GebĂ€ude des Josephinums der Medizinischen UniversitĂ€t Wien (MedUni Wien). Sie umfasst ĂŒber 2000 GegenstĂ€nde, Malereien und Medien, die medizinische und ernĂ€hrungsanthropologische Praktiken im weiteren Sinne thematisieren, darunter aus Tieren gewonnene Medikamente, HeilkrĂ€uter und synthetisch hergestellte Arzneimittel, Objekte fĂŒr und gegen verschiedene Formen von Schadenszauber, medizinische Apparate, Aphrodisiaka, GerĂ€te zum Konsum von Genussmitteln, rituelle Instrumente sowie Statuen und Abbildungen von transzendentalen Wesen. Den Schwerpunkt der Sammlung bilden knapp 300 Acryl- und Hinterglasmalereien, die gesundheitsbezogene Situationen, Rituale und kosmologische Vorstellungen thematisieren. Auch Dias, Fotos, Filme und digitale Video-Aufnahmen zĂ€hlen zum Inventar, welches im Lauf der Jahre durch MitarbeiterInnen und Studierende zusammengetragen wurde

    The other in the self : Possession, trance, and related phenomena

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    The experience of one’s identity being substituted by that of some entity from within or without challenges basic Western premises about the self. One of them is that we have a single, discrete identity or self that cannot be replaced by external influences, spiritual or otherwise. A related premise is that our conscious self owns and controls our body and mental life. A myriad of perspectives can be brought to bear on this issue – from philosophical analyses of selfhood and identity to neurocognitive explanations of agency. Here, we limit our analysis to the domain of possession/trance phenomena (PTP) and to whether they can be characterized as dissociative. In doing so, we will describe features that distinguish pathological from non-pathological PTP and will review the various explanations for it

    Traumatic experiences and somatoform dissociation among spirit possession practitioners in the Dominican Republic

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    Recent studies in African contexts have revealed a strong association between spirit possession and severe trauma, with inclusion into a possession cult serving at times a therapeutic function. Research on spirit possession in the Dominican Republic has so far not included quantitative studies of trauma and dissociation. This study evaluated demographic variables, somatoform dissociative symptoms, and potentially traumatizing events in the Dominican Republic with a group of Vodou practitioners that either do or do not experience spirit possession. Inter-group comparisons revealed that in contrast to non-possessed participants (n = 38), those experiencing spirit possession (n = 47) reported greater somatoform dissociation, more problems with sleep, and previous exposure to mortal danger such as assaults, accidents, or diseases. The two groups did not differ significantly in other types of trauma. The best predictor variable for group classification was somatoform dissociation, although those items could also reflect the experience of followers during a possession episode. A factor analysis across variables resulted in three factors: having to take responsibility early on in life and taking on a professional spiritual role; traumatic events and pain; and distress/dissociation. In comparison with the non-possessed individuals, the possessed ones did not seem to overall have a remarkably more severe story of trauma and seemed to derive economic gains from possession practice

    Prevalence of mental health symptoms and potential risk factors among Austrian psychotherapists

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    Abstract This research focused on the intricacies of mental health within the psychotherapist community, a domain currently understudied. A recent study suggests a better overall mental health profile for Austrian psychotherapists compared to the general population. However, a substantial proportion of psychotherapists still exhibited scores beyond the cut-off for clinically significant mental disorders, potentially undermining the efficacy of patient outcomes. A cross-sectional study was conducted between April to June 2023, enrolling a cohort of 502 Austrian psychotherapists (79.7% female; mean age: 53.4 ± 9.26 years). The analysis leveraged indicators for symptoms of depression (PHQ-2), anxiety (GAD-2), insomnia (ISI-2), stress (PSS-4), and overall well-being (WHO-5). Key correlations were revealed using multivariable logistic regressions incorporating sociodemographic, work-related, and health behavior variables. Mental health symptoms in psychotherapists were associated with lower income, lesser physical activity, employment in outpatient facilities, less experience in the field, and a smaller patient load. Notably, physical activity emerged as a significant protective component, underscoring regular exercise as a vital self-care routine for psychotherapists. Adequate income also presented as a crucial contributor to mental health stability. These findings augment our understanding of the complex dynamics influencing psychotherapists' mental health, potentially enhancing their well-being and optimizing professional output

    School Students’ Concerns and Support after One Year of COVID-19 in Austria: A Qualitative Study Using Content Analysis

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    Adolescents suffer severely from the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using qualitative content analysis, this study examined open-ended responses to a survey on the mental health of school students in Austria in February 2021. A representative sample (n = 214) was drawn from a total survey sample of 3052 adolescents aged 14–20. The analysis revealed several areas of concern, including school-related concerns, concerns about restrictions, self-related concerns, and interpersonal problems. School-related concerns associated with distance learning were mentioned most frequently. Compared with research conducted at the beginning of the pandemic, it appeared that concerns about educational and professional futures increased. The analysis also indicated young people’s most important sources of support, such as social contacts, recreational activities, attitudes and abilities, distraction, and escape. Of concern is the proportion of young people citing maladaptive coping strategies and the reluctance to seek professional support. Ideas for practice-oriented measures were developed from the study results, such as embedding youth-led peer interventions in traditional mental health services