304 research outputs found

    Theory of Auger decay by laser-dressed atoms

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    We devise an ab initio formalism for the quantum dynamics of Auger decay by laser-dressed atoms which are inner-shell ionized by extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light. The optical dressing laser is assumed to be sufficiently weak such that ground-state electrons are neither excited nor ionized by it. However, the laser has a strong effect on continuum electrons which we describe in strong-field approximation with Volkov waves. The XUV light pulse has a low peak intensity and its interaction is treated as a one-photon process. The quantum dynamics of the inner-shell hole creation with subsequent Auger decay is given by equations of motion (EOMs). For this paper, the EOMs are simplified in terms of an essential-states model which is solved analytically and averaged over magnetic subshells. We apply our theory to the M_4,5 N_1 N_2,3 Auger decay of a 3d hole in a krypton atom. The orbitals are approximated by scaled hydrogenic wave functions. A single attosecond pulse produces 3d vacancies which Auger decay in the presence of an 800nm laser with an intensity of 10^13 W / cm^2. We compute the Auger electron spectrum and assess the convergence of the various quantities involved.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, RevTeX

    Ramsey method for Auger-electron interference induced by an attosecond twin pulse

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    We examine the archetype of an interference experiment for Auger electrons: two electron wave packets are launched by inner-shell ionizing a krypton atom using two attosecond light pulses with a variable time delay. This setting is an attosecond realization of the Ramsey method of separated oscillatory fields. Interference of the two ejected Auger-electron wave packets is predicted, indicating that the coherence between the two pulses is passed to the Auger electrons. For the detection of the interference pattern an accurate coincidence measurement of photo- and Auger electrons is necessary. The method allows one to control inner-shell electron dynamics on an attosecond timescale and represents a sensitive indicator for decoherence.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX4.1, revise

    Semi-Classical Wavefunction Perspective to High-Harmonic Generation

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    We introduce a semi-classical wavefunction (SCWF) model for strong-field physics and attosecond science. When applied to high harmonic generation (HHG), this formalism allows one to show that the natural time-domain separation of the contribution of ionization, propagation and recollisions to the HHG process leads to a frequency-domain factorization of the harmonic yield into these same contributions, for any choice of atomic or molecular potential. We first derive the factorization from the natural expression of the dipole signal in the temporal domain by using a reference system, as in the quantitative rescattering (QRS) formalism [J. Phys. B. 43, 122001 (2010)]. Alternatively, we show how the trajectory component of the SCWF can be used to express the factorization, which also allows one to attribute individual contributions to the spectrum to the underlying trajectories

    High harmonic generation from ultrafast pump lasers

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    Using an ultrafast pump pulse affects the spectral and temporal characteristics of high order harmonics in an unexpected and fortuitous way. Calculations of spectra for rare gases using 10-100 fs, 800 nm pulses show that as the pump pulse length decreases the highest harmonics become correspondingly shorter while their conversion efficiencies increase dramatically. Especially significant is that we find these highest harmonics have phase characteristics that allow for the possibility of compression to subfemtosecond time scales. © 1997 American Physical Society

    Quantum interference in attosecond transient absorption of laser-dressed helium atoms

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    We calculate the transient absorption of an isolated attosecond pulse by helium atoms subject to a delayed infrared (\ir) laser pulse. With the central frequency of the broad attosecond spectrum near the ionization threshold, the absorption spectrum is strongly modulated at the sub-\ir-cycle level. Given that the absorption spectrum results from a time-integrated measurement, we investigate the extent to which the delay-dependence of the absorption yields information about the attosecond dynamics of the atom-field energy exchange. We find two configurations in which this is possible. The first involves multi photon transitions between bound states that result in interference between different excitation pathways. The other involves the modification of the bound state absorption lines by the IR field, which we find can result in a sub-cycle time dependence only when ionization limits the duration of the strong field interaction

    Auger decay in krypton induced by attosecond pulse trains and twin pulses

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    Using attoscience, we study the electron correlations responsible for Auger decay in krypton atoms. The Auger decay is induced by a pulse train or a twin pulse composed of subpulses of attosecond duration. During the Auger decay an optical dressing laser may be present. Interference effects between the ejected Auger electron wave packets are predicted

    Phase metrology with multi-cycle two-colour pulses

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    Strong-field phenomena driven by an intense infrared (IR) laser depend on during what part of the field cycle they are initiated. By changing the sub-cycle character of the laser electric field it is possible to control such phenomena. For long pulses, sub-cycle shaping of the field can be done by adding a relatively weak, second harmonic of the driving field to the pulse. Through constructive and destructive interference, the combination of strong and weak fields can be used to change the probability of a strong-field process being initiated at any given part of the cycle. In order to control sub-cycle phenomena with optimal accuracy, it is necessary to know the phase difference of the strong and the weak fields precisely. If the weaker field is an even harmonic of the driving field, electrons ionized by the field will be asymmetrically distributed between the positive and negative directions of the combined fields. Information about the asymmetry can yield information about the phase difference. A technique to measure asymmetry for few-cycle pulses, called Stereo-ATI (Above Threshold Ionization), has been developed by [Paulus G G, et al 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91]. This paper outlines an extension of this method to measure the phase difference between a strong IR and its second harmonic

    Theoretical aspects of intense field harmonic generation

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    We present theoretical studies of high-order harmonic generation in a rare-gas medium. The experimental results obtained at Saclay with a 1064 nm Nd-YAG laser in the 1013 W cm-2 intensity range are summarized. The harmonic emission strengths first decrease rather steeply for the first orders, then form a long plateau up to the 21st harmonic in xenon, or up to the 33rd harmonic in argon, before decreasing again rather abruptly. The theoretical description of these experiments consists first in the calculation of the photoemission spectra emitted by a single atom. The spectra are obtained by numerically integrating a time-dependent Schrôdinger equation for the laser-excited rare-gas atom. Second, one must account for collective effects in the medium, described by Maxwell’s equations. A theoretical framework for describing the generation and propagation of harmonics in strong laser fields is developed. A numerical solution of the propagation equations for the harmonic fields in xenon at 1064 nm provides results which agree well with experimental data. We discuss the role of phase matching in the high-order harmonic generation experiments. The main conclusion is that phase matching is determined not only by the variation of the phases of the interfering fields in the non-linear medium, but also by the variation of the amplitudes throughout the medium. We find orders of magnitude improvement in phase matching in a strong-field regime compared with the perturbative limit. © 1991 IOP Publishing Ltd
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