1,130 research outputs found

    Confidence limits of evolutionary synthesis models III. On time-integrated quantities

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    Evolutionary synthesis models are a fundamental tool to interpret the properties of observed stellar systems. In order to achieve a meaningful comparison between models and real data, it is necessary to calibrate the models themselves, i.e. to evaluate the dispersion due to the discreteness of star formation as well as the possible model errors. In this paper we show that linear interpolations in the log M - log t_k plane, that are customary in the evaluation of isochrones in evolutionary synthesis codes, produce unphysical results. We also show that some of the methods used in the calculation of time-integrated quantities (kinetic energy, and total ejected masses of different elements) may produce unrealistic results. We propose alternative solutions to solve both problems. Moreover, we have quantified the expected dispersion of these quantities due to stochastic effects in stellar populations. As a particular result, we show that the dispersion in the 14N/12C ratio increases with time.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A&

    Using Lyman-alpha to detect galaxies that leak Lyman continuum

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    We propose to infer ionising continuum leaking properties of galaxies by looking at their Lyman-alpha line profiles. We carry out Lyman-alpha radiation transfer calculations in two models of HII regions which are porous to ionising continuum escape: 1) the so-called "density bounded" media, in which massive stars produce enough ionising photons to keep the surrounding interstellar medium transparent to the ionising continuum, i.e almost totally ionised, and 2) "riddled ionisation-bounded" media, surrounded by neutral interstellar medium, but with holes, i.e. with a covering factor lower than unity. The Lyman-alpha spectra emergent from these configurations have distinctive features: 1) a "classical" asymmetric redshifted profile in the first case, but with a small shift of the maximum of the profile compare to the systemic redshift (Vpeak < 150 km/s); 2) a main peak at the systemic redshift in the second case (Vpeak = 0 km/s), with, as a consequence, a non-zero Lyman-alpha flux bluewards the systemic redshift. Assuming that in a galaxy leaking ionising photons, the Lyman-alpha component emerging from the leaking star cluster(s) dominates the total Lyman-alpha spectrum, the Lyman-alpha shape may be used as a pre-selection tool to detect Lyman continuum (LyC) leaking galaxies, in objects with well determined systemic redshift, and high spectral resolution Lyman-alpha spectra (R >= 4000). The examination of a sample of 10 local starbursts with high resolution HST-COS Lyman-alpha spectra and known in the literature as LyC leakers or leaking candidates, corroborates our predictions. Observations of Lyman-alpha profiles at high resolution should show definite signatures revealing the escape of Lyman continuum photons from star-forming galaxies.Comment: A&A in pres

    On emission-line spectra obtained from evolutionary synthesis models I. Dispersion in the ionising flux and Lowest Luminosity Limits

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    (abriged) Stellar clusters with the same general physical properties (e.g., total mass, age, and star-formation mode) may have very different stellar mass spectra due to the incomplete sampling of the underlying mass function; such differences are especially relevant in the high-mass tail due to the smaller absolute number of massive stars. The dispersion in the number of massive stars also produces a dispersion in the properties of the corresponding ionising spectra. In this paper, we lay the bases for the future analysis of this effect by evaluating the dispersion in the ionising fluxes of synthetic spectra. As an important consequence, we found that the intensities of synthetic fluxes at different ionisation edges are strongly correlated, a fact suggesting that no additional dispersion will result from the inclusion of sampling effects in the analysis of diagnostic diagrams; this is true for HII regions on all scales. Additionally, we find convincing suggestions that the He II lines are strongly affected by sampling, and so cannot be used to constrain the evolutionary status of stellar clusters. We also establish the range of applicability of synthesis models set by the Lowest Luminosity Limit for the ionising flux, that is the lowest limit in cluster mass for which synthesis models can be applied to predict ionising spectra. This limit marks the boundary between the situations in which the ionising flux is better modeled with a single star as opposed to a star cluster; this boundary depends on the metallicity and age, ranging from 10^3 to more than 10^6 Mo. As a consequence, synthesis models should not be used to try to account for the properties of clusters with smaller masses.Comment: Replaced with accepted versio

    Insights on star formation histories and physical properties of 1.2z41.2 \leq z \lesssim 4 Herschel-detected galaxies

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    We test the impact of using variable star forming histories (SFHs) and the use of the IR luminosity (LIR) as a constrain on the physical parameters of high redshift dusty star-forming galaxies. We explore in particular the stellar properties of galaxies in relation with their location on the SFR-M* diagram. We perform SED fitting of the UV-NIR and FIR emissions of a large sample of GOODS-Herschel galaxies, for which rich multi-wavelength observations are available. We test different SFHs and imposing energy conservation in the SED fitting process, to face issues like the age-extinction degeneracy and produce SEDs consistent with observations. Our models work well for the majority of the sample, with the notable exception of the high LIR end, for which we have indications that our simple energy conservation approach cannot hold true. We find trends in the SFHs fitting our sources depending on stellar mass M* and z. Trends also emerge in the characteristic timescales of the SED models depending on the location on the SFR-M* diagram. We show that whilst using the same available observational data, we can produce galaxies less star-forming than usually inferred, if we allow declining SFHs, while properly reproducing their observables. These sources can be post-starbursts undergoing quenching, and their SFRs are potentially overestimated if inferred from their LIR. Fitting without the IR constrain leads to a strong preference for declining SFHs, while its inclusion increases the preference of rising SFHs, more so at high z, in tentative agreement with the cosmic star formation history. Keeping in mind that the sample is biased towards high LIR, the evolution shaped by our model appears as both bursty (initially) and steady-lasting (later on). The global SFH of the sample follows the cosmic SFH with a small scatter, and is compatible with the "downsizing" scenario of galaxy evolution.Comment: 28 pages, 26 figures, one appendix, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    New constraints on dust emission and UV attenuation of z=6.5-7.5 galaxies from millimeter observations

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    We have targeted two recently discovered Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) to search for dust continuum and [CII] 158 micron line emission. The strongly lensed z~6.8 LBG A1703-zD1 behind the galaxy cluster Abell 1703, and the spectroscopically confirmed z=7.508 LBG z8-GND-5296 in the GOODS-N field have been observed with the Plateau de Bure interferometer (PdBI) at 1.2mm. These observations have been combined with those of three z>6.5 Lya emitters (named HCM6A, Himiko, and IOK-1), for which deep measurements were recently obtained with the PdBI and ALMA. [CII] is undetected in both galaxies, providing a deep upper limit for Abell1703-zD1, comparable to recent ALMA non-detections. Dust continuum emission from Abell1703-zD1 and z8-GND-5296 is not detected with an rms of 0.12 and 0.16 mJy/beam. From these non-detections we derive upper limits on their IR luminosity and star formation rate, dust mass, and UV attenuation. Thanks to strong gravitational lensing the limit for Abell1703-zD1 is probing the sub-LIRG regime (LIR<8.1×1010L_{IR} <8.1 \times 10^{10} Lsun) and very low dust masses (Md<1.6×107M_d<1.6 \times 10^7 Msun). We find that all five galaxies are compatible with the Calzetti IRX-β\beta relation, their UV attenuation is compatible with several indirect estimates from other methods (the UV slope, extrapolation of the attenuation measured from the IR/UV ratio at lower redshift, and SED fits), and the dust-to-stellar mass ratio is not incompatible with that of galaxies from z=0 to 3. For their stellar mass the high-z galaxies studied here have an attenuation below the one expected from the mean relation of low redshift (z<1.5) galaxies. More and deeper (sub)-mm data are clearly needed to directly determine the UV attenuation and dust content of the dominant population of high-z star-forming galaxies and to establish more firmly their dependence on stellar mass, redshift, and other properties.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Minor revisions. Accepted for publication in A&

    The Massive Stellar Content in the Starburst NGC3049: A Test for Hot-Star Mode

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    We have obtained high-spatial resolution ultraviolet and optical STIS spectroscopy and imaging of the metal-rich nuclear starburst in NGC3049. The stellar continuum and the absorption line spectrum in the ultraviolet are used to constrain the massive stellar population. The strong, blueshifted stellar lines of CIV and SiIV detected in the UV spectra indicate a metal-rich, compact, massive (1E6 Msol) cluster of age 3--4 Myr emitting the UV-optical continuum. We find strong evidence against a depletion of massive stars in this metal-rich cluster. The derived age and the upper mass-limit cut-off of the initial mass function are also consistent with the detection of Wolf-Rayet (WR) features at optical wavelengths. As a second independentconstraint on the massive stellar content, the nebular emission-line spectrum is modeled with photoionization codes using stellar spectra from evolutionary synthesis models. However, the nebular lines are badly reproduced by 3--4 Myr instantaneous bursts, as required by the UV line spectrum, when unblanketed WR and/or Kurucz stellar atmospheres are used. The corresponding number of photons above 24 and 54 eV in the synthetic models is too high in comparison with values suggested by the observed line ratios. Since the ionizing spectrum in this regime is dominated by emission from WR stars, this discrepancy between observations and models is most likely the result of incorrect assumptions about the WR stars. Thus we conclude that the nebular spectrum of high-metallicity starbursts is poorly reproduced by models for WR dominated populations. However, the new model set of Smith et al. (2002) with blanketed WR and O atmospheres and adjusted WR temperatures predicts a softer far-UV radiation field, providing a better match to the data.Comment: To be published in ApJ, Dec. issue 17 figures, 3 in gif forma

    Emission-line Helium Abundances in Highly Obscured Nebulae

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    This paper outlines a way to determine the ICF using only infrared data. We identify four line pairs, [NeIII] 36\micron/[NeII] 12.8\micron, [NeIII]~15.6\micron /[NeII] 12.8\micron, [ArIII] 9\micron/[ArII] 6.9\micron, and [ArIII] 21\micron/[ArII] 6.9\micron, that are sensitive to the He ICF. This happens because the ions cover a wide range of ionization, the line pairs are not sensitive to electron temperature, they have similar critical densities, and are formed within the He+^+/H+^+ region of the nebula. We compute a very wide range of photoionization models appropriate for galactic HII regions. The models cover a wide range of densities, ionization parameters, stellar temperatures, and use continua from four very different stellar atmospheres. The results show that each line pair has a critical intensity ratio above which the He ICF is always small. Below these values the ICF depends very strongly on details of the models for three of the ratios, and so other information would be needed to determine the helium abundance. The [Ar III] 9\micron/[ArII] 6.9\micron ratio can indicate the ICF directly due to the near exact match in the critical densities of the two lines. Finally, continua predicted by the latest generation of stellar atmospheres are sufficiently hard that they routinely produce significantly negative ICFs.Comment: Accepted by PASP. Scheduled for the October 1999 issue. 11 pages, 5 figure